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- Knowledge Base
- Adams School of Dentistry
The Undergraduate Dental Hygiene Program (“Program”) regularly monitors and assesses the academic performance and progression of each student enrolled in the program. Upon entry, each class/student is assigned an Academic Advisor who will monitor the student’s progress towards degree completion. While students are required to have an initial meeting with their advisor upon entering the program, additional meetings may be recommended depending on specific student needs.
- Knowledge Base
- School of Medicine
- Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
- Nephropathology Lab
Every laboratory on UNC’s campus has electrically powered equipment that is used routinely in day-to-day operations. This equipment can pose a serious hazard if not properly maintained or improperly used. In addition, an electrical hazard could damage expensive equipment or wipe out years of research. All laboratory instruments and appliances should be adequately grounded and checked for current leakage.
- Knowledge Base
- Adams School of Dentistry
This policy provides information about the Adams School of Dentistry Code of Professional Conduct.
- Knowledge Base
- Adams School of Dentistry
The purpose of this document is to operationalize the principles contained in the Adams School of Dentistry's Technical Standards and Code of Conduct and to provide a mechanism for adjudicating whether student or resident conduct has failed to meet the School's expectations for professionalism.
- Knowledge Base
- School of Medicine
The purpose of this policy is to define minimum security controls for devices in use at the UNC School of Medicine. Individual departments/units may apply stricter controls to protect information and devices in their areas of responsibility. The policy applies to each School of Medicine Constituent for any covered device under their control, including personal devices (“Bring Your Own Device” - “BYOD”).
- Knowledge Base
- School of Information and Library Science
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (“UNC-Chapel Hill” or “University”) School of Information and Library Science (“SILS”) Faculty Workload Policy aims to provide clear guidelines and expectations for SILS faculty workloads that align with the University’s mission and objectives; support and recognize faculty contributions; and ensure consistent, efficient, and effective deployment and monitoring of faculty workloads across SILS.
- Knowledge Base
- Adams School of Dentistry
Regular clinic, lab, and class attendance is a student obligation. A student is responsible for all labs, clinic/rotations, class sessions, and classwork, including assignments, projects, examinations, and other course requirements, for all scheduled meetings. No right or privilege exists which permits a student to be absent from any given number of labs, clinic/rotation, or class sessions.
- Knowledge Base
- Adams School of Dentistry
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC) Adams School of Dentistry supports the use of social media platforms as a method of communication with family, friends, colleagues, school alumni and friends.
- Knowledge Base
- Adams School of Dentistry
Significant and robust scientific data indicate that the risks of in utero birth defects are zero for dental exposures used for patients. It follows that the risk is also zero for radiographic equipment operators. Therefore, there are no contraindications for pregnant students operating x-ray equipment.
- Knowledge Base
- Adams School of Dentistry
Each DDS student's academic and patient care performance must be reviewed throughout the semester. Student performance will be monitored regularly during the semester by faculty and course directors. This includes student compliance with the ASOD Technical Standards in all academic environments.
- Knowledge Base
- Adams School of Dentistry
The Adams School of Dentistry and its students have a shared responsibility to prepare those students both academically and clinically for the practice of dentistry. Successful knowledge and skill-based development requires attendance of all classes, laboratory, and clinical sessions as outlined in the curriculum schedules and course syllabi
- Knowledge Base
- Adams School of Dentistry
The purpose of this Policy is to outline expectations for Student use of copyrighted materials and other intellectual property of the University, creators, and inventors. This Policy applies to all Adams School of Dentistry Students and Residents (referred to collectively as "Students" for purposes of this Policy).
- Knowledge Base
- Adams School of Dentistry
The purpose of this policy is to outline the types of leave that Adams School of Dentistry (ASOD), Advanced Dental Education (ADE) residents are eligible to take. Because each ADE resident must meet certain education requirements as defined by the individual ADE program and CODA, defining specific leave and PTO standards allow for ensuring residents may advance/complete the next level of training, while maintaining clinical, didactic, teaching, and research activities as required by program stan
- Knowledge Base
- Adams School of Dentistry
The purpose of this document is to provide information and guidance to faculty members regarding the Adams School of Dentistry (“ASOD”) Workload Policy. This ASOD Workload Policy provides expectations of the overall yearly workload to be assumed by all faculty members based on their individual responsibilities within the ASOD.
- Knowledge Base
- School of Medicine
This University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine (“UNC SOM”) Faculty Workload Policy describes the workload of UNC SOM faculty members and identifies the UNC SOM’s expectations and guidelines for the distribution of work among UNC SOM faculty members and identifies the UNC SOM’s expectations and guidelines for the distribution of work among UNC SOM faculty members.