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This document provides guidance to faculty and administrators on activities allowed under the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Policy on Use of University Resources in Support of Entrepreneurial Activities. However, deans, chairs, directors and supervisors must ultimately determine how their units' resources are utilized consistent with State and University policy.
This document sets forth the standards of research conduct expected of members of the research community at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, consistent with the Research Code of Conduct Policy.
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill values and supports entrepreneurial activity by faculty. Faculty use of university resources in support of appropriate entrepreneurial activities may be allowed provided these activities do not conflict with applicable policies regarding use of public facilities for private gain. Incidental and minimal use of office, library, machine shop, personal desktop work stations, storage servers, communication devices, or clerical staff is permitted.
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, as one of the leading public research universities in the nation, is committed to maintaining the integrity and validity of the academic research conducted by faculty, staff and students. The guiding principles and standards set forth in this policy are in alignment with the University's goal to continually improve and to maintain its status as a world-class research university attracting the best faculty, staff and students.
This policy provides a foundation for a system that equitably assigns workload for the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (“University”), School of Nursing (“SON” or “School”) faculty. An effective workload management process requires careful consideration of various factors, including faculty expertise, institutional resources, and accreditation standards.
Nursing Faculty who teach in the undergraduate pre-licensure options are required to meet North Carolina Board of Nursing (NCBON) standards. It is the responsibility of faculty to meet these requirements and to maintain appropriate documentation verifying their satisfaction of these rules. These standards can be reviewed at the NCBON website here. At this site, click on 21 NCAC 36.0318 Faculty. The standards are also attached to this document.
Employment at the University is contingent upon faculty meeting and maintaining essential compliance requirements. In addition, the many clinical agencies with whom School of Nursing (SON) faculty engage as part of their teaching, research, or service mission(s) have policies that must be adhered to as per contractual agreement. These clinical site requirements are in addition to University employment-related policies.
Faculty who are hired onto the Fixed-Term Track are a valuable part of the School of Nursing and make numerous, important contributions to the School of Nursing. The offer of a contract and the length of that contract is an administrative function. Below are the principles that guide School of Nursing Fixed-Term Faculty Contracts.
This policy sets forth specific definitions and procedures for the payment of non-salary and deferred compensation to Faculty and EHRA Non-Faculty employees of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Any such compensation may only be paid in accordance with the provisions of this Policy and only after receiving the approvals specified herein.
This Procedure provides the requirements and guidelines for the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (University) School of Medicine’s (SOM) Medical Doctorate Program in the assignment of students to clinical learning sites/campuses for the Application Phase. By implementing specific steps during this process, the SOM can ensure that students are appropriately assigned to clinical learning sites/campuses to obtain the clinical experience required by their curriculums.
This Policy establishes the mechanisms by which students request assignment and are assigned to clinical learning sites/campuses in their Application Phase to one of the 6 clinical learning sites/campuses.
The purpose of this Standard is to set forth the minimum requirements for the use of ionizing radiation at the UNC Adams School of Dentistry. This Standard applies to all School of Dentistry personnel and students who may use radiographic equipment.
This policy is intended to define, encourage, and measure teaching in a way that is consistent with the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s mission and complies with UNC System Policy 400.3.1 and its implementing regulation 400.3.1.1[R]. This policy also provides recommendations for Units to establish their own guidelines for teaching effectiveness.
This procedure explains how the University responds to allegations of Research Misconduct.
Protected Health Information (PHI) and Sensitive Information (SI) that is transmitted or received on behalf of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill by any Constituent must be encrypted in accordance with this Standard, which details required minimum encryption standards for University Tier 2 and Tier 3 information. Particular transmissions may require a heightened encryption requirement or consideration of additional legal or policy requirements.