Adams School of Dentistry

Articles (78)

Adam School of Dentistry: Policy on Peer-to-Peer Clinical Encounters

This Policy describes requirements and expectations for peer-to-peer encounters as a component of clinical training.

Adams School of Dentistry: Access to Patient Information Policy

Policy that outlines Adams School of Dentistry workforce members with creating, storing, transmitting, accessing, or using any patient information in support of clinical or research purposes.

Adams School of Dentistry: Basic Life Support (BLS) Certification Policy

Policy provides guidance and requirements for maintaining a BLS/CPR certification. UNC Adams School of Dentistry (ASOD) personnel that are involved in professional contact with patients, clients, families, and/or human subjects are required to present prior to their start date and bi-annually thereafter, documentation of completion of an approved Basic Life Support (BLS) certification.

Adams School of Dentistry: Chart Closure Policy

The Adams School of Dentistry requires patient records to be signed in a timely manner. This policy provides details about chart closure minimum standards, reporting, and sanctions.

Adams School of Dentistry: Choose Your Own Device Policy

The UNC-Chapel Hill Adams School of Dentistry has a legal and ethical responsibility to safeguard patient information. This responsibility includes ensuring that devices storing Protected Health Information ("PHI") or other Sensitive Information are properly encrypted and are serviced by an appropriate vendor. The purpose of this Policy is to ensure that all Computing Devices used by students will meet institutional security requirements.

Adams School of Dentistry: Code of Professional Conduct

This policy provides information about the Adams School of Dentistry Code of Professional Conduct.

Adams School of Dentistry: Controlled Substances Policy for Students and Residents

Procedures for identifying and addressing issues associated with Controlled Substances or other Impairments for Students and Residents of Adams School of Dentistry.

Adams School of Dentistry: DDS ACT Curriculum Grading System Policy

This document describes the grading structure of and standards for courses in the DDS program within the Advocate-Clinician-Thinker (ACT) curriculum.

Adams School of Dentistry: DDS Student Attendance Policy

The Adams School of Dentistry and its students have a shared responsibility to prepare those students both academically and clinically for the practice of dentistry. Successful knowledge and skill-based development requires attendance of all classes, laboratory, and clinical sessions as outlined in the curriculum schedules and course syllabi

Adams School of Dentistry: Dental Hygiene Academic Policies

The Undergraduate Dental Hygiene Program (“Program”) regularly monitors and assesses the academic performance and progression of each student enrolled in the program. Upon entry, each class/student is assigned an Academic Advisor who will monitor the student’s progress towards degree completion. While students are required to have an initial meeting with their advisor upon entering the program, additional meetings may be recommended depending on specific student needs.

Adams School of Dentistry: Dental Hygiene Program Attendance Policy

Regular clinic, lab, and class attendance is a student obligation. A student is responsible for all labs, clinic/rotations, class sessions, and classwork, including assignments, projects, examinations, and other course requirements, for all scheduled meetings. No right or privilege exists which permits a student to be absent from any given number of labs, clinic/rotation, or class sessions.

Adams School of Dentistry: Dental Technology Purchasing Policy

The Adams School of Dentistry (ASOD) encourages the exploration of new types of dental technology - be it hardware, software or some combination thereof - that could potentially support its mission of outstanding patient care, teaching and research. The purpose of this policy is to set guidelines for the proper vetting and evaluation of any such technology, so that all concerns related to cost, maintenance and administration, and data security are addressed at the outset.

Adams School of Dentistry: Dress Code Policy

Professional dress represents an important outward expression of one's inward commitment to the professionalism broadly outlined in the Code of Professional Conduct. The purpose of this Policy is to set forth the School's commitment to the maintenance of a professional image as well as infection control and safety standards.

Adams School of Dentistry: Extended Leave of Absence Policy-DDS

The purpose of this Policy is to set establish how leaves of absence by DDS students will be managed.

Adams School of Dentistry: Incident Report, Documentation, & Corrections

Procedure for Adams School of Dentistry on reporting incidents.

Adams School of Dentistry: Infection Control Manual - Chapter 01: Introduction

Chapter 1 of the Adams School of Dentistry's Infection Control Manual explains the manual's purpose, to whom the manual applies, definitions of key terms, general policy provisions, and responsibilities of employees and students to perform safe and ethical care.

Adams School of Dentistry: Infection Control Manual - Chapter 02: Program Administration & Methods of Implementation

Chapter 2 of the Adams School of Dentistry's Infection Control Manual explains standard precautions for preventing infection, the process for evaluating infection control policies and procedures, what happens if there are violations and breaches of infection control, and enforcement measures in the event of policy violations.

Adams School of Dentistry: Infection Control Manual - Chapter 03: Incident Reporting

Chapter 3 of the Adams School of Dentistry's Infection Control Manual explains how to document and report various incidents.

Adams School of Dentistry: Infection Control Manual - Chapter 04: Immunizations, Trainings, and Infectious/Communicable Disease Requirements

Chapter 4 of the Adams School of Dentistry's (ASOD) Infection Control Manual details immunization and training requirements for ASOD personnel (including faculty, staff, and residents) and students, with guidance on infectious / communicable diseases.

Adams School of Dentistry: Infection Control Manual - Chapter 05: Hand Hygiene

Chapter 5 of the Adams School of Dentistry's Infection Control Manual explains appropriate handwashing protocols for routine clinical procedures, between routine clinical procedures, and for surgical procedures.

Adams School of Dentistry: Infection Control Manual - Chapter 06: Clinical Attire & Hygiene

Chapter 6 of the Adams School of Dentistry's (ASOD) Infection Control Manual explains ASOD's requirements for clinical attire and hygiene, including personal hygiene, hair/facial hair, personal adornment, jewelry, and hands/fingernails.

Adams School of Dentistry: Infection Control Manual - Chapter 07: Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Chapter 7 of the Adams School of Dentistry's (ASOD) Infection Control Manual explains the ASOD's requirements for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). This includes types of approved PPE, PPE per procedure/area, approved and denied areas for PPE, PPE specifications, PPE donning protocol, PPE doffing protocol, and PPE training.

Adams School of Dentistry: Infection Control Manual - Chapter 08: Engineering Controls & Work Practices

Chapter 8 of the Adams School of Dentistry's (ASOD) Infection Control Manual explains the ASOD's requirements for single-use/disposable items, regulated waste materials, general guidance on proper handling of needles, needle recapping procedures, and sharps disposal procedures.

Adams School of Dentistry: Infection Control Manual - Chapter 09: Dental Unit Waterlines (DUWL) & Vacuum Maintenance

Chapter 9 of the Adams School of Dentistry's (ASOD) Infection Control Manual explains the ASOD's requirements for Dental Unit Waterlines (DUWL) and vacuum maintenance, including general information on water quality, DUWL maintenance procedures, DUWL monitoring, DUWL shock treatment and installation of treatment straws, DUWL disinfection procedures, DUWL flushing procedures, and maintenance and replacement of vacuum lines, traps, and vacuum materials.

Adams School of Dentistry: Infection Control Manual - Chapter 10: Operatory Infection Control Procedures

Chapter 10 of the Adams School of Dentistry's (ASOD) Infection Control Manual explains the ASOD's operatory infection control procedures, including armamentarium availability in operatories, cleaning and disinfection of operatory, draping operatory, setup of operatory, sterilized instruments in operatories, dismissing the patient from the operatory, end of day operatory procedure, personal items in the operatory, and maintaining the chain of asepsis and limiting contamination.

Adams School of Dentistry: Infection Control Manual - Chapter 11: Instrument Preparation, Sterilization, & Storage

Chapter 11 of the Adams School of Dentistry's (ASOD) Infection Control Manual explains the ASOD's requirements for instrument preparation, sterilization, and storage, including transporting and instrument inspection, processing of instruments, processing of handpieces, identification of instrument level, sterilization and disinfection methodologies, instrument shelf life, and storage and usage.

Adams School of Dentistry: Infection Control Manual - Chapter 12: Equipment, Impressions, & Laboratory Considerations

Chapter 12 of the Adams School of Dentistry's (ASOD) Infection Control Manual explains the ASOD's requirements for using and disinfecting digital impression scanners, intraoral cameras, and impression materials and dental appliances, as well as on-site laboratory considerations, incoming laboratory considerations, and outgoing laboratory considerations.

Adams School of Dentistry: Infection Control Manual - Chapter 13: Radiology Infection Control Policies

Chapter 13 of the Adams School of Dentistry's (ASOD) Infection Control Manual explains the ASOD's radiology infection control policies, including radiology Personal Protective Equipment; initial cleaning, setup, and breakdown procedures for the radiology operatory; radiographic examination; procedures for processing phosphor storage plates (PSP) receptors; PSP disinfection; direct digital sensor disinfection; and procedures for panoramic and portable extraoral radiographic units.

Adams School of Dentistry: Infection Control Manual - Chapter 14: Simulation Clinics & Extracted Teeth

Chapter 14 of the Adams School of Dentistry's (ASOD) Infection Control Manual explains the ASOD's infection control procedures for simulation clinics, including the use of extracted teeth.

Adams School of Dentistry: Infection Control Manual - Chapter 15: Resources

Chapter 15 of the Adams School of Dentistry's (ASOD) Infection Control Manual lists additional resources about infection control.

Adams School of Dentistry: Language Access Standard

The purpose of this Standard is to outline how the UNC Adams School of Dentistry will ensure meaningful access to its health services for individuals with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) and individuals with disabilities.

Adams School of Dentistry: Lunch-and-Learn Policy

The purpose of this Policy is to ensure that educational events meet the Adams School of Dentistry's pedagogical and professional standards.

Adams School of Dentistry: Patient Identity Verification Policy

Policy on verifying the identity and/or authority of the individual presenting for treatment and/or requesting disclosure of Protected Health Information (“PHI”) if the identity of the patient or authority of such person is not personally known and recognized by the ASOD workforce member.

Adams School of Dentistry: Peer Review Program and Processes

This document provides information regarding policies and processes of the Peer Review Committee at the Adams School of Dentistry.

Adams School of Dentistry: Policy and Procedure Following Death of Personnel

This document outlines expectations for UNC Adams School of Dentistry officials when handling the passing of a student, resident, staff, or faculty member.

Adams School of Dentistry: Policy and Procedure on Public Information Displays

The purpose of this document is to set forth a consistent and aesthetic means of communicating to visitors the locations, dates, and times of special events, continuing education courses, etc.

Adams School of Dentistry: Policy for Management of Medical Emergencies

Procedure outline for Medical Emergency response, outline of responsibilities, and monitoring processes.

Adams School of Dentistry: Policy on Affiliates

The UNC Adams School of Dentistry welcomes volunteers and interns, visiting scholars, or aspiring dental professionals to learn more about the School's mission and/or operations through active participation or observation. The purpose of this Policy is to establish the expectations and approval process for all Adams School of Dentistry Affiliates.

Adams School of Dentistry: Policy on Complaints Directed At CODA-Accredited Educational Programs

Students, faculty, constituent dental societies, state boards of dentistry, and other interested parties may submit an appropriate, signed complaint to the Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA) regarding any CODA-accredited dental, allied dental or advanced dental education program, or a program that has an application for initial accreditation pending. An "appropriate" complaint is one that directly addresses a program's compliance with the Commission's standards, policies and procedures.

Adams School of Dentistry: Policy on DDS Academic Standing

To be eligible for promotion, students must successfully complete all course work and appropriate examinations/competencies, satisfy assigned patient care responsibilities, and comply with the technical standards for the semester under review. The determination of promotion is made by the Academic Performance Committee.

Adams School of Dentistry: Policy on DDS and DH Student Programs Compliance

Adams School of Dentistry policy and procedure related to DDS and DH student compliance requirements, expectations, and consequences for Non-Compliance.

Adams School of Dentistry: Policy on Design and Sale of Items for Fundraising

The purpose of this Policy is to establish expectations for students when designing and selling merchandise to raise funds for extracurricular activities. This Policy applies to all Adams School of Dentistry students and residents.

Adams School of Dentistry: Policy on Evaluating DDS Student Performance

Each DDS student's academic and patient care performance must be reviewed throughout the semester. Student performance will be monitored regularly during the semester by faculty and course directors. This includes student compliance with the ASOD Technical Standards in all academic environments.

Adams School of Dentistry: Policy on Extramural Clinical Activities

The purpose of this Policy is to set forth the requirements for extramural clinical activities occurring outside the Adams School of Dentistry. These activities include but are not limited to: rotations, volunteer clinics, private practice, externships, and international trips sponsored by student organizations.

Adams School of Dentistry: Policy on Licensure and Intern Permitting for ADE Students

The purpose of this Policy is to ensure the qualifications of those enrolled in Advanced Dental Education (ADE) comply with applicable law and meet unit expectations. This policy applies to all ADE students and trainees.

Adams School of Dentistry: Policy on Nondiscrimination in Health Programs and Activities

This Policy establishes the UNC Adams School of Dentistry’s commitment to non-discrimination in the delivery of patient care in accordance with Section 1557 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and its implementing regulations at 45 CFR part 92. This Policy applies to all Adams School of Dentistry personnel.

Adams School of Dentistry: Policy on Office Assignments

The UNC Adams School of Dentistry strives to optimize space for educational, clinical, and administrative activities. The University allows the School to manage its own space consistent with institutional policies, standards, and procedures. Recognizing that space is a finite resource within the School, this Policy outlines how office spaces shall be assigned.

Adams School of Dentistry: Policy on Opioid Prescribing for Acute Pain

The misuse and abuse of opioid pain relievers has reached epidemic proportions. As prescribers of opioid pain medications, dentists are well positioned to help keep these drugs from becoming a source of harm. The UNC Adams School of Dentistry believes that a fundamental component of good dental practice includes the appropriate evaluation and management of pain.

Adams School of Dentistry: Policy on Parking Validation

The purpose of this Policy is to establish a uniform approach for parking validation at the UNC Adams School of Dentistry.

Adams School of Dentistry: Policy on Personally-Owned Smartphones

The UNC Adams School of Dentistry has a legal and ethical responsibility to safeguard patient information. This responsibility includes ensuring that devices storing Protected Health Information ("PHI") or other Sensitive Information ("SI") are properly encrypted and are serviced by an appropriate vendor. The purpose of this Policy is to ensure that all Smartphones used by personnel will meet institutional security requirements.

Adams School of Dentistry: Policy on Photography of Patients

The purpose of this Policy is to establish reasonable measures to regulate the creation, use, and disclosure of patient images at the UNC Adams School of Dentistry. This Policy applies to all UNC Adams School of Dentistry personnel who create or otherwise have access to patient images.

Adams School of Dentistry: Policy on Policies

To create a structure for consistency and clarity in Policies as well as their supporting Procedures and Standards within the UNC Adams School of Dentistry ("ASOD" or the "School"). This Policy applies to all Policies developed to support the internal operations of the ASOD, including the Dental Faculty Practice.

Adams School of Dentistry: Policy on Student Due Process

The purpose of this Policy is to set forth the due process rights of Adams School of Dentistry (ASOD) students. This Policy applies to all ASOD Students and Residents.

Adams School of Dentistry: Policy on Student Financial Obligations

Adams School of Dentistry Students and Residents are expected to meet all financial obligations to the University and to the ASOD.

Adams School of Dentistry: Policy on Student Professionalism

The purpose of this document is to operationalize the principles contained in the Adams School of Dentistry's Technical Standards and Code of Conduct and to provide a mechanism for adjudicating whether student or resident conduct has failed to meet the School's expectations for professionalism.

Adams School of Dentistry: Policy on Terminal Leave for Faculty

The purpose of this Policy is to establish consistency among Adams School of Dentistry faculty and departments with respect to the use of terminal leave in a manner that does not compromise the delivery of patient care and other business operations.

Adams School of Dentistry: Policy on the Use of Social Media

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC) Adams School of Dentistry supports the use of social media platforms as a method of communication with family, friends, colleagues, school alumni and friends.

Adams School of Dentistry: Policy on Timely Signing of Clinical Assessment Forms

This document describes the Adams School of Dentistry's policy on timely signature of Assessment of Clinical Experience (ACE) forms by attendings.

Adams School of Dentistry: Policy on Use of Recorded Lectures and Copyrighted Materials

The purpose of this Policy is to outline expectations for Student use of copyrighted materials and other intellectual property of the University, creators, and inventors. This Policy applies to all Adams School of Dentistry Students and Residents (referred to collectively as "Students" for purposes of this Policy).

Adams School of Dentistry: Policy Regarding Patient Care Activities By Pregnant Students

Significant and robust scientific data indicate that the risks of in utero birth defects are zero for dental exposures used for patients. It follows that the risk is also zero for radiographic equipment operators. Therefore, there are no contraindications for pregnant students operating x-ray equipment.

Adams School of Dentistry: Procedure Following Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure

The purpose of this Procedure is to provide detailed, step-by-step guidance for UNC Adams School of Dentistry (ASOD) personnel to follow in the event of a potential bloodborne pathogens exposure. For a visual aid, see Attachment C ("Procedure Infographic").

Adams School of Dentistry: Procedure for Access to PHI for Research Purposes

The purpose of this Procedure is to establish how requests to access patient records for research purposes will be reviewed, approved, and processed. This Procedure applies to all UNC Adams School of Dentistry personnel who seek to access Protected Health Information (PHI) for research purposes.

Adams School of Dentistry: Procedure for Asset Management

The purpose of this Procedure is to set forth the roles and responsibilities of UNC Adams School of Dentistry personnel with respect to capital asset management, such as annual equipment inventory, disposal and trade-in, and internal relocation.

Adams School of Dentistry: Procedure for Policy Management

To provide specific steps to create, review, revise, publish, and decommission official Adams School of Dentistry Policies, Standards, or Procedures. This Procedure applies to all Policies, Standards, and Procedures developed to support the internal operations of the Adams School of Dentistry, including the Dental Faculty Practice.

Adams School of Dentistry: Procedure for Resolving Patient Grievances

The UNC Adams School of Dentistry maintains an internal procedure providing for the prompt and equitable resolution of patient-initiated complaints and grievances relating to patient care, including any civil rights grievances arising under applicable Federal law.

Adams School of Dentistry: Procedure for Signing Contracts

The University's Board of Trustees has delegated to the Chancellor the authority to sign contracts on behalf of the University and has authorized the Chancellor to delegate that authority to other University employees. The University maintains a signature delegation chart that expressly outlines which other officials at the University are authorized to sign contracts on behalf of the University.

Adams School of Dentistry: Procedure for Swallowed Foreign Objects

Procedure for addressing swallowed objects during and outside regular hours, including instructions on clinical notes and updated processes.

Adams School of Dentistry: Procedure for Vendor Day Activities

The purpose of this document is to establish the expectations for organizing and conducting activities relating to the UNC Adams School of Dentistry's annual Vendor Day.

Adams School of Dentistry: Standard for Email and Calendar Use

The Adams School of Dentistry (ASOD) email system is an essential means of communication to facilitate the business of the School and its faculty, staff, and students. The purpose of this Standard is to ensure that the email and calendaring systems are used in the most appropriate manner.

Adams School of Dentistry: Standard for Written Assessment Administration and Security

The purpose of this Standard is to ensure efficient operations and academic integrity in the Adams School of Dentistry ("ASOD") assessment process. This Standard applies to all written assessments administered by the ASOD to its DDS and DH students.

Adams School of Dentistry: Standard on Inclement Weather for Students, Staff, and Faculty

This document provides guidance to the Adams School of Dentistry community if adverse weather (e.g., snow, ice) occurs.

Adams School of Dentistry: Standard Regarding Use of Ionizing Radiation

The purpose of this Standard is to set forth the minimum requirements for the use of ionizing radiation at the UNC Adams School of Dentistry. This Standard applies to all School of Dentistry personnel and students who may use radiographic equipment.

Adams School of Dentistry: Student Reclassification and Dismissal Policy

The purpose of this Policy is to establish how student reclassification and dismissal will be executed. This Policy applies to all Adams School of Dentistry students and residents.

Adams School of Dentistry: Student Withdrawal Policy

The purpose of this Policy is to establish how withdrawal and reapplication will be facilitated. This Policy applies to all Adams School of Dentistry students and residents.

Adams School of Dentistry: Technical Standards

These Technical Standards describe the personal attributes and capabilities essential for admission, promotion, and certification for Adams School of Dentistry (ASOD) Students and Residents. All ASOD Students and Residents are expected to have read and understood these standards.

Adams School of Dentistry: University-Owned Device Policy

The UNC Adams School of Dentistry has a legal and ethical responsibility to safeguard patient information. This responsibility includes ensuring that devices storing Protected Health Information ("PHI") or other Sensitive Information are properly encrypted and are serviced by an appropriate vendor. The purpose of this Policy is to ensure that all Computing Devices used by employees will meet institutional security requirements.

Adams School of Dentistry: Vendor Relations Policy

The UNC Adams School of Dentistry ("ASOD") works to advance the goals of providing quality health care, first class dental education, and transformational research consistent with the highest principles of integrity. Interaction with Vendors can support the ASOD's mission of education, research, service and patient care, but should not compromise patient confidentiality, interfere with patient care, bias research results, or bias the education of residents or students.

Adams School of Dentistry: Workload Policy

The purpose of this document is to provide information and guidance to faculty members regarding the Adams School of Dentistry (“ASOD”) Workload Policy. This ASOD Workload Policy provides expectations of the overall yearly workload to be assumed by all faculty members based on their individual responsibilities within the ASOD.