Background Check Procedure


University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Background Check Procedure



This procedure sets out the process for requesting and initiating background checks in accordance with the University’s Policy on Background Checks for Faculty, Non-Faculty Employees, Student Employees, and Affiliates (“Policy”).

This procedure will be applied and interpreted consistently with applicable law.


This procedure applies to all campus personnel who are responsible for ensuring that covered individuals selected for employment, paid/unpaid appointments, and volunteer opportunities according to the University's background check policy, provide the information necessary for the University to conduct appropriate background checks. The Background Check unit of the Office of Human Resources (OHR) conducts background checks appropriate to the appointment, evaluates results, and makes a final determination as described within this procedure and policy.

Centers for Disease Control/United States Department of Agriculture (CDC/USDA) select agent requirements and background check procedures for positions dealing with the use of devices containing large quantities of radionuclides for research purposes are handled separately through the University's Environment, Health and Safety Radiation Safety Office. Those procedures are documented in the "UNC Enhanced Security Program for Radioactive Materials Quantities of Concern" which is required to be withheld from public disclosure under North Carolina General Statute (N.C.G.S.) 104E-9(a)(4).


Collecting Candidate/Appointee Information

Pursuant to North Carolina Session Law 2013-53, if a background check is required (see the Policy’s criteria for background check requirements section), any State entity requesting disclosure of information concerning any arrest, criminal charge or criminal conviction of the applicant must first advise the applicant that State law allows the applicant to not disclose any arrest, charge or conviction that has been expunged.

If a hire or appointment is deemed to be time-sensitive, an appointing department may choose (but is not required) to request a background check for more than one candidate after interviews have been completed and in advance of a final selection. A background check should only be conducted on the top one or two candidates for a position.

All data collected for the background check is maintained in compliance with the Information Classification Standard and Information Security Controls Standard.

Initiating a Background Check ePAR Request

After reference checks are completed and a contingent offer is made in writing to a candidate/appointee, the appointing department submits a background check request to their assigned department background check initiator. The background check initiator submits a background check ePAR request for the candidate/appointee by completing a background check ePAR. Upon receipt, the OHR Background Check unit:

1. Sends an email invitation to the candidate/appointee to complete the background check questionnaire and electronically sign required disclosure(s) and consent(s) to conduct a background check and credentials verification (if applicable),

2. Selects the background check package,

3. Sends the background check request to the university's background check vendor,

4. Evaluates the background check results and conducts an individualized assessment when appropriate, and

5. Completes the background check.

The department background check initiator is responsible for completing all required fields and including the person ID (if one exists) on the background check ePAR. For any covered individual participating in the CDC/USDA Tier 1 Select Agent program, the department background check initiator must indicate "CDC Select Agent" under the "Special Category" field on the ePAR. Please note that chartfield account, fund, and source numbers are required for all background check requests. Refer to the appointing school or division's specific instructions concerning the use of the chartfield program and cost codes.

The department background check initiator is responsible for following up with the candidate/appointee as needed to ensure the background check questionnaire is completed in a timely manner. Failure to provide essential information and/or accurate information will result in delays in the background check process. Refer to the background check quick reference cards (QRCs) located in the HR Community Toolkit for step-by-step instructions.

Use of Previous Background Check Results (Validity Period)

If a background check has been completed within the last twelve (12) months of the new position or appointment effective date, the results may be used for a subsequent position or appointment if the background check meets the criteria of the new position or appointment. If it does not meet the criteria for the new position, additional background check components must be completed. The twelve (12) month period is calculated from the Date Summary Completed to the Effective Date in ConnectCarolina.

The Background Check unit will assess whether or not the previous background check results are valid based on the requirements of the new position/appointment (e.g. driving, professional license verification, degree verification, and/or federal debarment checks, when applicable).

Once the results are evaluated, the Background Check unit will complete the background check summary and upload the degree and/or professional licensure verification (when applicable) in ConnectCarolina.

Conducting the Background Check

Once the University's background check service provider receives the background check request, the following background checks will be conducted:

  • A residency history and social security trace (includes Social Security Administration Death Master File search)
  • A criminal convictions check for applicable state and local jurisdictions in which the covered individual has lived within the last seven (7) years (results reported by the consumer reporting agency beyond this time frame may be considered)
  • A criminal convictions check of federal court records
  • A State Bureau of Investigation and Federal Bureau of Investigation criminal record history check (only Carolina Community Academy positions)
  • A national sex-offender registry check
  • A check of applicable federal debarment databases (System for Award Management and Office of Inspector General) for covered individuals in paid appointments (if applicable)
  • An education credential verification (if applicable)
  • A professional license verification for any covered individual whose position requires a professional license (if applicable)
  • A driver's license record verification of applicable state motor-vehicle licensing agencies for any covered individual whose formal duties include driving (if applicable)

Driver's License Check

The University has incorporated a mandatory driver's license check as part of the background check for covered individuals for whom driving is an essential function of their duties, or who could be reasonably expected to drive a University or State-owned vehicle while performing those duties.

This requirement does not apply to individuals who may routinely drive their own vehicles to meetings or events while performing their duties in the course of their jobs.

Federal Debarment Check

The University conducts a federal debarment check through the System for Award Management (SAM) and Office of Inspector General (OIG) exclusion databases as part of the background check process for all candidates for paid appointments. Individuals in unpaid appointments are excluded from the federal debarment check.

Under the Federal Acquisition Regulation, the University may not employ an individual who is currently debarred from employment with a federal contractor. If the background check reveals that an individual is currently debarred from employment with a federal contractor, OHR will notify the appointing department head and the school or division Human Resources Officer, secondary contact or the Human Resources Officer's designee.

Education and Professional Credentials

North Carolina General Statutes (N.C.G.S. 126-30 and 14-122.1), North Carolina Administrative Code (25 N.C.A.C. 01H .0637), Office of State Human Resources Selection of Applicants Policy, UNC System Office Policy Code 300.2.3[R], and the University's Recruitment and Hiring Policy require the verification of education and professional credentials within ninety (90) calendar days of the initial date of employment.

Further, these laws and policies require disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment if false or misleading information is discovered.

Credentials that require verification are:

  • The highest post-secondary degree in all cases; and
  • Any professional license, registration or certification, indicated on the selected candidate's Application for Staff Employment, used to qualify the candidate, set the salary and/or as required by regulation for the position

An individual may be appointed as a Postdoctoral Scholar if they have completed all of the requirements for a doctorate (or equivalent terminal degree) before their Postdoctoral Scholar appointment begins even if the degree has not yet been formally conferred. For more information, refer to the Postdoctoral Scholar Policy.

For more information about U.S. and international degree verification requirements, refer to the applicable section below.

U.S. Degrees

If an employee or appointee obtained their highest post-secondary degree from an accredited U.S. educational institution, the background check unit completes the degree verification within 90 days of the initial date of employment. The verification is typically completed through the National Student Clearinghouse. If the educational institution does not participate in the Clearinghouse, then the degree may be verified through the background check vendor, another third-party verification service or Registrar's office.

When necessary, the employee may be required to provide additional information, documentation and/or provide a signed release for the University to complete the verification.

International Degrees

If an employee or appointee completed their education outside of the U.S. and its territories, they must have their highest post-secondary academic degree evaluated and validated as being equivalent to a Baccalaureate, Master's, or Doctoral degree confirmed by a regionally accredited college or university in the United States.

The international credential evaluation must be completed by an agency that performs credential evaluation services and is credited by of one of the following accreditation bodies:

Credential evaluation services vary in cost depending on the complexity of the analysis and the amount and type of documentation available. Employees/appointees typically pay the cost for this service. Employees should contact these organizations for current information, procedures, and cost. UNC-Chapel Hill does not endorse any one service or agency.

The employee is responsible for obtaining a validation of the U.S. degree equivalency through an accredited credential evaluation services agency. The appointing department is responsible for ensuring that the employee obtains an evaluation from a NACES or AICE accredited credential evaluation agency and submitting a copy of the validation to the OHR Background Check unit at, within ninety (90) calendar days of initial employment or appointment.

A list of NACES and AICE accredited agencies that perform this specialized service appears in the table below.

National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES) Accredited Credential Evaluation Service Agencies
Agency Mailing Address Telephone Number Fax Number
A2Z Evaluations, LLC 216 F Street, #29
Davis, CA 95616
Academic Evaluation Services, Inc. 8875 Hidden River Parkway,
Suite 110
Tampa, FL 33637
Center for Applied Research, Evaluation and Education, Inc. PO Box 18358
Anaheim, CA 92817
Educational Credential Evaluators, Inc. 101 W. Pleasant St., Suite 200
Milwaukee, WI 53212
Educational Perspectives, Inc. PO Box A3462
Chicago, IL 60690
312-421-9300 312-421-9353
Educational Records Evaluation Services, Inc.

4773 Mangels Blvd
Fairfield CA, 94534

Foreign Academic Credential Service, Inc. 105 West Vandalia Street, Suite 120
Edwardsville, IL 62025
Foundation for International Services, Inc. 505 5th Avenue South, Suite 101
Edmonds, WA 98020
Global Credential Evaluators, Inc. 3515-B Longmire Drive PMB 323
College Station, TX 77845
(International) 301-421-4581
Globe Language Services, Inc. 305 Broadway Ste. 401
New York, NY 10007
212-227-1994 212-693-1489
Institute for Foreign Credential Services 6 Cedar Street
Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522
914-693-2840 914-231-7782
International Academic Credential Evaluators, Inc. PO Box 2465
Denton, TX 76202-2465
International Consultants of Delaware, Inc. 3600 Market Street,
Suite 450
Philadelphia, PA 19104
International Education Evaluations, Inc. 7900 Matthews-Mint Hill Rd., Suite 300
Charlotte, NC 28227
International Education Research Foundation, Inc. PO Box 3665
Culver City, CA 90231
310-258-9451 310-342-7086
Josef Silny & Associates, Inc. 7101 S.W. 102 Avenue
Miami, FL 33173
305-273-1616 305-273-1338
SpanTran: The Evaluation Company 2400 Augusta Drive, Suite 451
Houston, TX 77057
713-266-8805 713-789-6022
Transcript Research 9540 Garland Road,
Suite 381, Box 383
Dallas, TX 75218
214-810-1124 888-745-6756
World Education Services, Inc. Attention: Documentation Center
Bowling Green Station
P.O. Box 5087
New York, NY 10274-5087
800-361-3106 212-739-6100
Association of International Credential Evaluators, Inc. (AICE) Credential Evaluation Service Agencies
Agency Mailing Address Telephone Number Fax Number
Academic Credentials Evaluation Institute, Inc.

P.O. Box 6908
Beverly Hills, CA 90212

American Education Research Corporation 382 East Rowland Street
Covina, CA 91723-3154
626-339-4404 626-339-9081
Evaluation Service, Inc. 333 W. North Avenue, #284
Chicago, IL 60610
847-477-8569 312-587-3068
Foreign Credential Evaluators, Inc. 1425 Market Blvd.
Suite 530, PMB 305
Rosewell, GA 30076
Foreign Credentials Service of America 1910 Justin Lane
Austin, TX 78757
InCred 120 W. 12th St.
Suite 700
Kansas City, MO 64105
Scholaro 29 E. Madison St.
Suite 1005
Chicago, IL 60602
SDR Educational Consultants 2600 Gessner Road
Suite 267
Houston, TX 77080
713-460-3525 713-460-5344
Ucredo 105 W. Plant St.
Suite 1
Winter Garden, FL 34787

Background Check Fees

Appointing departments will be charged the University's current background check fees based on:

  • Standard administrative background check fee
  • Type of background check conducted
  • State and local jurisdiction criminal history checks
  • Education and professional credential checks (if applicable)
  • Department of Motor Vehicle search (if applicable)

For a schedule of these fees, refer to the UNC Background Check Pricing Schedule.

Time Frame

The OHR Background Check Unit strives to notify appointing departments of clear background checks (e.g., those revealing no adverse results) within seven (7) business days after the background check is initiated. This time frame may be exceeded depending upon the number of names of record, number and location of out-of-state jurisdictions and/or adverse results.

Contingent Offers

Contingent Offers for Paid and Unpaid Appointments

The Fair Chance to Compete for Jobs Act of 2019 requires that a contingent offer (also known as a conditional offer) be made prior to conducting a criminal background check and/or requesting that a candidate/appointee disclose criminal history record information. A contingent offer is a formal offer that is dependent upon satisfactory outcome of the background check process and other contingencies. A contingent offer may be rescinded if any of the contingencies are not satisfactorily completed. The law includes limited exceptions to contingent offer requirements. The exception that may apply to University appointments are cases where a statutory authority or law requires an inquiry into an individual's criminal history and/or conducting a background check prior to extending an offer of employment.

The contingent offer requirement applies to the following appointments that are covered by university background check requirements:

  • Paid appointments (SHRA/EHRA permanent, time-limited and temporary positions including waivers of recruitment, student positions and individuals hired through search firms/executive search)
  • Contingent worker appointments (e.g., zero-salary adjunct faculty with no intent to pay, external pay postdoctoral scholars, some EHRA students and others)
  • Third-party temporary appointments (e.g., nextSource)
  • UNC independent contractor appointments
  • Unpaid volunteer, intern and visiting scholar appointments

Consistent with federal law, once a candidate/appointee is selected for an appointment, a contingent offer must be made in writing before the background check is initiated. The appointing department must use an approved offer letter template (see templates) or their own offer letter template that includes the appropriate contingent offer statement:

Contingent Offer Statement for Paid Positions

This offer is contingent upon the satisfactory outcome of a background check, reference checks, verification of academic and professional license credentials, funding as well as final salary approval, if applicable. The University’s offer may be rescinded based upon the results of these factors.

Contingent Offer Statement for Contingent Workers, Unpaid Volunteers/Interns/Visiting Scholars, and UNC Independent Contractors

This offer is contingent upon the satisfactory outcome of a background check, verification of academic and professional license credentials, and reference checks, if applicable. The University’s offer may be rescinded based upon the results of these factors.

When all appointment requirements have been satisfactorily completed, the appointing department or third-party vendor (e.g., nextSource, search firm, etc.) makes the final offer.

The appointing department is responsible for retaining contingent offer records per the University of North Carolina General Records Retention and Disposition Schedule. Retention periods vary by appointment type.

For more information, refer to the Contingent Offers for Paid and Unpaid Appointments webpage.

Effective Date/Report for Duty

An appointment effective date must be no later than twelve (12) months after the background check is completed with no disqualifying results (also known as the validity period). If this time frame is exceeded, a new background check must be completed before the covered individual reports for duty.

Departments may not have an individual report for duty unless the background check has been completed with no disqualifying results. However, if a background check remains incomplete thirty (30) business days after being initiated and the appointing department head deems it essential for an individual to report for duty, the appointing department may seek a special exception from the Senior Associate Vice Chancellor for Human Resources and Academic Personnel or their designee for a covered individual to conditionally report for duty (also known as a contingent start) prior to completion of the background check. In this circumstance, a conditional report for duty will not be approved for individuals working in appointments that involve contact with sensitive populations (e.g., minors, patients, etc.), sensitive data, sensitive facilities, or have access to or control of sensitive University resources (e.g., CDC/USDA Tier 1 Select Agents, large amounts of University funding).

Assessing Convictions/Arrests/Charges/Driving Infractions

If a background check reveals prior non-expunged criminal convictions, arrests, charges, serious driving infractions (when applicable), or falsification of credentials, then OHR or the designated central office, in consultation with the appointing department head and/or the school's or division's Human Resources Officer, secondary contact or the Human Resources Officer's designee, will assess the potential risks and relevance of each applicable conviction or infraction to the proposed appointment of the covered individual.

In considering whether a non-expunged criminal conviction, arrest, charge or serious driving infraction (when applicable) rises to the level of potentially barring a covered individual from appointment, OHR, in consultation with the appointing department head and the school's or division's Human Resources Officer, secondary contact, or the Human Resources Officer's designee, may exercise discretion in determining whether there are mitigating factors which may still permit the appointment to proceed.

Such factors may include:

  • The relationship of the conduct to the specific job duties and responsibilities that would be performed by the covered individual, if appointed;
  • The nature, gravity, and context of the events surrounding the conduct, as evidenced by the background check results and any supplementary information that can be obtained by the University or that is promptly provided by the covered individual;
  • The time that has elapsed since the conduct occurred and/or completion of any sentence served;
  • The individual's demonstrated behavior since any conviction and the future potential for illegal activity by the individual, as might be inferred from a past pattern of conduct;
  • Any other extenuating circumstances documented by the covered individual or otherwise known to the University (e.g., the age of the candidate at the time of the conduct, the totality of the circumstances, etc.)

The Office of University Counsel, Office of Postdoctoral Affairs, EHRA Human Resources, Office for the Protection of Minors (POM) Program, and/or UNC Police may (but are not required to) be consulted when assessing the job-relatedness and relevance of prior non-expunged convictions, arrests, charges or serious driving infractions to a possible future appointment. For federally regulated CDC/USDA Tier 1 Select Agent appointments, the Department of Environment, Health and Safety may be consulted.

If education and/or professional licensure credentials cannot be verified, OHR, in consultation with the appointing official, may determine whether a covered individual may be employed or continue to be employed based on the falsification of stated credentials.

Any adverse results that indicate the need for further assessment and decision-making will be routed as follows based on the appointment type.

Adverse Background Check Routing Chart
If a covered individual of this type has an adverse background check: The results will be routed to the following official(s):
EHRA non-faculty permanent and temporary appointments OHR Background Check Supervisor and Senior Director EHRA Human Resources, if necessary
Faculty permanent and temporary appointments1 OHR Background Check Supervisor and Senior Director EHRA Human Resources, if necessary
UNC independent contractors (UNC IC) OHR Background Check Consultant
Postdoctoral fellows2 OHR Background Check Supervisor and Senior Director EHRA Human Resources and/or Office of Postdoctoral Affairs, if necessary
SHRA permanent appointments OHR Background Check Supervisor and Assistant Director Employment, if necessary
SHRA temporary appointments OHR Background Check Consultant and Staffing Support Services Manager, if necessary
Unpaid affiliates (i.e. unpaid interns, volunteers, and visiting scholars) OHR Background Check Consultant and Assistant Director Employment, if necessary
All other special checks:
  • federally regulated CDC/USDA Tier 1 Select Agent requirements3
  • federal debarment checks
OHR Background Check Supervisor
Individuals who have contact with minors OHR Background Check Supervisor and Office for the Protection of Minors (POM) Coordinator, if necessary

Notifying Covered Individuals of Adverse Background Check Results

In the event of a background check with adverse results that may result in a potential determination that bars appointment, a covered individual is entitled to certain notification rights under the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act.

The "pre-adverse" and "adverse action" notifications described in this section will be provided to the covered individual by the OHR Background Check unit in consultation with the University official below:

Adverse Action Communication Chart
"Pre-adverse" and "adverse-action" notifications for the following appointment types: Approved by the OHR Background Check unit in consultation with the designated University official:
EHRA non-faculty permanent and temporary appointments Senior Director EHRA Human Resources, OHR
Faculty permanent and temporary appointments Senior Director EHRA Human Resources, OHR
UNC independent contractors Senior Director Employment & Staffing, OHR
Postdoctoral fellows Senior Director EHRA Human Resources and/or Office of Postdoctoral Affairs, if necessary
SHRA permanent and temporary appointments Senior Director Employment & Staffing, OHR
Unpaid affiliates Senior Director Employment & Staffing, OHR
All other special checks:
  • federally regulated CDC/USDA Tier 1 Select Agent requirements
  • federal debarment checks
Senior Director Employment & Staffing, OHR
Individuals who have contact with minors Office for the Protection of Minors (POM) Coordinator

Pre-Adverse Notification

If a background check produces adverse results that may bar appointment of a covered individual, the OHR Background Check unit on behalf of the designated University official, must notify the covered individual prior to taking any adverse action based in whole or in part on the background check results.

The "pre-adverse" notification will be sent by email and include the following:

The covered individual will have five (5) business days from receipt of the notification to provide a written explanation regarding the adverse results in question or to challenge the accuracy of the results with the consumer-reporting agency.

Taking into account any supplemental explanation or information that is provided by the covered individual, the designated University official will finalize their decision, in consultation with the appointing department head and the applicable school's or division's Human Resources Officer or their designee and/or the Office of the University Counsel and UNC Police, when appropriate.

Adverse Action Notification

If a background check with adverse results will be used in whole or in part in a decision not to hire a covered individual, the OHR Background Check unit will notify the covered individual within three (3) business days of the decision.

The "adverse action" notification will be sent by email and include the following:

  • An adverse action letter; and
  • A copy of the document "A Summary of Your Rights Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act"; and
  • Information including the name, address and telephone number of the consumer reporting agency that furnished the consumer report, that the consumer reporting agency did not make the decision to take adverse action and is unable to provide the consumer the specific reasons why the adverse action was taken, as well as how to dispute the accuracy of the information on the consumer report through the consumer reporting agency and request a free copy of the background check report

Any decision to bar appointment due to an adverse background check result will be considered final.

Confidentiality and Privacy

Employers are prohibited from sharing background check information with a third-party in accordance with federal and state laws such as the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), which regulates the collection and use of background check information. As such, the University does not use or share background check information with a third-party such as another employer.

University officials who process information collected pursuant to this policy will ensure that it is held confidentially and securely and that it is disclosed only to University or State officials who have a direct role in acting on this information. This information is considered non-public personnel information; however, candidates/appointees may request a copy of their background check by contacting the background check unit at Once hired, employees may request a copy of their background check results by submitting a request to the OHR Records & Information Unit.


The Background Check unit is the office of record for background check records and maintains records consistent with the Records Management Policy and University of North Carolina General Records Retention and Disposition Schedule. A candidate/appointee may request a copy of their background check results. They must present valid photo identification such as a U.S. passport, driver's license, state identification card, etc. in person to a Background Check unit representative before they can receive the copy. For more information, contact the Background Check unit at


Individuals in unpaid appointments are exempt from the federal debarment checks.


Refer to the Policy on Background Checks for Faculty, Non-Faculty and Student Employees and Affiliates.

Related Requirements

External Regulations and Consequences

University Policies, Standards, and Procedures

Contact Information

Primary Contacts
Subject Contact Telephone Email
General questions regarding background check procedures OHR Background Check unit (919) 962-5742
Status of in-process background checks (University departments only) OHR Background Check unit (919) 962-5742
Technical issues (e.g., Guest ID, ePAR functionality, etc.) UNC Help Portal (Keyword: Background Check Support) (919) 962-HELP UNC Help Portal
Determinations on Adverse Background Results for:
Subject Contact Telephone Email
EHRA non-faculty appointments EHRA Human Resources Contact the OHR Service Center at (919) 843-2300 for contact information See OHR website for specific e-mail contacts
Faculty permanent and temporary appointments1 EHRA Human Resources Contact the OHR Service Center at (919) 843-2300 for contact information See OHR website for e-mail contacts
Postdoctoral fellow appointments2 EHRA Human Resources Contact the OHR Service Center at (919) 843-2300 for contact information See OHR website for e-mail contacts
SHRA permanent appointments and unpaid affiliates (e.g. unpaid visiting scholars, interns, & volunteers) OHR Employment Contact the OHR Service Center at (919) 843-2300 for contact information See OHR website for specific e-mail contacts
SHRA temporary appointments, Independent Contractors and other special checks including:
  • Federally regulated CDC/USDA Tier 1 Select Agent requirements3
  • Federal debarment checks
OHR Background Check unit Contact the OHR Service Center at (919) 843-2300 for contact information See OHR website for specific e-mail contacts
Residential and non-residential programs serving minors who are current UNC-Chapel Hill employees and/or affiliates Office for the Protection of Minors (POM) Coordinator (919) 843-8995

See Protection of Minors website for specific e-mail contacts

Important Dates

Original Effective Date:

  • September 01, 2002 - Approved by: Associate Vice Chancellor, Office of Human Resources


  • September 17, 2024 - Approved by: Senior Associate Vice Chancellor for Human Resources and Academic Personnel
  • August 20, 2024 - Approved by: Senior Associate Vice Chancellor for Human Resources and Academic Personnel
  • July 8, 2024 - Approved by: Senior Associate Vice Chancellor for Human Resources and Academic Personnel
  • June 1, 2024 - Approved by: Senior Associate Vice Chancellor for Human Resources and Academic Personnel
  • February 1, 2024 - Approved by: Senior Associate Vice Chancellor for Human Resources and Academic Personnel
  • July 1, 2023 - Approved by: Senior Associate Vice Chancellor for Human Resources and Academic Personnel
  • November 24, 2021 - Approved by: Associate Vice Chancellor, Office of Human Resources
  • July 1, 2020 - Approved by: Associate Vice Chancellor, Office of Human Resources
  • February 10, 2020 - Approved by: Associate Vice Chancellor, Office of Human Resources
  • October 5, 2018 - Approved by: Associate Vice Chancellor, Office of Human Resources
  • December 1, 2017 - Approved by: Associate Vice Chancellor, Office of Human Resources
  • September 1, 2017 - Approved by: Associate Vice Chancellor, Office of Human Resources
  • July 1, 2017 - Approved by: Associate Vice Chancellor, Office of Human Resources
  • April 3, 2017 - Approved by: Associate Vice Chancellor, Office of Human Resources
  • December 4, 2015 - Approved by: Associate Vice Chancellor, Office of Human Resources
  • September 12, 2014 - Approved by: Associate Vice Chancellor, Office of Human Resources
  • July 1, 2014 - Approved by: Associate Vice Chancellor, Office of Human Resources
  • April 4, 2013 - Approved by: Associate Vice Chancellor, Office of Human Resources
  • May 1, 2011 - Approved by: Associate Vice Chancellor, Office of Human Resources
  • November 12, 2010 - Approved by: Associate Vice Chancellor, Office of Human Resources
  • July 1, 2007 - Approved by: Associate Vice Chancellor, Office of Human Resources


1. In the case of a proposed faculty appointee, EHRA Human Resources in the Office of Human Resources, in consultation with the appointing department head and the school's or division's Human Resources Officer or their designee, will assess the potential risks and relevance of each applicable conviction or infraction to the proposed appointment of the covered individual.

2. In the case of a proposed postdoctoral fellow appointee, the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs in the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research, in consultation with the appointing department head and the school or division's Human Resources Officer or their designee, will assess the potential risks and relevance of each applicable conviction or infraction to the proposed appointment of the covered individual.

3. OHR will inform the Executive Director of Environment, Health & Safety (EHS) or their designee of any adverse background-check results for covered individuals who work with federally regulated select agents.

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