School of Nursing: Policy On Student Research Data Storage

Unit Policy


School of Nursing: Policy On Student Research Data Storage



To provide guidance on custodianship of research data.


Applies to all students when they leave the University.


Policy Statement

The University of North Carolina is the legal owner of all student and post-doctoral fellow research data obtained to meet degree requirements or as part of a grant to the University. University Policy requires that faculty maintain custodianship of student research data and that students be able to have copies of their data.

Therefore, the School of Nursing is implementing the following policy beginning with students graduating May 2004.

  1. This policy applies to doctoral students, post-doctoral fellows, and other students obtaining data through grants to the university or using data from faculty grants.
  2. Faculty are expected to maintain custodianship of the raw data (e.g., questionnaires, videotape scoring, transcripts of audiotapes, field notes, etc.) and any final analysis runs for a minimum of 5 years from the last publication. Submission of a dissertation or research project to meet degree requirements is considered one form of publication. Files originally in electronic form, such as analysis runs or audiotape transcripts, may be kept in either electronic format or as hard copies. Data originally in hard copies (e.g., questionnaires, field notes) must be maintained in the original hard copy format. Data that the IRB requires be destroyed, such as audiotapes and videotapes, are not considered original data and should not be maintained.
  3. Custodianship means the faculty member has possession of the data and can produce it for auditors or others who might have questions about it. Custodianship does not automatically grant publication rights. Publication rights are determined by standard scientific principles.
  4. To guarantee that faculty are given these data, the final copies of dissertations or research projects are not to be signed until the faculty member is in possession of the data. The Faculty Supervisor is responsible for notifying School of Nursing Human Resources if data requirements have not been met so that final payments are withheld until the Faculty Supervisor is in possession of the data.
  5. Students can transfer data by following the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill Data Use Agreement Guidance.
  6. Student data may be stored in faculty offices, faculty research rooms, or RSC approved archives.



Contact Information

Policy Contact

Jennifer Leeman, Associate Dean Research

Other Contacts


Important Dates

  • Effective Date and title of Approver: 11/2019
  • Revised August 15, 2019.