SHRA to EHRA Non-Faculty Position Conversion



This process is used when a unit, school or division would like to convert an existing filled or vacant SHRA position to EHRA Non-Faculty status.

Note: if the position is filled, the unit, school or division should not discuss this with the employee except in general - that is, to relay looking into converting the position to EHRA non-faculty status. In some cases, the employee may be required to participate in the recruitment process in order to be considered for EHRA Non-Faculty status.

This process is not used when a unit, school or division would like to convert an existing filled or vacant EHRA non-faculty position to SHRA status. Instead, the Classification & Compensation unit within the Office of Human Resources would provide that process.


Policy Statement

Initial Consultation

When a unit, school or division would like to convert an existing filled or vacant SHRA position to EHRA non-faculty status, they must consult with EHRA Non-Faculty HR to discuss whether the position will meet EHRA non-faculty requirements. Either prior to or after the request is submitted within ConnectCarolina, additional consultation with the Equal Opportunity and Compliance (EOC) Office may be required in order to determine any potential recruitment requirements.

The process may be initiated by contacting EHRA Non-Faculty HR 919-962-2897 to discuss prior to proceeding.

Recruitment Requirements

If the position is filled, the EOC Office determines recruitment requirements. If there are similar positions to the one converted, an internal recruitment may be required. EHRA Non-Faculty HR will communicate to the unit, school or division that the request to convert the position is approved and how to proceed. The Equal Opportunity & Compliance Office (919-966-3576) is the point of contact for the unit, school or division.

Related Requirements

External Regulations and Consequences


University Policies, Standards, and Procedures


Contact Information

Policy Contact

Office of Human Resources
104 Airport Drive, CB #1045
Chapel Hill, NC 27599

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