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This policy was created to ensure compliance with state and University regulations; establish guidelines for approval, control and accounting for employees and others who travel on University business; and ensure fairness for both the traveler and the University.
This procedure explains the process of Travel & Expense Card (T&E Card) reconciliation. It details the process for online charges and the duties of the Accountholder.
The purpose of this document is to create a policy to: (1) mandate training for all Travel & Expense Card (T&E Card) Accountholders and (2) enforce penalties on T&E Card Accountholders who violate their Accountholder Agreement by not complying with the terms and conditions regarding use of their T&E Card account.
This Procedure states the scope of what the Travel & Expense Card (T&E) can be used for to comply with state auditing rules. It details examples of allowable and non-allowable uses of the T&E Card and defines the oversight of card use.
The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines for the issuance, use of the University Travel & Expense Card (T&E) and to ensure that controls are in place to mitigate risk, compliance with State and University travel policies, and regulations.
In order to obtain a University Travel & Expense Card (T&E Card), several forms must be completed.
The purpose of this document is to describe the procedure on Independent Contractor Predetermination Process.
University-owned surplus property must be turned in to the University's Surplus Property Warehouse at the end of the useful life of the equipment.
The purpose of this document is to create a policy to 1) mandate training for all Purchasing Card Accountholders, Group Proxy Reconcilers, and Group Approvers and 2) enforce penalties on Purchasing Card Accountholders who violate their Accountholder Agreement by not complying with the terms and conditions regarding use of their P-Card account.
This policy provides the Budget, Planning and Analysis the ability to report personnel budget to the UNC System Office and the Office of State Budget and Management (OSBM).
Joint appointments are considered dual employment arrangements, with the initial hiring agency being the Parent Agency and the subsequent hiring unit being the Borrowing Agency.
The Dual Employment Payment Request is used to authorize payment to the Parent Agency. This form must be prepared to accompany the Dual Employment Certification Form (CP-30).
The UNC-Chapel Hill Borrowing Department is responsible for initiating a written agreement with the Parent State Agency to secure the services of an employee from that Agency.
Fringe benefits should be calculated and budgeted when personnel budget is being created using non-personnel budget.
The major benefit to the department of the central fringe pool is that the budget is not maintained by the department for state appropriated funds.