Articles (78)

School of Nursing Drug Screen Procedure

In accordance with the School of Nursing (SON) Policy on Faculty Compliance, some clinical agencies require faculty to pass a drug screen prior to working at the agency’s facilities. This procedure insures confidentiality and efficiency by outlining the steps and responsibilities of each SON employee in the drug screening process.

School of Nursing: Appointment, Promotion and Tenure (APT) Policies And Procedures

This document provides a summary and clarification of the policies and procedures that operationalize the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-Chapel Hill) School of Nursing (SON) Faculty Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure (APT) Guidelines. The APT committee reviews all applications for appointment, promotion, and tenure for tenure-track faculty, making recommendations to the Dean on these matters.

School of Nursing: Appointment, Promotion, and Reappointment Committee (APR) Policies and Procedures

These policies and procedures for the Appointment, Promotion, and Reappointment Committee (APR) state the functions of the committee. The APR Committee recommends fixed term faculty to the Dean for appointments, promotions, and reappointments.

School of Nursing: Carrington Grants/Leave Supported by Carrington Funds

School of Nursing faculty may apply for a grant supported by Carrington Funds. The overall objective of the Carrington Fund is "to help maintain a superior School of Nursing at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill" (will of Dr. George L. Carrington who died Jan. 24, 1972). Faculty established guidelines for implementation of the Carrington Grant Fund. Grants are given for both scholarly work* and enrichment**.

School of Nursing: Contract Process For Fixed-Term Faculty

Faculty who are hired onto the Fixed-Term Track are a valuable part of the School of Nursing and make numerous, important contributions to the School of Nursing. The offer of a contract and the length of that contract is an administrative function. Below are the principles that guide School of Nursing Fixed-Term Faculty Contracts.

School of Nursing: Facilities Use Standards

Carrington Hall is generally open to the public from 7:00am to 6:00pm Monday through Friday. When the building is open for extended hours, only the doors on the ground floor will be unlocked unless it is specifically requested that other doors be unlocked. Students and visitors should be directed via signs to the unlocked doors. Requests for extended hours should be made to the Facilities Manager via email at least two weeks prior to the date needed.

School of Nursing: Faculty Health and Safety Compliance and Occupational Health Requirements

Employment at the University is contingent upon faculty meeting and maintaining essential compliance requirements. In addition, the many clinical agencies with whom School of Nursing (SON) faculty engage as part of their teaching, research, or service mission(s) have policies that must be adhered to as per contractual agreement. These clinical site requirements are in addition to University employment-related policies.

School of Nursing: HIPAA Standard

The UNC Health Care System (HCS) requires that all members of the workforce be trained on policies and procedures related to protecting the privacy and security of PHI. Because many of our faculty supervise students, practice, or conduct clinical research at UNC HCS or at other health care facilities that have similar training requirements, all SON faculty and students are required to complete HIPAA Online Training annually.

School of Nursing: Policies On Academic Performance And Progression

The academic performance and progression of each student enrolled in the School of Nursing is regularly monitored to assure timely progression to degree. The purpose of this review is to make certain each student is making satisfactory progress in her/his program of study based upon stated criteria established by the School of Nursing and the University. This review also provides an opportunity for students who are having difficulties to obtain the help and support they need.

School of Nursing: Policy And Procedure For Accessing School Of Nursing Students For Participation In Research Projects

The School of Nursing is committed to the conduct of research as a core component of its mission. As part of this commitment, the School will facilitate, within identified parameters, the potential participation of School of Nursing students as subjects in research projects of faculty and students in academic units at UNC-CH as well as entities beyond this campus. Participation by students as subjects in a research project is always voluntary.

School of Nursing: Policy and Process for Adjunct Appointments (APR)

Adjunct faculty are valued collaborators who enrich the educational experiences of students and add value to the work of the SON. Adjunct status is conferred in recognition of voluntary and sustained professional contributions to the mission of the School. Adjunct status is appropriate for individuals who are furthering the work of the School through engagement in teaching, research, service, supervising clinical activities, or other scholarly endeavors.

School of Nursing: Policy on Administrative Reviews

Administrators play an important role in facilitating the work of others and their capacity to contribute to the School’s missions. They are expected to serve as leaders who bare accountability for achieving the role expectations associated with their job descriptions. It is essential that their effectiveness in carrying out the expectations of their role and achieving positive outcomes as associated with their role performance be evaluated.

School of Nursing: Policy on Admissions

The School of Nursing at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is committed to equality of educational opportunity and does not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, national origin, age, religion, creed, disability, veteran status, citizenship status, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. The School welcomes individuals from diverse cultural, economic, geographic, and academic backgrounds to apply to our undergraduate and graduate programs of study.

School of Nursing: Policy On Assistive Devices For Examinations

Assistive devices, such as PDAs, camera phones, calculators, translators, or other electronic devices, are not allowed into an examination session for use by students unless faculty have approved use of these devices for all students prior to the examination. One exception to this is the use of assistive devices that have been approved by Disability Services.

School of Nursing: Policy On Closing Enrollments

The decision to close a course to enrollment is dependent on balancing many factors including faculty workloads, budgetary considerations, required course as opposed to elective courses, frequency of course offerings as reflected in the approved course map, and efficient student progression, among other factors.

School of Nursing: Policy On Elective Course Offerings

Elective courses enhance the curricular offerings and enrich the educational experience of all students. They also provide faculty with an opportunity to teach about or expand on important content that is not routinely addressed in required coursework or programs. The School of Nursing is committed to offering elective courses in all programs in an efficient, cost-effective manner.

School of Nursing: Policy on Faculty Compliance

Employment at the University is contingent upon faculty meeting and maintaining essential compliance requirements. In addition, the many clinical agencies with whom UNC School of Nursing (SON) faculty engage as part of their teaching, research, or service mission(s) have policies that must be adhered to as per contractual agreement. These clinical site requirements are in addition to University employment-related policies.

School of Nursing: Policy on Faculty Office Assignments

The School of Nursing is committed to fair and equitable allocation of faculty office space and furnishings. This policy outlines what faculty are entitled to in the assignment and/or selection of office space.

School of Nursing: Policy On Faculty Reimbursement (Summer Pay)

Faculty members at UNC Chapel Hill School of Nursing hold either nine-month or twelve-month appointments. Both groups receive paid time off on state-approved holidays. Otherwise, salaries for both groups are based on worked time and distributed across 12 monthly paychecks.

School of Nursing: Policy On Faculty Salary

School of Nursing salary goals are derived from benchmarks with peer schools of nursing. The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) publishes an annual report on faculty salaries based on a yearly survey of all schools of nursing with baccalaureate and higher degree programs. Faculty salary data are reported for regions of the country and types of institution, and by faculty rank, credentials, and tenure vs. fixed term track status.

School of Nursing: Policy on Faculty Workload

This policy provides a foundation for a system that equitably assigns workload for the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (“University”), School of Nursing (“SON” or “School”) faculty. An effective workload management process requires careful consideration of various factors, including faculty expertise, institutional resources, and accreditation standards.

School of Nursing: Policy On Intellectual Property

Concern over "who owns what" has promoted the faculty to consider the copyright and transmission of intellectual property in the School of Nursing. Using the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's Copyright Policy the Faculty Executive Committee has developed a policy for the sharing of intellectual property in the School of Nursing.

School of Nursing: Policy On NRSA Proposals

To describe support for writing and management of National Research Service Awards (NRSAs). To clarify distribution of the institutional allowance allocation on NRSA (F31) awards. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) intends that the "allowance defray expenses for the individual fellow such as research supplies, equipment, travel to scientific meetings, and health insurance and to otherwise offset, insofar as possible, appropriate administrative costs of training.

School of Nursing: Policy on Parking

The purpose of this policy is to provide a fair and equitable allocation of parking permits for School of Nursing (SON) permanent employees. An equitable parking policy should be one that reflects some consensus of the views held by those affected by the policy. There is no parking policy that will be satisfactory to everyone because there is neither a sufficient number of permits allocated for prime lots nor a sufficient number of permits for all faculty and staff desiring parking.

School of Nursing: Policy On Post-Tenure Review

This provides guidance on post-tenure review for School of Nursing associate professors, including those seeking promotion, professors, and division heads.

School of Nursing: Policy On Services Offered To Retired Faculty Members

The purpose of this policy is to outline the services and privileges offered to retired School of Nursing (SON) faculty members. It is set forth with the intention of fostering continued communication and engagement, to assist with the faculty member's transition to retirement and in appreciation of a retired faculty member's years of service and value to our school.

School of Nursing: Policy On Sharing Facilities And Administrative Cost Reimbursement

This guideline provides a standard formula for distributing F&A when collaborations involve more than one department, school, center or institute, Dr. Waldrop has indicated (via the memo and in person) that units may establish their own agreements for sharing of F&A and that these may take precedence over the standard formula.

School of Nursing: Policy on SHRA Leave and Attendance

The School of Nursing SHRA Leave and Attendance policy outlines the provisions in which SHRA permanent employees may take time off from work. It is intended to insure equity across School of Nursing units and minimize risk of financial loss to the School.

School of Nursing: Policy On Staff Development

The purpose of this policy is to state the School of Nursing's commitment to staff professional development and to outline how staff professional development funds are awarded.

School of Nursing: Policy On Staff Infectious & Communicable Disease

The purpose of this policy is to outline the requirements for employees working in clinical environments who have professional contact/interaction with patients, clients, families and/or human subjects.

School of Nursing: Policy On Student Criminal History Check

The School of Nursing requires all affiliated students* to undergo a Criminal History Check. The Criminal History Check (CHC) shall be performed: 1) at the initiation of this policy, 2) following admission acceptance but prior to program matriculation, and 3) upon program re-entry subsequent to a leave of absence, program withdrawal or program separation greater than thirty consecutive days.

School of Nursing: Policy on Student Employment

Many students who are enrolled in the School of Nursing, at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, find that they need to work; however, it is often difficult to accommodate the demands of academic and work schedules concurrently. It also is acknowledged that work in a clinical or educational setting may enhance the student's academic and professional development.

School of Nursing: Policy On Student Research Data Storage

The University of North Carolina is the legal owner of all student and post-doctoral fellow research data obtained to meet degree requirements or as part of a grant to the University. University Policy requires that faculty maintain custodianship of student research data and that students be able to have copies of their data.

School of Nursing: Procedure for Academic Planning And Implementation

The OAA Workflow document identifies the steps in the School of Nursing program planning and implementation process. The Course Map is a long-term plan document that identifies proposed course offerings by program and semester and serves as a guide for the development of the Course Schedule. The courses offered each semester are found in the Teaching and Assignment Management System (TAMS) with faculty assignments also documented in TAMS.

School of Nursing: Procedure For Academic Planning And Implementation

Procedures for Academic Program Planning & Implementation identifies the steps in the School of Nursing program planning and implementation process. The Course Map is a long term plan identifying proposed course offerings by program and semester and serves as a guide for the development of more detailed documents: the Course Schedule, the Course and Clinical Rotation Schedule (CCRS) and the Faculty Responsibility Sheet (FRS).

School of Nursing: Procedure for Emeritus Retirement

The purpose of this document is to outline the process of granting emeritus status to a retiring faculty member.

School of Nursing: Procedure for Faculty and EHRA-Non Faculty Search Committees

This article provides guidance on how to School of Nursing Faculty Search Committees conduct faculty searches and interviews.

School of Nursing: Procedure For Managing Student Teaching Requests from External Students

The School of Nursing at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNCSON) supports the requests of graduate students from other institutions to practice teach in the undergraduate or graduate programs whenever possible. Priority for placement is given to students enrolled in the UNCSON.

School of Nursing: Procedure for NC BON Requirements for New-Continuing Faculty Teaching in Pre-Licensure Program Options

Nursing Faculty who teach in the undergraduate pre-licensure options are required to meet North Carolina Board of Nursing (NCBON) standards. It is the responsibility of faculty to meet these requirements and to maintain appropriate documentation verifying their satisfaction of these rules. These standards can be reviewed at the NCBON website here. At this site, click on 21 NCAC 36.0318 Faculty. The standards are also attached to this document.

School of Nursing: Professional Attire Policy

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Nursing believes that professionalism begins with appearance and attire. The SON Uniform Policy is formulated to ensure high standards of dress and appearance that represent our university to area hospitals and community settings. The values of asepsis, client safety, and client sensitivity are also incorporated into the policy.

School of Nursing: Social Media Policy

The general use of social media by SON faculty, staff and students is not affected by the following policy, rather its use related to confidential information about the School (including the faculty, staff and students), patients or SON-clinical affiliates (agencies with which the SON has entered a contractual relationship to provide clinical experience opportunities for students) is notably restricted.

School of Nursing: Staff Bylaws

The purpose of this policy is to set forth the mission, membership, and governance of the School of Nursing (SON) staff organization.

School of Nursing: Standard for Preparing a Promotion Portfolio for Review by Appointment, Promotion, and Reappointment (APR) Committee

This document provides instructions for the preparation of a promotion portfolio for fixed-term faculty.

School of Nursing: Standard On Academic Advising

The Academic Affairs Policy Council has developed a set of guiding principles for faculty roles and responsibilities as academic advisors. Academic advising is viewed as an inherent part of the faculty role and all faculty have a responsibility to serve as academic advisors based on the balance of their academic assignments.

School of Nursing: Standard On Acronyms

The purpose of this standard is to establish a list of acronyms and terms used within the School of Nursing. While acronyms are a useful way to communicate essential information quickly, their usage may impede communications for many who are unfamiliar with the terms they represent. This document is meant to assist with communications and provide standardization for School of Nursing users.

School of Nursing: Standard on AHEC Travel for Faculty

This Standard is intended to assist all UNC School of Nursing faculty and staff who travel to meet the mission of North Carolina Area Health Education Centers (NC AHEC). The policy provides general guidelines on appropriate travel and other services needed when traveling to meet the shared mission of the School of Nursing and NC AHEC.

School of Nursing: Standard On Appointment And Promotion (APR) For Fixed-Term Faculty

The purpose of promotion is to acknowledge, reward, and communicate the scope of influence, and the depth and breadth of an individual faculty member's contributions. Those contributions encompass efforts directed to the School of Nursing (SON), the University, the profession, the public, and to quality health care.

School of Nursing: Standard on Authorship of Publications from Student Research or Other Scholarly Work

Student research, while conducted under the guidance of one or more faculty members, generally belongs to the student, which includes publication rights. Exceptions to this ownership include the student's research being based on data: (1) provided by one or more faculty (or non-faculty data providers), or (2) collected while working on a faculty member's research project.

School of Nursing: Standard On Clinical Teaching And Supervision

The purpose of this document is to provide guidance to faculty regarding expectation for clinical teaching and supervision.

School of Nursing: Standard On CPR Requirement

Faculty/staff who are licensed nurses and whose employment involves professional contact with patients, clients, families and/or human subjects are required by the School of Nursing (SON) to present pre-employment and bi-annual documentation of completion of an approved Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Certification.

School of Nursing: Standard On Faculty And Staff Farewell Events

We believe faculty and staff departures should be appropriately acknowledged and treated equitably in the School of Nursing in terms of expenditures of School funds. This standard is intended to provide guidelines to help us achieve such equity. Please note references made to full-time-equivalent (FTE) service, refer solely to service within the School of Nursing and is inclusive of either 9 or 12-month appointments.

School of Nursing: Standard On Faculty Appointment, Promotion, And Tenure

This document provides guidelines and serves to clarify the requirements for tenure-track faculty appointments, reappointments, promotions, and tenure at the UNC-CH SON. Faculty appointments, reappointments, and promotions at the SON are carried out in accordance with UNC-CH policies and regulations.

School of Nursing: Standard On Faculty Enrolled As Students

The following Guidelines apply to UNC-Chapel Hill School of Nursing (SON) faculty members who wish to enroll or are enrolled in a degree or certificate program, either at UNC-Chapel Hill or at another institution. Faculty members are required to consult with their division head before enrolling in a degree or certificate program.

School of Nursing: Standard on Faculty Recruitment

The purpose of this document is to clarify the principles and guidelines that inform priorities for hiring of all faculty in the School of Nursing. Actual procedures are driven by current HR and EEO requirements and are not covered in this document.

School of Nursing: Standard On Faculty Transitions Between Fixed Term Clinical Tracks And Tenure-Track Appointments

The School of Nursing seeks to maintain and, when possible, increase the number of tenured and tenure-track faculty members. The School also seeks to maintain and, when possible, increase the percentage of fixed-term clinical track faculty who are excellent teachers and possess a relevant doctoral degree. In advancing both goals, the SON supports a practice that allows faculty members to transfer once in either direction between appointments on fixed-term clinical and tenure tracks.

School of Nursing: Standard On Funds For Professional Development Activities

The Carrington Travel and Leave Committee awards funds to UNC School of Nursing faculty members to support professional development activities and associated travel. Everyone with a fixed term or tenure track appointment to the UNCSON faculty is eligible to receive awards for activities related to their professional development.

School of Nursing: Standard On Inclement Weather For Students

In the event of adverse weather conditions, the policies and procedures of the University are the main guide for the School of Nursing. Unless closed by the Chancellor or his designee, the University is always open.

School of Nursing: Standard On Joint Primary & Secondary Departmental Appointments

Divisions in the School of Nursing represent substantive areas of study in nursing. One goal of divisions is to have the appropriate compliment of faculty to meet teaching and research missions and responsibilities. This standard is intended to clarify when joint appointments may be appropriate and initiated.

School of Nursing: Standard On Master Keys

The purpose of this standard is to outline the positions which are assigned master keys, the process by which others can request master keys, and the appropriate use of master keys.

School of Nursing: Standard on Named and Endowed Chairs and Professorships

This standard outlines a uniform method for named and endowed chairs and professorships within the School of Nursing.

School of Nursing: Standard On North Carolina RN Licensure Requirements

The purpose of this standard is to outline the expectation for each School of Nursing faculty member who is a registered nurse to hold a current unencumbered North Carolina RN License and to detail the process.

School of Nursing: Standard on Processing Executive Committee Decisions

The executive committee's work focuses on curriculum and policies related to admissions and student progression. The work of the committee is directed by the elected chair and is done collaboratively with the program director. Decisions made by the committee are recorded in the minutes and, as such, provide direction to the executive committee chair and program director for their implementation.

School of Nursing: Standard On Professional Malpractice Coverage

These guidelines are intended to help clarify malpractice insurance provided by the University to faculty members and help faculty make informed decisions about the purchase of additional malpractice coverage.

School of Nursing: Standard On Review Of Student Course And Teaching Evaluations

It is School of Nursing policy that students have an opportunity to evaluate all courses and learning opportunities. Student course evaluations provide essential information on the quality of instructional and curricular offerings to faculty, course coordinators, program executive committees, program directors and School of Nursing administrators.

School of Nursing: Standard On Small Grant Opportunities

These small grants are provided to faculty conducting early stages of research or research in a transitional phase to accrued data necessary to support applications for external funding.

School of Nursing: Standard On Staff Awards

The overall purpose of the Staff of the Year (SOY) Award Program is to encourage a high level of job performance and to publicly recognize employees who perform at a high level. Specifically, the criteria for the award will be based on performance others consider exemplary, and for being a team player who contributes to the general success of the School of Nursing (SON).

School of Nursing: Standard on Student Participation In Commencement Ceremonies

The SON holds Commencement ceremonies annually in May. The following conditions are required for student participation in the May commencement are outlined in this policy.

School of Nursing: Standard On Teaching Assistants

Teaching Assistants, Teaching Associates, and Teaching Fellows are graduate students who perform a variety of roles related to teaching in classroom or clinical laboratory settings. With accompanying training, these roles constitute an apprenticeship in teaching.

School of Nursing: Standard on the Dean's Student Advisory Council

The Dean's Student Advisory Council serves a communication link among students at all levels and the Administration of the School of Nursing through an active exchange of ideas and information. Each meeting will address specific agenda items developed by students and administrators relevant to any aspect of student life and learning at the University. The goal is to promote continual improvement in academic programs and the learning environment in the School of Nursing.

School of Nursing: Standard on the Evaluation of Teaching

Evaluation of teaching including peer observation occurs at critical points in the faculty member's career. Peer observation must occur at times of review for promotion and multi-year reappointment. These peer observations are required by the University and are summative in nature.

School of Nursing: Standard on the Faculty Recognition Award

The Faculty Recognition Award, given in even numbered years, recognizes a faculty member who goes "above and beyond" the call of duty and who shows extraordinary and consistent dedication to the School. This award acknowledges a faculty member who makes a unique contribution to the School of Nursing in one or more of the following ways...

School of Nursing: Standard on the Laurel Copp Literary Award

Laurel Archer Copp, former Dean of the UNC-Chapel Hill School of Nursing, has endowed a fund to support an award to stimulate the scholarly writing of nursing faculty. Scholarly writing, for the purpose of this award, is defined as the creative use of words to achieve insight or impact on patient care, teaching, research or service.

School of Nursing: Standard on the Management of Grant Accounts

The SON Grants Management Office assists Principal Investigators (PIs) with the administration of grant and contract financial management and reporting in conjunction with the requirements provided by UNC-CH Office of Sponsored Research (OSR).

School of Nursing: Standard On Writing An Appointment, Promotion, And Tenure Essay

The most important part of the dossier you submit to APT for promotion and/or tenure is the essay you write organizing and reflecting on your accomplishments and goals. The following suggestions will assist you to complete this essay in a way that will best showcase your work. Both your division head and the APT chair are available to help you and to review your essay before it is submitted.

School of Nursing: Standard On Writing Appointment, Promotion, And Tenure Reviews

Two Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure (APT) Committee members are assigned to evaluate the performance in writing of faculty under consideration for promotion and tenure or requiring interim- or post-tenure reviews. The primary reviewer is responsible for describing the educational and work background of the applicant and summarizing the performance and evaluating the impact and recognition the applicant's work has garnered in each of the three missions of the University: research, teaching,

School of Nursing: Student Compliance Program Policy

During the performance of clinical practice/research activities, students may interact with clients/research participants with tuberculosis (TB), hepatitis B (HBV), HIV/AIDS, and other infections. This contact may expose the student to infectious agents and may result in the student transmitting an infectious disease to other students, faculty, clients, family members, and research participants.

School of Nursing: Technical Standards For Admission, Progression And Graduation

Consistent with its mission and philosophy, the School of Nursing at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is committed to providing educational opportunities to students with disabilities.