SHRA Direct Hire Temporary Compensation & Wage-Hour Administration
Below you will find information regarding compensation and wage-hour administration for temporary employees at UNC-Chapel Hill.
Policy Statement
Minimum Wage
All non-student temporary SHRA employees of the State of North Carolina must be paid at or above the State minimum wage, which is $10.61 per hour.
See "Exclusions for Student Employees" below for additional information relevant to student employment status.
Maximum Wage
The annualized salary for temporary SHRA employees of the State of North Carolina must not exceed the maximum of pay range for an equivalent permanent position within the same position branch and role.
Wage-Hour Status
All temporary SHRA employees are subject to the overtime provisions of the federal Fair Labors Standards Act (FLSA), which means they are designated as 'Non-Exempt.' These employees must submit a completed employee time record for each biweekly period in which they work.
Temporary employees must enter their bi-weekly time worked into the TIM System or have their TIM administrator enter their time if they are working from a remote location. Temporary employees are paid on the same biweekly schedule as SHRA permanent employees and must adhere to the same payroll deadlines.
Overtime Liability
Non-Exempt employees earn time -and-one half for all hours worked in excess of 40 hours in a work week. A non-exempt employee must actually work over 40 hours in a single work week to receive overtime compensation. Lack of funds does not relieve a department from its obligation to compensate overtime work at the rate of time-and-one-half. The University does not have a policy that allows equal time off (hour for hour) in another week. The additional pay is to be included in the paycheck for the pay period in which the overtime was worked.
Management should give as much advance notice as possible of the need to work overtime so that employees can make any arrangements necessary to enable them to perform the overtime work.
Note: Some work units may require occasional mandatory overtime as a condition of employment. Such a requirement must be listed in the job posting and explained to job candidates during the interview and selection process.
Compensatory Time Off
Temporary SHRA employees are not eligible for compensatory time off.
Holidays & Holiday Pay
Temporary SHRA employees do not receive pay for a University holiday not worked.
A temporary employee who is required by his/her department to work on a University holiday must receive his/her regular pay and must also receive Holiday Premium Pay for all hours worked on the holiday. Holiday Premium Pay is equal to one- half the employee's regular pay rate (the total compensation for working on the holiday is time and one-half, unless this work results in the employee working more than 40 hours in the week. To receive Holiday Premium Pay, the employee must enter the time on his/her timecard via the Time Information Management (TIM) system.
A temporary employee who works on a University holiday but was not required by the department to do so must be compensated at his/her regular rate for all hours worked on the holiday, unless this work results in the employee working more than 40 hours in the week. This voluntary work is not additionally compensated with Holiday Premium Pay.
Management has the discretion to allow temporary employees to work a flexible schedule during a holiday week to compensate for the absence on the holiday (for example, four 10 -hour days).
Other Special Pay Considerations
Temporary SHRA employees are eligible for on-call and emergency callback pay:
- On-Call pay is compensation for an employee who must remain available to be called back to work on short notice if the need arises. (If an employee must remain on University property or so near that time cannot be used freely, it is not considered on - call time but is recorded as work time.)
- Emergency Callback is compensation for an employee who has left the work site and is requested to respond (either by returning to work or by responding by telephone or computer) on short notice to an emergency work situation in order:
- To avoid significant service disruption; or
- To avoid placing employees or the public in unsafe situations; or
- To protect and/or provide emergency services to property; or equipment; or
- To respond to emergencies with students, clients, inmates, patients, or residents.
Temporary SHRA employees are not eligible for shift premium pay.
Contact Information
Policy Contact(s)
If you have questions about this policy, contact the Employment Consultant in Employment & Staffing assigned to work with your department.
If you have questions about temporary postings, refer to the Temporary Position Posting FAQs or contact the Direct Hire Temporary Coordinator in Employment & Staffing.