School of Nursing: Standard On Faculty And Staff Farewell Events


School of Nursing: Standard On Faculty And Staff Farewell Events

Unit Standard



We believe faculty and staff departures should be appropriately acknowledged and treated equitably in the School of Nursing in terms of expenditures of School funds. This standard is intended to provide guidelines to help us achieve such equity. Please note references made to full-time-equivalent (FTE) service, refer solely to service within the School of Nursing and is inclusive of either 9 or 12-month appointments.

Scope of Applicability

The School will host farewell events for permanent faculty and staff members who are retiring after ten or more years of service to the School. The School will not host farewell events for permanent faculty and staff who are resigning. Individual units can choose to host events and will bear all costs as individuals.


Farewell Event for Retirement

10 or more years of full-time service

The Events Coordinator will be responsible for planning farewell events when the School has faculty and staff retiring after 10 or more years of full-time service to the School who wish to have a school-wide celebration. The Faculty Chair and/or the Staff Chair will be responsible for acknowledgements on behalf of the entire SON faculty and staff at the farewell events.

Farewell Gift for Retirement or Resignation

10 or more years of full-time service

When permanent faculty and staff are retiring or resigning following 10 or more years of full-time (or part-time equivalent) service, the School will provide a “UNC-remembrance” type gift such as a chair, rocker, artwork, etc. Only one gift will be given and funds will not be solicited when a gift is purchased by the School. Funds used for a gift cannot be donated to a charity or disbursed to individuals.

Less than 10 years of full-time service

There should be no school-wide solicitation of gifts for retiring or resigning faculty or staff who have been employed less than 10 years (full-time equivalent).


Personnel in the unit in which the faculty or staff work will decide if anything is to be done for a farewell gift and/or party other than the School hosted farewell event/gift and will bear all costs as individuals.

Contact Information

Events Coordinator 919-966-1995

Important Dates

Approved Executive Group: 6/26/2001, Administrative Co, 8/28/2001

Revised Dean's Cabinet 8/16/2005
Revised 10/2006
Revised 6/2013
Leadership Team revised 5/2018
Leadership Team 9/2018

Leadership Team revised on 11/9/2021