Articles (102)

Additional Employment for SHRA Employees Policy

A permanent full-time SHRA employee (regularly scheduled 40 hours each work week) normally is appointed to one position at one established rate of pay. However, the University allows additional employment for a permanent full-time employee under the circumstances outlined in this Policy.

Additional Employment for SHRA Employees Procedure

This procedure applies to all permanent SHRA employees (including probationary, trainee, and time-limited) who are regularly scheduled to work 40 hours per work week.

Administrative Absence Leave (SHRA)

The administrative absence leave policy ensures fair and consistent application of University leave policies and appropriate use of University resources. This policy applies to full-time and part-time (half-time or more) SHRA employees who have a permanent, probationary or time-limited permanent appointment.

Background Check Procedure

The University strives to create a welcoming and safe environment for all individuals. Consistent with this goal, the University will not employ individuals or appoint unpaid affiliates with prior non-expunged criminal convictions, arrests, charges or driving records (when applicable) who are determined to pose an unacceptable safety risk to the University or its employees, students and visitors.

Bonus Leave

Bonus leave is provided on occasion by the N.C. General Assembly. Please see below for details about amount, eligibility, use of bonus leave, recordkeeping, and change in employee status.

Career Banding

Our Career Banding system at UNC helps us recruit, retain and develop a qualified, motivated and diverse workforce. It allows us to compensate our employees fairly and helps us in build a stronger workforce and stronger careers for our employees in the long-run.

Career Transition Counseling Services

Career transition counseling services are offered to all permanent SHRA and EHRA non-faculty employees whose employment is ended due to budget reduction/loss of funds excluding those separated due to the exercise of a funding contingency.

Civil Leave

Civil Leave is a form of paid leave at the employee’s normal hourly rate to compensate employees for absences required due to jury duty or to subpoenas for court appearances.

Community Service Leave

The University recognizes the importance of community involvement and encourages employees to participate in volunteer activities by providing flexibility in work schedules and paid leave opportunities. Community Service Leave (CSL) is a paid time off program to participate in the educational process of children through the high school level and to support other community service volunteer activities for non-profit organizations.

Compensation Program for EHRA Non-Faculty Employees (IRPS & SAAO Tier II)

The University’s EHRA Non-Faculty Compensation Program for Instructional, Research and Information Technology (IRIT) and Senior Academic and Administrative Officer (SAAO) Tier II positions (“EHRA Non-Faculty Compensation Program”) is designed to provide competitive salaries in order to attract and retain the very best talent and expertise as EHRA non-faculty employees.

Confidentiality of Personnel Information

List of items regarding each individual's University employment are considered public information and will be released upon request. Any additional information regarding employees not specifically identified is considered confidential under State law unless otherwise explicitly authorized by the Human Resources Act. The Human Resources Act requires that University employees who are in or come into possession of such confidential personnel information maintain its confidentiality.

Departmental Recognition Policy

This document explains the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's ("UNC-Chapel Hill" or "University") policy to promote employee morale through departmental recognition programs. The document explains the requirements for establishing and registering these programs, publicizing awards, taxing monetary awards, and recordkeeping for paid leave awards.

Determining Time Worked

The purpose of paid leave is to maintain employee income, not enhance it. If employees work additional hours outside their normal schedule in a workweek in which they also have scheduled or taken time off, the additional time worked “offsets” the time that the employee intended to cover with available leave or paid time off. The following process should be followed in determining the use of paid leave and paid time off for the workweek.

Dual Employment

Dual employment with another State agency* occurs when a permanent SHRA employee, regardless of FLSA status, is needed on temporary and/or part-time basis by another State agency. This is limited to a situation in which the employee possesses specialized knowledge, skills and/or abilities not readily available in the requesting State agency's recruitment area.

Educational Assistance Program Policy

The purpose of the educational assistance program is for workforce planning and development. It provides a tool for managers and employees to support academic activities that directly relate to the organization’s identified knowledge, skills, and behaviors (organizational competencies), and which support the mission, vision, and values of the organization.

Educational Leave

An employee may request leave for certain educational courses. Requests for educational leave must be submitted in writing to the supervisor or other designated official in sufficient time to accommodate supervisory review and administrative processing for personnel, payroll, and benefits actions to take place.

EHRA Non-Faculty Grievance Policy

The University is committed to fair and equitable treatment for all employees. Therefore, the University has established this Grievance Policy for the fair, orderly, and prompt resolution of work-related disputes for EHRA Non-Faculty employees. This policy provides for a formal process in order to address allegations that actions taken by management are impermissible under University policies.

EHRA Non-Faculty Instructional, Research & Public Service Positions

These positions deliver the core-mission activities of the University: creating and disseminating knowledge through direct instruction, research, and public service; or performing professional-level duties that are integral to and uniquely supportive of that work. The purpose of each such position must be substantially engaged in the regular academic, educational, research, or public-service/extension activities of the University

EHRA Non-Faculty Leave Transfer or Payout Policy

The following summarizes guidelines for payout or transfer of leave balances for EHRA non-faculty positions when terminating employment, changing positions at UNC-Chapel Hill or in moving to or from UNC-Chapel Hill to another State agency or campus of the UNC System.

EHRA Non-Faculty Position Categories

EHRA Non-Faculty positions are broadly divided into two categories: Instructional, Research and Public Service (IRPS) and Senior Academic and Administrative Officers (SAAOs).

EHRA Non-Faculty Position Creation, Modification, Review & Reorganization

Before creating or modifying an EHRA Non-Faculty position or proposing the reclassification of an existing SHRA position to EHRA Non-Faculty, all units, schools and divisions should consult information on EHRA Non-Faculty Position Categories to ensure that basic EHRA requirements are met. If these requirements are not met, the SHRA classification process should be pursued instead of the request process described in these guidelines.

EHRA Non-Faculty Senior Academic Administrative Officers (SAAO) Positions

All positions to be classified as SAAO must be approved by the Office of Human Resources and The UNC System. These approvals therefore require a longer period of time than an EHRA Research or Instructional position. To ensure a department does not unnecessarily invest a large amount of time going through the SAAO classification process, and thereby delaying recruitment, extra care should be exercised before presuming a position qualifies for SAAO status.

EHRA Non-Salary And Deferred Compensation

This policy sets forth specific definitions and procedures for the payment of non-salary and deferred compensation to Faculty and EHRA Non-Faculty employees of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Any such compensation may only be paid in accordance with the provisions of this Policy and only after receiving the approvals specified herein.

Emergency Loan Program

The Emergency Loan Program was established to provide University employees with an alternative to borrow money for short-term emergency situations.

Examples of situations warranting the use of an emergency loan, may include, but are not limited to: a family medical emergency, threatened foreclosure or eviction from a primary residence, emergency automobile repairs, or termination of utilities.

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

From financial pressures to workplace stress and family issues, life can be challenging. If you need help, the UNC-Chapel Hill Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is available.

Employee Fitness for Duty Policy

The University is committed to ensuring that Employees are Fit for Duty while also respecting Employee privacy. Employees are Fit for Duty when they are able to perform their Essential Job Functions without posing a Direct Threat to themselves or others. This Policy and associated Procedures describe the circumstances in which the University may evaluate an Employee’s Fitness for Duty, provide the procedures for those evaluations, and safeguard Employee privacy related to those evaluations.

Employee Fitness for Duty Procedure

The University is committed to ensuring that Employees are Fit for Duty while also respecting Employee privacy. Employees are Fit for Duty when they are able to perform their Essential Job Functions without posing a Direct Threat to themselves or others. These Procedures and associated Policy describe the circumstances in which the University may evaluate an Employee’s Fitness for Duty, provide the procedures for those evaluations, and safeguard Employee privacy related to those evaluations.

Employee Performance Management and Appraisal Policy

This Policy outlines the requirements for managers to provide an annual performance appraisal to SHRA and EHRA-Non Faculty employees.

Employee, Spouse and Dependent Scholarship

The Employee, Spouse, and Dependent Undergraduate Scholarship program was created to provide financial assistance to eligible employees and their dependents pursuing an undergraduate degree at UNC-Chapel Hill.

Employment of Related Persons (Nepotism) Policy

Applicants are required to disclose family members or closely affiliated persons working at the University, and identify their departments on the University employment application. Positions of influence over affiliated positions may occur within a subunit, unit, or entire department, or may span across departments or divisions. The department head is responsible for verifying management relationships for new hires and transfers to ensure compliance with this policy.

Employment Policies for EHRA Non-Faculty Instructional, Research and Public Service Staff, and Tier II Senior Academic and Administrative Officers

The purpose of this policy is to describe certain employment policies applicable to EHRA Non-Faculty Instructional, Research and Public Service Staff, and Tier II Senior Academic and Administrative Officers.

Employment Policies for EHRA Non-Faculty Tier I Senior Academic & Administrative Officer Employees

These Policies govern appointment of Tier I Senior Academic and Administrative Officer employees and are adopted by the Board of Trustees of The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill pursuant to the Employment Policies adopted by the Board of Governors of The University of North Carolina for Senior Academic and Administrative Officers on November 14, 1986, and as subsequently amended.

End of Appointment: EHRA Non-Faculty

Before finalizing or communicating an end of appointment decision for any permanent EHRA non-faculty employee, departments must contact the EHRA Non-Faculty HR Department in the Office of Human Resources (OHR) by phone so that the proposed action may be prescreened. Prescreening is not required for EHRA non-faculty temporary or student employees, postdocs, or an employee who voluntarily submits their resignation in writing or by email.

Facilitated Conversations

Employee & Management Relations (E&MR) in the Office of Human Resources (OHR) provides this Facilitated Conversations Program to encourage supervisors and employees to work together to resolve their differences. The University values open and respectful communication among supervisors and employees, and through this program the University provides a venue for parties to talk freely and openly about their needs, interests, opinions, and point of view while addressing mutual concerns.

Family & Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is a federal law that provides eligible employees of covered employers with unpaid, job-protected leave for specified family and medical reasons. The University has enacted a policy to provide a mechanism for employees to access, and the University to administer, the benefits made available through the FMLA (FMLA leave).

Family Illness Leave

Family Illness Leave is provided for an employee to care for the employee’s child, parent, or spouse where that child, spouse, or parent has a serious health condition. It is not provided for the employee’s illness.

Flexible Work Arrangements for University Employees

The University recognizes the importance of providing flexibility for employees to balance work responsibilities with personal obligations and commitments. This policy outlines the regulations regarding flexible work arrangements (FWAs). Departments are encouraged to be open to allowing for FWAs with the understanding that this flexibility must still ensure appropriate employee accountability and be compatible with the operational needs of the work unit.

FMLA Military Caregiver/Qualifying Exigency Leave

The Federal government expanded the eligible events under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) to include two provisions applicable to military families. The following is a brief summary of these provisions. Additional eligibility requirements may apply.

Form I-9 & E-Verify Policy

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC Chapel Hill) is committed to complying with federal and state laws concerning employment eligibility verification of employees hired to work in the United States. In accordance with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA), UNC Chapel Hill will not knowingly hire or continue to employ any person not authorized to work in the United States, and will not discriminate against anyone who is authorized to work.

Form I-9 & E-Verify Procedure

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC Chapel Hill) is committed to complying with federal and state laws concerning employment eligibility verification of employees hired to work in the United States. In order to comply with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA), UNC Chapel Hill is required to verify the identity and employment authorization of all employees hired after November 6, 1986 by completing the Form I-9 - Employment Eligibility Verification document.

Funding Contingencies for EHRA Non-Faculty Appointments Policy

All EHRA non-faculty appointments or reappointments may be made contingent on the availability of funds other than continuing state budget funds or permanent trust funds. In many instances, the contingency is related to continued sponsored research contract and grant funding. When present, this contingency permits early discontinuation of the appointment contrary to the normal appointment terms.

Guidelines for Review of Center and Institute Directors

I have adopted the procedure described below as a guide in the evaluation of Directors of Centers or Institutes that report to the Office of the Provost. It is modeled on the review procedures we use for Vice Chancellors and Deans of The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Guidelines for Review of Certain Administrative Officers

I have adopted the procedure described below as a guide in the evaluation of Vice Chancellors and Deans of The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. This procedure is consistent with the provisions of the governing Code of The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and with the supplemental document, "Policies Concerning Senior Administrative Officers of The University of North Carolina," approved by the Board of Governors.

Hiring Temporary Employees

The Office of Human Resources realizes that departments may have the need from time to time to hire temporary personnel. When doing so, Departments may hire temporary personnel: Through UNC-Chapel Hill and NC State University's joint University Temporary Services (UTS) service; Through an outside temporary employment agency; By hiring temporary staff directly onto the department's payroll (Direct Hire Temporary).

Holidays & Holiday Pay Policy

Each permanent SHRA employee is scheduled for the same number of holidays, listed in the University holiday schedule. Each permanent SHRA employee must either be scheduled off on the specified holiday and receive paid holiday or, if required to work on the holiday, receive holiday premium pay and equal time off as defined in this Policy.

Improper Relationships Between Students & Employees

The University of North Carolina Board of Governors adopted a system-wide Policy that prohibits amorous or sexual relationships between faculty or staff employees and students they evaluate or supervise by virtue of their teaching, research, administrative, or other employment responsibility and students who are minors below the age of eighteen. The Policy also states that faculty or staff employees may not supervise or evaluate students to whom they are related by blood, law, or marriage

Internal Only Recruitment for SHRA Positions Policy

Departments have the option to post SHRA permanent and time-limited positions as internal only. Internal only recruitments limit applicants to current, permanent or time-limited employees of UNC-Chapel Hill or to individuals with UNC-Chapel Hill layoff priority. Internal only recruitments may not be limited to employees of any specific unit, department or division of the University, nor may any of the positions' essential requirements indirectly infer required employment in a specific area of th

Job Posting, Recruitment and Selection in Career Banding

The career banding system recognizes that competitive pay levels encourage excellence of performance. The system accomplishes this by emphasizing competencies required for the position and aligning compensation with market pay related to the position and its competencies. A major goal of career banding is the increased ability to recruit, retain and develop a qualified, motivated, and diverse workforce.

Layoff (SHRA)

The University’s layoff policy assures equitable treatment of SHRA Employees when reduction in force becomes necessary. A layoff might become necessary because of a reduction in work or funds, abolishment of a position, or other material change in duties or organization. This policy provides University-specific guidelines in adherence to the Office of State Human Resources Reduction in Force Policy, assuring employees that potential reductions are considered on a fair and systematic basis.

Leave Without Pay

Leave Without Pay may be granted to an employee for various reasons, including family and medical leave, extended educational purposes, vacation, illness, workers’ compensation, military service, or personal reasons. At the end of the approved leave, the employee is reinstated to his/her prior position, or one of like seniority, status, and pay.

Leave, Paid Time Off, Payouts & Transfers

Accruals & Payouts for Certain Leave/Paid time off Programs, Leave/PTO Payouts & Transfers for SHRA Terminations, and External Regulations and Consequences

Legal Defense

Legal defense may be provided for civil or criminal action or proceedings which arise against employees because of an act or an omission in the scope of employment. According to provisions of the law, the Attorney General has the authority to determine whether the State will provide defense for an employee. Provision of legal defense may be denied by the State or University on the basis of four statutorily enumerated grounds...

Limitations on Political Activities

This document prohibits SHRA employees from managing a political campaign, campaigning for political office, or otherwise engaging in political activity. SHRA employees are also prohibited from affecting the results of a partisan election involving candidates for office or party nominations through the use of: authority and prestige of position, State funds, or use of State property.

Longevity Pay

The longevity pay plan recognizes and expresses the University's appreciation for the long-term service of permanent employees, both full-time and part-time (regularly scheduled to work 20 hours or more each work week) who have completed at least 10 years of Total State Service.

Military Leave

Leave shall be granted to eligible employees for certain periods of service in the uniformed services. No agent or employee of the State shall discriminate against any State employee or applicant for State employment because of their membership, application for membership, performance of service, application for service, or obligation for service in the Uniformed Services.

Minimum Salary Requirements for EHRA Non-Faculty

The federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) imposes a salary minimum for exempt employees (e.g., those who are salaried and not subject to overtime) of $23,660 regardless of work schedule, both for permanent and temporary employees. Only salary directly paid through UNC-Chapel Hill's Payroll System may be counted toward meeting this limit.

New Employment (EHRA Non-Faculty)

UNC-Chapel Hill offers the Welcome to Carolina Blue orientation program for new SHRA and EHRA Non-Faculty permanent employees. The classroom-based orientation provides an overview of the programs, services, policies and benefits offered by the University. Employees must attend a Welcome to Carolina Blue session before beginning work.

On-Call & Emergency Callback Pay

On-Call is compensation for an employee who must remain available to be called back to work on short notice if the need arises. Emergency Callback is compensation for an employee who has left the work site and is requested to respond (either by returning to work or by responding by telephone or computer) on short notice to an emergency work situation.

Out-of-Cycle Salary Increase Requests (EHRA Non-Faculty)

This procedure outlines the guidelines and procedures for requesting out-of-cycle permanent increases to base salary for EHRA non-faculty employees. “Out-of-cycle” increases are any adjustments to base salary excluding adjustments accomplished as part of the normal EHRA annual raise process (ARP), a salary supplement (which is not part of base pay) or from a job change resulting from a competitive recruitment.

Overtime & Compensatory Time for SHRA Exempt Employees

Compensatory time is not to be accumulated, tracked, used, or paid out for FLSA exempt employees, except if specifically mandated by a State and/or UNC System policy, such as during a pandemic or communicable disease emergency.

Overtime & Compensatory Time Off for SHRA Non-Exempt Employees

Eligible employees earn time-and-one half for all hours worked in excess of 40 hours in a work week. An employee must actually work over 40 hours to earn overtime compensation. Paid time that is not considered time worked (eg, most leave or paid time off packages) does not count as time worked for the purpose of determining employee eligibility for overtime compensation.

Paid Parental Leave Policy

On Sept. 20, 2019, the University of North Carolina Board of Governors approved a Paid Parental Leave program for eligible university employees. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill will offer a Paid Parental Leave (PPL) benefit, effective as of Jan. 13, 2020, that provides eligible employees dedicated leave time to care for and bond with a newborn or a newly-placed child, under the age of 18, by adoption, foster care placement, or other legal placement.

Paid Parental Leave Procedure

Paid Parental Leave (PPL) cannot be approved before the qualifying event (birth, adoption, foster care placement, or other legal placement of a child). Eligible employees who would like to request PPL should follow the steps in this document.

Pandemic and Communicable Disease Emergency Policy

The purpose of this policy is to outline provisions covering the following human resource areas in case of a communicable disease or other serious public health threat that is declared by the public health officials to be a public health emergency, including: designation of mandatory employees, compensation for mandatory employees, accounting for absences, and emergency furlough provisions.

Personal Observance Leave

The purpose of this policy is to establish Personal Observance Leave, as authorized by the state, and to ensure that University employees have an opportunity to observe these days of personal, cultural, or religious importance.

Policy on Background Checks for Faculty and Non-Faculty Employees, Student Employees, and Affiliates

The University strives to create a welcoming and safe environment for all members of the University community. Consistent with this goal, the University will not employ persons or appoint unpaid affiliates with prior non-expunged criminal convictions, arrests, charges or driving records (when driving a state-owned or personal/other vehicle is required as an essential function of the position) who pose an unacceptable safety risk to the University or its community.

Policy on COVID-19 Shared Leave Program

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-CH) has created a COVID-19 Shared Leave Program under which UNC-CH employees may contribute leave for use by UNC-CH employees who need leave for specific COVID-19 related reasons.

Policy on Unpaid Volunteers, Interns and Visiting Scholars

This policy outlines specific procedures and requirements that govern individuals who will serve in these capacities including: to whom this policy is applicable, guidelines on what these individuals may or may not do in the course of their assignment, a process by which these unpaid assignments must be requested and approved through the Office of Human Resources, and a requirement for background checks for unpaid assignments

Policy on Use of External Search Firms

This policy outlines the requirements units must meet to use an external search firm to help recruit for a position.

Political Activities of EHRA Employees: Candidacy & Officeholding

On February 12, 1993, the Board of Governors issued interpretations and instructions designed to improve administration of its policy on "Political Activities of Employees" (adopted January 16, 1976, and amended February 8, 1985). The concerns that prompted Board action are discussed in the text of the enactment, a copy of which is attached to this memorandum.

Probationary Period & Career Status for SHRA Employees

This probationary period serves as an extension of the selection process, providing time for new employees to adjust and supervisors to ensure new employees can satisfactorily meet performance expectations and perform essential job functions.

Procedure for Flexible Work Arrangements for University Employees

The University recognizes the importance of providing flexibility for employees to balance work responsibilities with personal obligations and commitments. Departments are encouraged to be open to allow for flexible work arrangements with the understanding that this flexibility must still ensure appropriate employee accountability and be compatible with the operational needs of the work unit.

Processing Non-Resident Aliens & Foreign Nationals

This article contains information on processing employees who are non-resident aliens and foreign nationals.

Reappointment and Extension (EHRA Non-Faculty & Students)

Extending a permanent EHRA non-faculty appointment (contract) for a limited period of time (e.g., six months or less) prior to either finalizing a reappointment or non-reappointment decision may be accomplished with the relevant administrative approvals. These are not considered reappointments since they are continuing the length of the existing contract and do not represent a new term of employment and therefore a new contract period.

Recruitment Advertising

The Office of Human Resources (OHR) posts all active SHRA and EHRA Non-Faculty position openings with the State's minimum requirements and, as appropriate, any additional position requirements listed by the hiring department. OHR also publishes a job listing of open SHRA positions under active recruitment.

Recruitment and Hiring Policy for SHRA Permanent Employment

The University consistently applies the SHRA recruitment and selection process to promote open and fair competition to select from the most qualified persons to fill vacant positions. Selection decisions will be based solely on job-related criteria.

Reporting of Criminal Convictions for Current Staff, Non-Faculty and Faculty Employees, Student Employees and Affiliates

For this reason, the University has enacted this policy which provides a mandatory process by which all employees and affiliates (as defined below) must report any post-employment criminal conviction(s) to appropriate University administrators and sets forth standards by which any convictions will be evaluated and acted on.

Salary Increase Guidelines

UNC-Chapel Hill's Office of Human Resources has on-campus, pre-approval authority for all salary actions that fall within OSHR policy guidelines and do not exceed a cumulative raise of 20% from the employee's base-salary rate on the previous June 30th, provided that we have delegated authority for the career-banded title.

Salary/FTE Changes

HR Representatives should consult ConnectCarolina documentation for procedural information on changes in salary or FTEs, including providing required documentation. For additional procedural information, HR Representatives should contact their EHRA Non-Faculty HR Consultant.

Secondary Employment for SHRA Employees Policy

A University employee working full-time has primary employment responsibility to the state. Other employment outside of state agencies or universities is considered secondary employment. An employee must notify their supervisor before engaging in any secondary employment.

Secondary Employment for SHRA Employees Procedure

This procedure applies to SHRA employees who hold a full-time position with the state and secondary employment outside of the primary state position.

Separation & Retreat Policy for Senior Academic & Administrative Officers

An administrator who holds a concurrent tenured faculty appointment may return to that appointment with all the rights and responsibilities of faculty in the home department, unless a proceeding is initiated to discharge or demote the tenured faculty member. If there has been an administrative stipend during the appointment, that stipend shall be removed.

Separations & Terminations (SHRA)

A separation occurs when a University SHRA employee resigns from State employment, retires, is involuntarily separated, or dies. This policy details the provisions and procedures for the following types of separation: resignation, retirement, death, or separation while on medical leave. This policy describes the different types of voluntary employee separation and the procedures for ensuring employees receive appropriate benefits in the event of resignation, retirement or death.

Service Date Information

Three types of service credit are maintained for SHRA employees. Specific uses of each type of service are made for various policy and fringe benefits applications. The types of service credit are: Total State Service, Continuous State Service, and Creditable Retirement Service.

Shift Premium Pay

The University provides additional compensation for certain permanent employees whose regular work schedules occur during evening or night hours. Permanent SHRA employees (including full-time, part-time, time-limited and probationary) are eligible for shift-premium pay as allowed under this policy. Temporary SHRA and EHRA employees are not eligible for shift premium pay. Permanent EHRA employees are not eligible for shift premium pay.

SHRA Direct Hire Temporary Compensation & Wage-Hour Administration

Information regarding compensation and wage-hour administration for temporary employees at UNC-Chapel Hill.

SHRA Direct Hire Temporary Hiring, Benefits Eligibility & Termination

The federal Jobs for Veterans Act regulations require most temporary positions to be posted publicly before they can be filled. The intent of the Act is to make it easier for veterans to find jobs when they leave military service – an outcome the University fully supports. This amendment to the Vietnam Era Veterans' Readjustment Assistance Act requires government contractors to list job openings using an appropriate public posting method.

SHRA One-Time Recruitment Incentive Leave

To aid in the recruitment of middle or late career applicants to positions that the University has identified as critical to the agency mission and for which the agency has documented recruitment difficulty attracting qualified applicants or for applicants to "middle management positions", the State permits the University in certain circumstances to provide one-time recruitment incentive leave for new SHRA hires.

SHRA Sign-On and Retention Bonuses Policy

The North Carolina Office of State Human Resources (OSHR) allows the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ("University") to develop programs to provide bonuses to recruit or retain employees in hard-to-fill occupations. Bonuses awarded under this policy are to aid the University in recruitment and retention efforts necessary to carry out mission-critical services and initiatives. The purpose of this Policy is to outline the eligibility requirements for such bonuses.

SHRA Temporary Employment Policy

Departments employ temporary staff due to vacancies in permanent positions or for non-permanent supplementary staffing. Departments have three ways to hire temporary employees at the University: through UNC-Chapel Hill and NC State University’s joint University Temporary Services (UTS) service; through an outside temporary employment agency; and/or by hiring temporary staff directly onto the department’s payroll (Direct Hire Temporary).

SHRA Temporary Employment Procedure

This procedure outlines the requirements related to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (“University”) Policy on SHRA Temporary Employment.

SHRA to EHRA Non-Faculty Position Conversion

This process is used when a unit, school or division would like to convert an existing filled or vacant SHRA position to EHRA Non-Faculty status.

Sick Leave

This document describes sick leave guidelines for EHRA Non-Faculty and permanent SHRA employee with (including probationary, trainee, or time-limited appointments) regularly scheduled to work at least 20 hours per week. This document discusses eligibility, leave earnings, leave charges, and recordkeeping.

Statement on Compensatory Time (“Comp Time”) for EHRA Non-Faculty Employees

Unlike hourly-paid (FLSA non-exempt) employees, EHRA Non-Faculty employees are all FLSA exempt and are accountable and compensated for their performance outcomes, rather than for time worked on an hour for hour basis. As such, EHRA Non-Faculty employees do not earn compensatory time when they work more than forty hours in a work week.

Supplemental Pay for EHRA Employees

This policy establishes specific procedures for supplemental pay, in the form of either overload or a salary supplement, for EHRA employees. Salary supplements and overload are intended to address temporary increases in responsibility or significant and substantial duties performed under unusual circumstances outside of normal work hours.

Travel Time & Travel Time Off

Whether or not travel time is compensable depends on the kind of travel involved. There are three categories of travel time: Commuter Travel, Single-Day Travel, Multi-Day Travel (includes Travel Time ETO).

Types of SHRA Appointments

SHRA positions are subject to the provisions of the State Human Resources Act of North Carolina. The State Human Resources Act establishes parameters for position classification, salary, and many personnel policies and programs.

Vacation Leave for SHRA Employees

A permanent SHRA employee (including probationary, trainee, or time-limited appointments) regularly scheduled to work 20 hours or more each work week is eligible for vacation leave under the guidelines of this policy.

Verification of U.S. Citizenship

On occasion, the Office of Human Resources will be asked to verify citizenship for an employee in order for him/her to conduct University business (for example, access to external confidential systems and information). Upon receipt of the request to verify citizenship, the Employment & Staffing Services department will request that the employee present evidence of citizenship, review the documentation provided and if verified, sign the attestation of citizenship.

Veterans and National Guard Preference in SHRA Employment

In appreciation for their service to their country, and in recognition of the time and advantage lost toward the pursuit of a civilian career, Eligible Veterans and National Guard shall be granted preference in University employment.

Voluntary Shared Leave Policy

Voluntary Shared Leave allows one employee to assist another employee in the case of a prolonged medical condition that exhausts the employee’s available leave and would otherwise force the employee to be placed in leave without pay status, resulting in a loss of income and benefits.