Adams School of Dentistry: Procedure for Signing Contracts


Adams School of Dentistry: Procedure for Signing Contracts

I. Introduction

A. Purpose

The University's Board of Trustees has delegated to the Chancellor the authority to sign contracts on behalf of the University and has authorized the Chancellor to delegate that authority to other University employees. The University maintains a signature delegation chart that expressly outlines which other officials at the University are authorized to sign contracts on behalf of the University. The Dean of the Adams School of Dentistry has been delegated limited signature authority from the Chancellor for certain types of agreements.

The purpose of this Procedure is to establish which officials at the Adams School of Dentistry are authorized to sign University contracts and to clarify the circumstances under which they may do so. This Procedure also offers guidance regarding where "out-of-scope" agreements should be routed for review and approval.

B. Scope

This Procedure applies to all personnel who seek to enter into a contract on behalf of the Adams School of Dentistry ("ASOD").

II. Definitions

  1. In-scope: agreement types for which one or more Adams School of Dentistry officials have been expressly delegated signature authority from the Chancellor or other authorized University official.
  2. Out-of-scope: agreement types for which no Adams School of Dentistry officials have been expressly delegated signature authority from the Chancellor or other authorized University official.
  3. Service Agreements: agreements whereby the Adams School of Dentistry will receive compensation from an external entity in exchange for services rendered.

III. Procedure

  1. One or more ASOD officials have been delegated signature authority for the following types of agreements:
    1. Documents and Contracts Related to Billing and Collection Activities
    2. Service Agreements
    3. Documents and Contracts Related to Continuing Education ("CE") Activities
    4. Departmental Agreements Pursuant to Master Affiliation Agreement Between the ASOD and the UNC Health Care System ("UNCHCS").
    5. Accreditation Documents for ASOD Programs
    6. Terms & Conditions of Faculty Employment
    7. Student Clinical Site Affiliation Agreements
    8. Facilities Use Agreements for Board Examinations Occurring On-Site
    9. Business Associate Agreements ("BAAs") related to agreements in the foregoing categories
    10. Agreements for which there are no funds exchanged or other institutional commitments
  2. All other agreements not listed above are considered "out-of-scope."
  3. Agreements that are "out-of-scope" must be routed to the appropriate University official for review and signature. Agreements that are "in-scope" may be signed by an authorized Adams School of Dentistry official, provided they have undergone any required internal and external reviews.
    1. For more information on which ASOD officials are authorized to sign contracts, refer to Appendix A ("ASOD Signature Delegation Chart").
    2. For more information about where to route agreements for review and approval, refer to Appendix B ("Contract Routing Guidance").
  4. Fully executed agreements must be properly archived and logged, regardless of whether they are considered "in-scope" or "out-of-scope." Send PDF copies of all fully executed agreements to the email address listed in "Contact Information." Provider enrollment documents will be archived by Patient Business Services.

IV. Related Requirements

A. External Regulations and Consequences

  1. North Carolina General Statute § 116-11(13)
  2. North Carolina General Statute § 116-34(a)
  3. UNC-CH Policy on Signing University Contracts

B. Unit Policies, Standards, and Procedures

  1. Adams School of Dentistry Vendor Relations Policy

V. Contact Information

Subject, Officer, and Contact Info Table
Subject Officer Contact Info
General questions about the Procedure Director of Risk & Regulatory Affairs VACANT
General questions about the Procedure [INTERIM] Director of Clinical Compliance