Adams School of Dentistry: Policy Regarding Patient Care Activities By Pregnant Students
Unit Policy
Pregnant Students and Radiation Risks
Significant and robust scientific data indicate that the risks of in utero birth defects are zero for dental exposures used for patients. It follows that the risk is also zero for radiographic equipment operators. Therefore, there are no contraindications for pregnant students operating x-ray equipment. In addition, if the student follows prescribed guidelines for operating x-ray equipment, there has been and will not be any additional radiation exposure above background radiation levels. A student may discuss her concerns with her radiology course director or Academic Affairs.
Determination of Reduction in Activity
For pregnant students, the reduction in classroom, laboratory, or clinical activity or formal leaves of absence will be determined on a case-by-case basis by the student's program director in consultation with the student's physician. Leaves of absence for pregnancy are covered in the ASOD's Leave of Absence Policy.
Leave and Meeting Academic Requirements
Students who take leave or request schedule adjustments may be delayed in fulfilling their degree requirements for graduation. The Offices of Academic Affairs and Clinical Education will work with students to try to minimize progression disruption.