School of Nursing: Policies On Academic Performance And Progression

Unit Policy


School of Nursing: Policies On Academic Performance And Progression



To be evaluated at next review.


To be evaluated at next review.


Degrees are awarded in accordance with the requirements described in the Undergraduate Bulletin and/or The Graduate Record in effect at the time of the student's admission. However, and with School of Nursing and University approval, the degree requirements in effect during the semester in which degree requirements are completed may be used.

The academic performance and progression of each student enrolled in the School of Nursing is regularly monitored to assure timely progression to degree. The purpose of this review is to make certain each student is making satisfactory progress in her/his program of study based upon stated criteria established by the School of Nursing and the University. This review also provides an opportunity for students who are having difficulties to obtain the help and support they need.

Formal Academic Progression Review occurs across all program levels at the end of each semester. Links to policies and procedures specific to each degree program may be found below.

  • Baccalaureate of Science in Nursing (BSN)
  • Master's of Science in Nursing (MSN)
  • Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Academic Performance and Progression for Undergraduate Students

The academic performance and progression of each student enrolled in the School of Nursing Undergraduate Program is monitored for timely progression to degree. The purpose of this review is to determine whether each student is making satisfactory progress in their program of study based upon stated criteria established by the School of Nursing and the University. This review provides an opportunity to identify students who are having difficulties and to assist them to obtain the help and support they need.

Requirements for Graduation

All students must meet the academic requirements for graduation described in the Undergraduate Bulletin.

Dean's List

Criteria for Dean's List eligibility are published in the Undergraduate Bulletin.

Academic Performance and Progression

The BSN (Undergraduate) Progression Review Committee ("Committee") is a sub-committee of the Baccalaureate Executive Committee ("BEC") responsible for monitoring the academic performance and progression of students. The Committee is composed of five voting members, a chair and four additional members. The chair of the Committee will be selected from the existing membership of the BEC. The chair will serve a three year term. Chair responsibilities include: oversight of the process of constituting and maintaining the Committee's membership, administration of the Committee's meetings; and biannual reports of the Committee's activities to the BEC. Committee members are appointed by the BEC based upon the chair's recommendations. Members serve three year staggered terms. All members must have current experience teaching in the BSN program. A substitute Committee chair maybe appointed by the BEC chair if there is a conflict of interest that prevents participation in the progression review. If any other members of the Committee have a conflict of interest, the Committee chair will appoint alternative faculty members to serve as necessary. A conflict of interest includes interactions with a student, either within the situation under review or previously, that raises the possibility of bias or the perception of bias in the decision-making process. The Director of the Undergraduate Program, the Assistant Dean of the Office of Student Affairs ("OSA") and the Academic Counselors ("ACs") serve as ex officio (non-voting) members of the Board.

The Committee will meet to conduct progression review within one week of final exams and the receipt of grades from the School registrar. Additional called meetings of the Committee will occur under special circumstances during the semester to consider, for instance, health and safety non-compliance or a late withdrawal approval.

The Committee will review students who:

  • Are currently on academic probation.
  • Received a grade below a C- or an INC, WD or AB in a nursing course during the current semester.
  • Request a late or retroactive withdrawal in any course taken while enrolled in the nursing program.
  • Are reported by OSA for persistent non-compliance with health and safety requirements.

To remain a student in good academic standing, all students must earn a C- or above in all required nursing courses. The Assistant Dean of the OSA notifies the chair of the Committee and the Director of the Undergraduate Program of the students who earned less than a C- or who received a temporary grade such as an IN, WD or AB in any required nursing course. This notification occurs within 24 hours of receipt of the official grade sheets submitted by faculty.

During the Committee meeting the Assistant Dean of OSA will present the academic records of all students meeting the criteria for review. The Undergraduate Program Director and ACs contribute information regarding the student, including information received from the student and course faculty. In addition, the Committee may request information from other individuals who have pertinent information regarding a student's academic or clinical performance. The student under review is not present at the meeting but may submit a written statement to the Committee through the Undergraduate Program Director.

After reviewing all of the information, the Committee will discuss the student's performance and reach a decision regarding the student's continued status in the program. A simple majority of the voting members of the Committee is required.

Students who are reviewed by the Committee may be warned that they are progressing at a rate that will negatively impact time to graduation, be required to complete specific remedial work, be required to repeat course(s), and/or be placed on academic probation. A student who earns less than a C- in any required nursing course will automatically be placed on academic probation for a minimum of one semester. Probationary status requires a student to meet with the School's AC to develop a remediation plan. Probationary status will be lifted upon approval of the Committee following successful completion of the remediation plan and recommendation of the AC.

If in the judgment of the Committee, a student does not show sufficient promise to continue in the program, the Committee may dismiss the student from the School. Dismissal from the School does not constitute dismissal from the University.

Within 48 hours of the Committee's meeting, the chair of the Committee will send a letter of notification to the student, copying the Director of the Undergraduate Program and the Assistant Dean of the OSA for placement in the student's academic file. In cases in which the Committee dismisses a student from the program, the letter also will contain the Committee's specific requirements for readmission, if applicable. (Adopted by the faculty April 7, 1997.)

A student may appeal in writing the Committee's decision to the Dean. A request for an appeal to the Dean must be filed by the student with the Dean no later than the end of the first week of classes in the subsequent semester.

Academic Performance and Progression for Master's Programs Students

The academic performance and progression of each student enrolled in the School of Nursing Master's programs (MSN and Post-MSN) is regularly monitored to assure timely progression to degree. The purpose of this review is to make certain that each student is making satisfactory progress in her/his program of study based upon stated criteria established by the School of Nursing and the University. This review also provides an opportunity for students who are having difficulties to obtain the help and support they need.

Requirements for Graduation

A student becomes a candidate for the Master's degree upon acceptance and matriculation into the program. The Advanced Practice Area Coordinator in the student's practice area will provide information regarding the program's academic requirements to each student at the time of matriculation.

The Master's Progression Review Committee

The Master's Progression Review Committee ("Committee") is the body responsible for monitoring academic performance and progression of students. The Committee is composed of five voting members: a chair, a representative from each academic Division, and one at-large member. The Committee members are appointed by the Master's Executive Committee and must be faculty that teach or advise students in the Master's programs. The Chair of the Committee is an existing member of the Master's Executive Committee and is appointed by the Master's Executive Committee. All members of the Committee serve for a one-year term. The Director of Master's Programs and the Assistant Dean of the OSA serve as ex-officio (non-voting) members of the Committee.

The Committee will meet to conduct progression review shortly following receipt of the grades by the School of Nursing Registrar at the end of each semester. The Committee will review all students who:

  • Are on academic probation
  • Received an L or F
  • Have unresolved temporary grades such as IN, AB, or NG
  • Withdrew from a required course in the past semester or have requested a retroactive withdrawal
  • Were non-compliant with health and safety requirements at any point in an academic term

Additional meetings of the Committee will occur under special circumstances during the semester, for instance, to address a student's non-compliance with health and safety requirements or unexpected student progression concerns.

Shortly after receipt of the semester grades by the School of Nursing registrar, the Assistant Dean of the OSA notifies the Chair of the Committee and the Director of Master's Programs of students who meet the criteria for review. During the Committee meeting, the Assistant Dean of the OSA will present the academic records of all students meeting the criteria for review. The Director of the Master's Programs will present relevant information received from the student, course faculty, and/or the Advanced Practice Area Coordinator. In addition, the Committee may request information from other individuals who may have pertinent information regarding a student's academic or clinical performance. The student being reviewed will not be present during the meeting but may submit a written statement to the Committee through the Master's Programs Director. Any member of the Committee who has a conflict of interest (e.g., involved in teaching the course where the issue arose) with a specific progression case under review may present information to the Committee but must recuse himself or herself from the decision portion of the meeting.

After reviewing all of the information, the Committee will discuss the student's performance and vote upon the decisions to be made with respect to the student. A simple majority of the voting members of the Committee is required for any decision regarding a student's progression in the program. The student may be warned that he or she is progressing at a rate that will negatively impact his or her time to graduation or may be required to perform specific remedial work or to repeat coursework. The student may also be placed on academic probation or, if in the judgment of the Committee, the student does not show sufficient promise to continue in the program, the Committee may dismiss the student.

Shortly following the meeting of the Committee, the Chair will send a letter to the student describing the Committee's decision with copies sent to the OSA for placement in the student's academic file and to the Director of Master's Programs in the Office of Academic Affairs. In cases in which the Committee has dismissed a student from the program, the letter also will contain the Committee-specific requirements for readmission and the process for appeal. Dismissal from the School does not constitute dismissal from the University.

The Program Director will then notify the student's Advanced Practice Area Coordinator, academic advisor, and The Graduate School (if applicable) of the determination. Students have the right to appeal the progression decision in writing to the Dean in the School of Nursing no later than the end of the first week of classes in the subsequent semester.

Academic Performance and Progression for Students in the Doctor of Nursing Practice Program

The academic performance and progression of each student enrolled in the School of Nursing Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program is regularly monitored to assure timely progression to degree. The purpose of this review is to make certain that each student is making satisfactory progress in her/his program of study based upon stated criteria established by the School of Nursing and the University. This review also provides an opportunity for students who are having difficulties to obtain the assistance and support that they need.

The DNP Progression Review Committee ("Committee") is a subcommittee of the DNP Executive Committee (DNPEC) and is charged with monitoring academic performance and progression of all DNP students. The Committee is composed of five voting members: a chair and four additional members. The chair of the Committee will be appointed from the existing membership of the DNPEC. Chair responsibilities include: oversight of the process of constituting and maintaining the Committee's membership; administration of the Committee's meetings; and biannual report of the Committee's activities to the DNPEC. The Committee members are appointed by the DNPEC and must be faculty that teach or advise students in the DNP program. All members of the Committee will serve for a one-year term, renewable for up to three terms. The Director of the DNP Program and the Assistant Dean of the Office of Student Affairs serve as ex-officio (non-voting) members of the Committee.

The Committee will meet to conduct progression review shortly following receipt of the grades by the School of Nursing Registrar at the end of each semester. The Committee will review all students who:

  • Are on academic probation
  • Received a grade of L or F
  • Have unresolved temporary grades such as IN, AB, or NG
  • Withdrew from a required course in the past semester or have requested a retroactive withdrawal
  • Are non-compliant with health and safety requirements at any point in an academic term
  • Have been recommended for review by their academic advisor based upon one or more of the following circumstances:
    • Student ending second year (MSN to DNP) or third year (BSN to DNP) of full time study without a scheduled DNP project proposal defense
    • Student ending third year (MSN to DNP) or fourth year (BSN to DNP) of full time study without a scheduled DNP project final defense
    • Other: advisor or student requests progression review

Additional meetings of the Committee will occur under special circumstances during the semester, for instance, to address a student's non-compliance with health and safety requirements.

At the end of each semester, the Assistant Dean of the Office of Student Affairs forwards the names of all DNP students and their grades to the Chair of the Committee and the DNP Program Director. In addition, near the end of each fall and spring semester, the DNP Program Director will query academic advisors to identify students who will require progression review. The DNP Program Director will forward these names to the Chair.

The DNP Program Director will notify by email all students who will be reviewed prior to the Committee's meeting. The student being reviewed will not be present during the meeting but may submit a written statement to the Committee.

During the meeting, the Assistant Dean of the Office of Student Affairs will present the academic records of all students who are being reviewed by the Committee during the Committee's meeting. The Director of the DNP Program will also present relevant information received from the student, course faculty and/or the Advanced Practice Area Coordinator, as applicable. In addition, the Committee may request information from other individuals who may have pertinent information regarding a student's academic or clinical performance.

Any member of the Committee who has a conflict of interest with a specific progression case under review (e.g., involved in teaching the course where the issue arose) may present information to the Committee but must recuse himself or herself from the decision portion of the meeting.

After receiving all of the information described above, the Committee will discuss the student's performance and vote upon decisions to be made with respect to the student. A simple majority of the voting members of the Committee is required for any decision regarding a student's progression in the program. The student may be warned that he or she is progressing at a rate that will negatively impact his or her time to graduation or be required to perform specific remedial work and/or to repeat the coursework. The student may also be placed on academic probation or, if in the judgment of the Committee, the student does not show sufficient promise to continue in the program, the Committee may dismiss the student from the program.

Shortly after the meeting of the Committee, the Chair will send a letter to the student describing the Committee's decisions. Copies will also be sent to the Office of Student Affairs for placement in the student's academic file and to the Director of DNP Program. In cases in which dismissal from the program is the Committee's decision, the letter also will contain the Committee-specific requirements for readmission, and the process for appeal. The DNP Program Director will then notify the student's academic advisor, and if applicable, the student's Advanced Practice Area Coordinator and the Graduate School of the decisions. The student may appeal the Progression Review Committee's decision to the Dean. All appeals must be in writing and signed by the student. They must contain a summary of the evidence and arguments that the student believes supports his or her position in the appeal. Appeals should be submitted no later than the last day of classes of the next succeeding regular semester.

Academic Performance and Progression for Doctor of Philosophy Program Students

The academic performance and progression of each student enrolled in the School of Nursing PhD program is regularly reviewed by the academic advisor, the advisory committee (a three-person advisory committee or dissertation committee), course faculty, the Office of Academic Affairs, and the Office of Student Affairs. The purpose of this review is to make certain that each student is making satisfactory progress in her/his program of study based upon stated criteria established by the School of Nursing and the University. This review also provides an opportunity for students who are having difficulties to be directed toward the help and support they need.

The PhD Progression Review Committee ("Committee") is a subcommittee of the PhD Executive Committee ("PhDEC") that is responsible for monitoring academic performance and progression of students about whom any of the parties listed above have progression or performance concerns. The Committee is composed of five voting members: a chair and four additional members. The chair of the Committee will be nominated and selected from the existing membership of the PhDEC. The chair will serve a three year term. Chair responsibilities include: oversight of the process of constituting and maintaining the Committee's membership, administration of the Committee's meetings; and biannual reports of the Committee's activities to the PhDEC. Committee members are appointed by the PhDEC based upon the chair's recommendations.

Members will serve 3-year staggered terms. Initial appointments will include two 3-year terms, two 2-year terms, and one 1-year term, with at least one new member annually. All members must have experience advising doctoral students. The Director of the PhD Programs and the Assistant Dean of the Office of Student Affairs (OSA) serve as ex officio (non-voting) members of the Committee.

The Committee will meet to conduct progression review shortly following receipt of the grades by the School of Nursing Registrar at the end of each semester. The Committee will review all students who:

  • Are on academic probation
  • Receive an "F" or an "L" during the past semester
  • Have unresolved temporary grades for more than one semester (IN, AB, or NG)
  • Withdrew from a required course in the past semester
  • Are non-compliant with health and safety requirements at any point in an academic term
  • Have raised research ethics concerns
  • Have been recommended by their academic advisor based upon one or more of the following circumstances:
    • Student ending third year of full time study without a scheduled dissertation proposal defense
    • Student ending fourth year of full time study without a scheduled dissertation defense
    • Other; academic advisor requests progression review

Additional meetings of the Committee will occur under special circumstances during the semester, for instance, to address a student's non-compliance with health and safety requirements.

At the end of each semester, the Assistant Dean of the OSA forwards the names of all PhD students who warrant review to the Chair of the Committee. In addition, near the end of each fall and spring semester, academic advisors will be queried by the PhD Program Director to identify students who will require progression review. The PhD Program Director will forward these names to the Chair.

The Chair of the Committee will notify the PhD Program Director regarding all students who will be reviewed as soon as the Committee's meeting agenda is assembled. The Program Director will, in turn, notify by email all students who will be reviewed prior to the Committee's meeting. The student being reviewed will not be present during the meeting but may submit a written statement to the Committee.

During the Committee meeting, the Assistant Dean of the OSA will present the academic record of all students who are being reviewed by the Committee. The Director of the PhD Program will also present relevant information received from the student, course faculty, and/or academic advisors. In addition, the Committee may request information from other individuals who may have pertinent information regarding a student's academic performance. During the review of an individual student, the Committee may be joined by the SON academic advisor of the individual student being reviewed.

Any member of the PhD Progression Committee who has a conflict of interest with a specific progression case under review (e.g., involved in teaching the course where the issue arose) may present information to the Committee but must recuse himself or herself from the decision portion of the meeting.

After receiving all of the information described above, the Committee will discuss the student's performance and vote upon any decision to be made with respect to the student. A simple majority of the voting members of the Committee is required for any decision regarding a student's progression in the program. The student may be warned that he or she is progressing at a rate that will negatively impact his or her time to graduation or be required to perform specific remedial work or to repeat coursework. The student may also be placed on academic probation or dismissed from the School of Nursing PhD program.

Shortly after the meeting of the Committee, the chair of the Committee will send a letter to the student describing the Committee's decisions with copies sent to the OSA for placement in the student's academic file and to the Director of PhD Program. In cases in which the Committee has dismissed a student from the program, the letter also will contain the Committee-specific requirements for readmission and the process of appeal. The PhD Program Director will then notify the student's academic advisor, and The Graduate School (if applicable) of the determination. The student may appeal the Progression Review Committee's decision to the Dean. All appeals must be in writing and signed by the student. They must contain a summary of the evidence and arguments that the student believes supports his or her position in the appeal. Appeals should be submitted no later than the end of the first week of classes in the subsequent semester.





Related Requirements

Additional Relevant Policies

  • Early Academic Warning and Course Withdrawal
  • Grade Appeal
  • Grading
  • Health and Safety Compliance
  • Late Academic Concerns and Course Withdrawal

(Student Handbooks)

Contact Information

Policy Contact

Carol Durham, Faculty Chair

Other Contact

BEC Chair, MEC Chair, DNP-EC Chair, PhDEC Chair

Important Dates

  • Undergraduate policy review dates:
  • Adopted by the faculty: April 10, 1988;
  • Revised: April 20, 2009,
  • Revised: July, 2010,
  • Revised: October, 2011,
  • Revised: August 26, 2013
  • Approved by BEC: August 26, 2013
  • Adopted by the faculty: December 9, 2013
  • Masters policy review dates:
    • Last reviewed/modified: August 28, 2013
    • Approved by MEC: September 9, 2013
    • Adopted by the faculty: December 9, 2013
  • DNP policy review dates:
    • Last reviewed/modified: August 26, 2013
    • Approved by DNP-EC: October 7, 2013
    • Adopted by the faculty: December 9, 2013
  • PhD policy review dates:
    • Last reviewed/modified: September 23, 2013
    • Approved by PhDEC: September 23, 2013
    • Approved by Faculty: December 9, 2013