School of Nursing: Standard On Faculty Recruitment
Unit Standard
The purpose of this document is to clarify the principles and guidelines that inform priorities for hiring of all faculty in the School of Nursing. Actual procedures are driven by current HR and EEO requirements and are not covered in this document.
Scope of Applicability
Provides guidance to the Academic Affairs and Policy Council and to the Academic Divisions
- Recruitment priorities are established annually to assure availability of the expertise needed to accomplish the School's strategic goals in support of the teaching, research, and service/practice missions.
- Faculty and administration share responsibility for recruitment.
- The need for broad input must be balanced with the ability to be nimble when an immediate need or opportunity emerges.
- It is preferable to hire for stability of programs versus episodic hiring of individuals to cover sporadic needs.
Proactively set recruitment priorities.
- Each Academic Division, led by their Associate Dean, will prioritize their faculty needs to meet teaching needs for the upcoming Academic year.
- Each Associate Dean will meet with relevant workgroups (eg, Research Associate Dean meets with BBL Advisory Committee); to gather input about expertise needed to accomplish the School's missions.
- Associate Deans and Academic Associate Deans will bring information gathered to the Academic Affairs and Policy Council where recruitment priorities will be discussed and slated.
- The Chair, AAPC will bring the slated priority positions to the Dean's Leadership Team meeting where budgetary concerns will be considered in the final prioriitzation of positions for recruitment.
Recruitment and Hiring
- Hiring follows University and State hiring practices. Current HR and EEO requirements drive hiring practices. HR will supply staff support (e.g., scheduling candidate visits) for all tenure track, fixed term and administrative searches.
- HR will be responsible for supporting best-practice guidelines for running search committee processes.
- Temporary part-time fixed term hires may be 'just-in-time' (eg, emergent need for coverage of a clinical section). Academic Associate Deans must have the capacity to act quickly, within current HR requirements, and with input of faculty. Every attempt should be made to enable three faculty members to participate in the interviewing process. At least one faculty member with relevant expertise will participate in interviewing the 'just-in-time' candidate.
- Fixed Term faculty recruitment requires a search committee appointed by the Associate Dean, Academic Affairs (or Research Associate Dean if hiring a research fixed term faculty member). The search committee will be staffed by an appropriate mix of faculty relative to the position(s) being recruited for fill.
- Tenure track faculty recruitment requires a search committee. The dean will ask for volunteers to serve. The dean will appoint an individual to chair the committee. Together the dean and appointed chair will select members of the search committee from the list of volunteers (and, as needed, ask others to join the search).
- From time to time – special opportunities will come along (eg, joint hiring opportunities, trailing spouse hires, minority opportunity hires, provost matches, etc). In these circumstances, the principles and guidelines outlined above should be followed to the extent practicable.
Unsolicited inquiries
Persons seeking faculty employment who contact the SON staff or faculty will be directed to the relevant Division Head who in concert with the Dean's Office will assure an appropriate response is made (for example a formal written letter of interest shall receive a written response).
Contact Information
Primary Contact
Valerie Howard, Dean
Other Contact
Peggy Wilmoth, Executive Vice Dean and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Important Dates
- Effective Date and title of Approver: 3/17/2014 approved by Dean's Cabinet and 4/7/2014 by FEC
Approved by:
Nilda Peragallo Montano (Peggy Wilmoth - Representative)