School of Nursing: Standard on the Faculty Recognition Award

Unit Standard


School of Nursing: Standard on the Faculty Recognition Award



To be evaluated at next review.


To be evaluated at next review.


The Faculty Recognition Award, given in even numbered years, recognizes a faculty member who goes "above and beyond" the call of duty and who shows extraordinary and consistent dedication to the School. This award acknowledges a faculty member who makes a unique contribution to the School of Nursing in one or more of the following ways:

  • enhances a positive environment
  • promotes the SON agenda by active contribution to the SON meeting a specific goal through sustained effort that advances one or more SON mission
  • demonstrates generosity of spirit

Letters of nomination are accepted after the call for the award is sent to the faculty in the early spring of an even numbered year. One to three letters of nomination will be accepted for a single nominee. The recipient will be selected by a committee of faculty selected by the Dean.

The Faculty Recognition Award, given in even numbered years, recognizes a faculty member who goes "above and beyond" the call of duty and who shows extraordinary and consistent dedication to the School. This award acknowledges a faculty member who makes a unique contribution to the School of Nursing in one or more of the following ways:

  • enhances a positive environment
  • promotes the SON agenda by active contribution to the SON meeting a specific goal through sustained effort that advances one or more SON mission
  • demonstrates generosity of spirit

The Award is open for nomination by anyone in the SON community.

Name of Nominee:

Nomination made by:

Support for nomination addressing the criteria above (500 word limit):

Recognition for the Faculty Recognition Award will be a plaque given to the recipient as well as plaque in a prominent place in the School of Nursing with the bi-annual winner's name added each time the award is given.

Letters are encouraged from others in the SON Community to support this nomination. Letters are limited to 2 pages and no more than 3 supporting letters may be included with any nomination.

Completed nominations are to be submitted to Karen Hearne in the Dean's Office by April 4th, [even year].

SON Faculty Recognition Award Winners

Faculty Awards Table
Faculty Year
Sandra G. Funk 2006
Virginia Neelon 2008

Contact Information

Primary Contact

Carol Durham, Faculty Chair

Important Dates

  • Effective Date and title of Approver: 10/20/2008 approved by FEC