School of Nursing: Drug Screen Procedure

Unit Procedure


School of Nursing: Procedure for Drug Screening



The School of Nursing (SON) Drug Screen Procedure is intended to provide a confidential and efficient mechanism to obtain drug screen results prior to a faculty member visiting a clinical agency with a drug screen requirement. 


This procedure applies to all SON faculty and staff, with paid and unpaid appointments, who supervise SON students at clinical agencies requiring a negative drug screening to work on-site.  


If a drug screen is required, the appointing division will submit an email request including the first and last name as it appears on the individual’s driver’s license to the Associate Dean for Administration to initiate the drug screening with the vendor.   

The Associate Dean sends the faculty a Drug Screen Authorization form which should be taken to the collection facility. The form includes the type of drug screen and the direct bill information along with the signature of the authorizer and date of authorization.

The faculty is responsible for taking the form to the collection site within five days and following the instruction of the collection site staff who are performing the drug screening.

The collection site will forward the specimen to the lab for analysis and reporting. 

The results are returned to the Associate Dean for Administration, who is responsible for uploading the report to the UNC-Chapel Hill Environmental Health & Safety Compliance Portal. 

Non-negative results are further investigated by the vendor’s Medical Director who will contact the faculty to determine if prescription medication or other factors may need to be considered in the final report or determination.

Final determinations are communicated to the Associate Dean for Administration who is responsible for contacting Faculty Affairs in the event the faculty is not able to fulfill the duties outlined in the letter of appointment/contract.        

Related Requirements

Unit Policies, Standards, and Procedures