Procedure for Flexible Work Arrangements for University Employees


University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Procedures for Flexible Work Arrangements for University Employees



The University recognizes the importance of providing flexibility for employees to balance work responsibilities with personal obligations and commitments. Departments are encouraged to be open to allow for flexible work arrangements (FWAs) with the understanding that this flexibility must still ensure appropriate employee accountability and be compatible with the operational needs of the work unit.

This procedure outlines the requirements associated with requesting and approving FWAs in accordance with the Policy on Flexible Work Arrangements for Employees (Policy).

Scope of Applicability

This procedure applies to all employee types, including: SHRA, EHRA Non-Faculty, Faculty, part-time, and temporary employees.


I: Three (3) Types of Flexible Work Arrangements (FWAs):

A. Requesting and Approving Flexible Work Hours

Upon request and subject to the requirements outlined in the Policy and in these procedures, requests for flexible work hours are at the discretion of the unit and/or supervisor. Unit leadership and/or supervisors may establish their own protocols for requesting and approving flexible work hours and communicate such to their employees. However, all regular and recurring flexible work hour arrangements must be documented and maintained by the unit’s local HR Officer. Documentation should include the relevant terms of the arrangement and can be accomplished through an email exchange.

B. Requesting and Approving Flexible Work Schedules

Upon request and subject to the requirements outlined in the Policy and in these procedures, requests for flexible work schedules are at the discretion of the department and/or supervisor. Units and/or supervisors may establish their own protocols for requesting and approving flexible work schedules and communicate such to their employees. However, all regular and recurring flexible work schedule arrangements must be documented and maintained by the unit’s local HR Officer. Documentation should include the relevant terms of the arrangement and can be accomplished through an email exchange.

This procedure does not cover FTE changes, which should be requested through the employee’s supervisor and/or local HR Officer and may require additional steps and considerations.

C. Requesting and Approving Flexible Work Locations (Teleworking)

To assure appropriate accountability and oversight of teleworking arrangements, the following minimum requirements and pre-approvals have been established by the University. Please note that all appropriate approvals must be received before the teleworking arrangement can begin.

Long-Term Teleworking Arrangements:

Long-Term teleworking arrangements (exceeding thirty (30) calendar days in duration) will be determined by a unit-wide assessment and plan made by the Dean or Vice Chancellor and approved by the Chancellor or designee, rather than by individual request. Employees with questions about their unit’s long-term teleworking plan should contact their local HR Officer.

Short-Term Teleworking Arrangements:

Upon request and subject to the requirements outlined in the Policy and in these procedures, short-term teleworking arrangements (thirty (30) calendar days or fewer in duration) are at the discretion of the department and/or supervisor. Units and/or supervisors may establish their own protocols for requesting and approving short-term teleworking arrangements and communicate such to their employees. However, recurring short-term teleworking arrangements (for more than a one- or two-time event) must be documented and maintained by the unit’s HR Officer. Documentation should include the relevant terms of the arrangement and can be accomplished through an email exchange. Requests for recurring short-term teleworking arrangements outside of North Carolina, the United States, or outside of a reasonable commuting distance from the on-campus duty station are subject to additional approval processes, as outlined below.

Teleworking Arrangements Outside of North Carolina, the United States, or a Reasonable Commuting Distance:

All recurring teleworking arrangements for employees with a proposed alternative work location that is outside of North Carolina, the United States, or a reasonable commuting distance from their on-campus duty station must be reviewed and approved by the unit Dean or Vice Chancellor and the Vice Chancellor of Human Resources and Equal Opportunity and Compliance or designee regardless of the duration of the teleworking arrangement.

For such approvals for short-term recurring teleworking arrangements, the employee should submit a Teleworking Request Form (via Self-Service in ConnectCarolina). If the employee does not have access to ConnectCarolina, they can request a paper copy of the Teleworking Request Form from their local HR representative. Employees and their supervisors will be notified via email when the teleworking request form has routed through all appropriate approvals.

Considerations for long-term (more than thirty (30) calendar days in duration) teleworking arrangements outside of North Carolina, the United States, or a reasonable commuting distance will be processed through the unit-wide assessment and plan made by the unit’s Dean or Vice Chancellor and submitted to the Vice Chancellor of Human Resources and Equal Opportunity and Compliance for approval.

All employees working outside of North Carolina are required to have their departments complete the UNC Payroll Services Notice of Employee Working Outside of North Carolina form (1107.2.1f).

II. Faculty

Faculty requesting regular or recurring FWAs for duties that are generally expected to be conducted on‐site (e.g., teaching an in‐person class or conducting lab research, artistic instruction or production, faculty advising) are subject to the same submission and approval requirements set forth in the other sections of these procedures. Each school’s Dean should create a clear set of guidelines for faculty regarding factors that will be considered when reviewing such FWA requests.

III. Assistance Discussing with Supervisor

Employees who may need assistance in discussing a proposed flexible work arrangement with their manager or supervisor should contact an Employee and Management Relations Consultant in the Office of Human Resources for assistance.


  • See Policy for Flexible Work Arrangements for University Employees.

Related Requirements

Attachments/Required Forms

Contact Information

Primary Contacts

Noreen Montgomery
Title: Senior Director of Employment and Staffing
Unit: Employment and Staffing
Phone: (919) 843-9883

Adam Beck
Title: Senior Director of Classification and Compensation
Unit: Classification and Compensation
Phone: (919) 843-8258

Linc Butler
Title: Interim Assistant Provost for Academic Personnel
Unit: Academic Personnel Office
Phone: (919) 962-8377

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The University recognizes the importance of providing flexibility for employees to balance work responsibilities with personal obligations and commitments. This policy outlines the regulations regarding flexible work arrangements (FWAs). Departments are encouraged to be open to allowing for FWAs with the understanding that this flexibility must still ensure appropriate employee accountability and be compatible with the operational needs of the work unit.