Hiring Temporary Employees


Hiring Temporary Employees


Hiring Temporary Employees

The Office of Human Resources realizes that departments may have the need from time to time to hire temporary personnel. When doing so, Departments may hire temporary personnel:

Hiring Process for Temporary Personnel

The process for hiring temporary personnel should follow the routine purchasing guidelines established by the State of North Carolina. These guidelines are briefly outlined below.

  1. For the procurement of temporary personnel services when the department is directly hiring an individual the department is required to perform all routine hiring processes (posting, completing an ePAR, Criminal Conviction Check, Form I-9/E-Verify, Form W-4, Form NC-4, reference checks).
  2. For the procurement of temporary personnel services when the department contracts with an outside staffi ng vendor, the department must follow the routine purchasing guidelines summarized below:
    Total Expenditures Table
    Total Expenditure: < $5,000
    Necessary Action: The department is responsible for the proper documentation and payment using either a check requisition or a Web requisition using object code 3909
    Total Expenditure: $5,001-$9,999.99
    Necessary Action: The department is required to obtain a minimum of three informal quotes from outside vendors. Once a selection has been made, the department sends a purchase requisition to Purchasing Services for approval and the creation of a purchase order. Purchasing Services shall require a copy of the informal quotes as well as a letter justifying the award to the desired vendor.
    Total Expenditure: $10,000-$500,000
    Necessary Action: The department is responsible for submitting a purchase requisition with a full description of the job skills/sets they require in the temporary employee along with a list of possible vendors. Purchasing Services shall competitively bid the requirement and obtain resumes for departmental review and selection of a qualified applicant. If the estimated cost exceeds $25,000. The bid must be posted on the State Purchase and Contract website for a minimum of 10 days.
    Total Expenditure: > $500,000
    The department is responsible for submitting a purchase requisition with a full description of the job skills/sets they require in the temporary employee along with a list of possible vendors. Purchasing Services shall competitively bid the requirement and obtain resumes for departmental review and selection of a qualified applicant. If the estimated cost exceeds $25,000. The bid must be posted on the State Purchase and Contract website for a minimum of 10 days.
    *Additionally, State approval is required before a contract can be awarded.

Contact Information

Primary Contact

Primary Contact Information Table
Address Phone Number Email

Office of Human Resources

104 Airport Drive, CB #1045

Chapel Hill, NC 27599

(919)843-2300 hr@unc.edu