School of Nursing: Procedure for Faculty and EHRA-Non Faculty Search Committees

Unit Procedure


School of Nursing: Procedure For Faculty and EHRA-Non Faculty Search Committees



To provide guidance on conduct of a search for faculty and EHRA-Non Faculty at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ("University") within the School of Nursing.


All faculty and staff assigned to a Search Committee


Basic Search Rules/Regulations

  1. Search committee membership appointed by Dean with a minimum of three (3) members. The search committee should represent the diversity of the university. Staff support is assigned by the Dean.
  2. All hiring supervisors and members of the search committee must complete the online Search Committee Training Module before beginning any search process.
  3. First Committee meeting
    1. Dean delivers the official charge to the committee (in person or in writing).
    2. Distribution of materials by the HR Representative assigned to support the committee:
      • General posting information (minimum posting period for a EHRA-Non faculty search and a fixed-term faculty search is 14 days, tenured/tenure-track faculty search is 30 days, and administrative searches with a faculty rank is 30 days).
      • Examples of recent ads.
      • Communicating with applicants/candidates (EEOC Guide to Pre-Employment Inquiries).
    3. The Committee then:
      1. drafts a posting/advertisement;
      2. decides where to advertise (if other than University standard contracted advertisers);
      3. makes list of who should interview candidates;
      4. decides if candidate will do a presentation (optional for EHRA-Non faculty searches); and
      5. decides on method of evaluation/feedback and the evaluation tool to be used), etc.
    4. Committee agrees on basic guidelines for the search such as:
      • meetings dates/times;
      • access of applications and CVs via PeopleAdmin;
      • screening rubric used for initial application screening; and
      • interview guestions.
  4. Search committee chair/support staff submits a "Request for Faculty Recruitment" and a draft of the posting/advertisement to the designated HR Rep.
  5. HR Rep completes the online recruitment requisition, posting/advertisement, and committee member information, and awaits approval from the Equal Opportunity Office (EEO).
  6. HR Rep informs search committee chair and staff support when approval is granted. Automatic web postings of the approved recruitment are generated to both the UNC-Chapel Hill website and the Inside Higher Education website.
  7. HR Rep coordinates additional ad design/cost/placement. (HR Rep will email the search committee chair the actual advertisement, cost of advertisement/running time frame, etc. for approval. As a general rule, advertisement costs should not exceed more than $2,000. The HR Rep will monitor advertising costs and discuss with search committee chair as necessary)
  8. HR Rep sends the SON Webmaster or Director of Communications the link to be placed on the SON website.
  9. Applications can be viewed/screened and ranked by the committee members as they are collected in the People Admin system. No interviews should be initiated/conducted until the Interim Selection Document has been submitted and approved by EEO (see steps 9-11).
  10. Second Committee meeting
    1. review CVs;
    2. determine who to invite for initial interviews (zoom, phone, or in-person) based on data from screening rubric; and
    3. decide on potential dates for initial interviews.
  11. Search committee chair/support staff submits via email to the HR Rep, the names of those candidates no longer under consideration and reason(s) for elimination.
  12. HR Rep submits the Interim Selection Document and informs search committee chair and staff support when approval from EEO is granted.
  13. Once the Interim Selection Document is approved by EEO, the search committee chair/support staff may contact applicant(s) and arrange for an initial interview (see attachment for direction on seeking 4 letters of reference/letters of evaluation); these may be emailed,but the HR Rep must include the original reference letter on letterhead with signature for the selected candidate.
  14. If CVs are received after the Interim Selection Document has been approved and before the "14 or 30 day minimum posting period" deadline, the information in step 10 should continue to be collected and provided to the HR Rep, so an addendum can be completed and submitted to EEO. If a CV is received after the "14 or 30 day minimum posting period," you only need to provide the HR Rep the information in step 10 if the committee is interested in offering an interview to this candidate, so an addendum can be completed and submitted to EEO before the candidate can be interviewed.
  15. Interviews are conducted and feedback is solicited via a Qualtric survey.
  16. Third Committee meeting
    1. review feedback data from interviews,
    2. make recommendation decision, and
    3. write recommendation letter to Dean (identify acceptable vs. not acceptable and outline strengths and weaknesses of each candidate interviewed).
  17. Dean and the search committee meet (if necessary).
  18. Notify the HR Rep of the name of the candidate to be offered the position with specific reasons for the selection which is information needed for the Final Selection Document. The HR Rep provides the prospective faculty appointee with information on the background check. The prospective faculty appointee may be given a verbal offer and is made aware that it is contingent upon the successful completion of the background check. The prospective applicant completes the background check information online after they receive the link via email. Once results are received back from the Background Check vendor, the HR Rep files the Final Selection Document with EEO for approval.
  19. The HR Rep notifies the search committee chair/dean/supervisor of the approval and the candidate is sent an official letter of appointment from the dean if it is a tenured/tenure-track position or from the supervisor for EHRA-Non faculty position or a fixed-term position.
  20. Once the letter of appointment is accepted, the dean notifies the search committee chair. The search committee chair then notifies remaining candidates interviewed (verbally/in writing or both) of the decision.

Summary tables:

Type of search Minimum posting period Candidate presentation required
EHRA-Non faculty 14 days Optional
Fixed-term faculty 14 days Yes
Tenure/tenure-track faculty 30 days Yes
Administrative faculty 30 days Yes


Responsibilities Description
Search Committee Chair Leads search committee meetings, finalizes position posting for HR Rep to submit for posting, recruits candidates, and submits recommendation to Dean.
Staff Support Schedules search committee meetings including zoom links and/or room reservations for meetings, works with Search Committee Chair to create meeting agendas and distributes to committee, schedules interviews with guidance from Search Committee, arranges candidate travel and accommodations (if applicable), creates and distributes Qualtrics survey to collect feedback on candidate interview and returns survey results to Search Committee Chair. 
Search Committee Member Completes required search committee member training, participates in search committee meetings, recruits candidates, participates in interview process and assists Search Committee Chair as requests. 
HR Rep Verifies all search committee members have completed required search committee training, submits request in PeopleAdmin system for position to be posted, coordinates ad design/cost/placement, sends position posting to SON Communications for posting to SON website, submits Interim Selection Document in PeopleAdmin to obtain permission to interview selected candidates and informs Search Committee when approval is granted, submits Final Selection Document including non-selection reasons for candidates no longer under consideration, and assists Search Committee Chair in obtaining letters of recommendation.

Basic "Interview" Details

  1. Determine three or four potential dates to offer for interviews (consider the Dean's availability.)
  2. Search committee chair makes call to candidate to offer interview/confirm interview date, briefly outline expectations of visit, make sure to tell them about presentation and give idea of what presentation should include (some give a list of questions to which they can respond); give candidate the name of staff support that will be in touch to discuss logistics such as travel, hotel, AV equipment, etc.
  3. Support staff will book hotel (have billed to SON); check flight possibilities and book flight; once flight known, schedules transportation to/from airport/hotel for both arrival/departure
  4. Search committee chair/support staff use attachment for direction/timing to send reference request letters (ask letter to be emailed back, with original mailed back, so it will be available to search committee with other evaluation data)
  5. Email sent to faculty/staff/students (as appropriate) announcing interview dates
  6. Candidates are usually flown in the afternoon/early evening before one-and-a-half (1.5) day interviews with potential dinner meeting arranged on first day (depends on arrival time, etc.)
  7. A member of the search committee transports from the hotel to the SON in the morning and from the SON back to the hotel in the afternoon
  8. Interviews usually run from 9:00am to 5:00pm (second day might be a half day and breakfast/dinner meetings can be scheduled as desired)
  9. Interview schedule arranged based on search committee's list of people to interview candidates; candidates should also be asked to identify one or two people/groups with whom they would specifically like to meet (remember that we are recruiting in addition to evaluating candidate)
  10. Email faculty/staff/students (as appropriate) about the presentation date/time, where to review CV/evaluation form.
    1. Presentation is usually one hour with a 45-minute presentation and last 10-15 minutes for Q&A.
    2. The search committee chair or a designee introduces the candidate prior to the candidate presentation.
    3. Support person works with IIT for appropriate AV equipment - most presentations are videotaped and the recording is distributed to the SON faculty and staff.

Additional Information:



Contact Information

Primary Contact

Valerie M. Howard, Dean and Professor

Other Contact

Cheryl Giscombe, Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs

Important Dates

  • Effective Date: 08/2001
  • Last revision: 3/2024 (Leadership Team review/approval 4/9/24) 

Approved by:

Valerie M. Howard, Dean and Professor (designee - Cheryl Giscombe, Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs)