Conflict of interest relates to situations in which financial or other personal considerations may compromise, have the potential for compromising, or have the appearance of compromising an employee's objectivity in meeting University duties or responsibilities related to the purchase of equipment and other supplies. This policy protects the University from these types of situations.
This policy is to ensure that vendors and University departments comply with all State and Federal regulations as well as University policies related to solicitations.
It is unlawful for a State employee to willfully receive or accept gifts or favors from vendors. This includes travel coordinators who are prohibited from accepting free tickets or other personal benefits from travel agencies.
This policy is to ensure compliance with University regulations related to the evaluation of equipment prior to purchase.
This procedure is to ensure compliance with University regulations related to the evaluation of equipment prior to purchase.
This policy ensures that State guidelines are met relative to ethics, conflict of interest, and dispute resolution. State guidelines require that communications between the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and vendors be clear and documented in the purchase order file.
The University enacts this policy to promote departmental expediency in resolving vendor-related issues. Maintaining positive, productive relationships with reliable vendors is advantageous to the University.
The University enacts this procedure to promote departmental expediency in resolving vendor-related issues. Maintaining positive, productive relationships with reliable vendors is advantageous to the University.
This policy is to ensure compliance with U.S. customs and tariff regulations when purchasing goods from foreign sources.
The policy establishes who may authorize purchases on behalf of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
This Procedure describes how to create a requisition inside of the ConnectCarolina system.
This policy is to ensure that all purchases of goods or services made by faculty and staff at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill are in compliance with North Carolina law (§ 143-58) as enacted by the legislature and implemented by the State Department of Purchase and Contract.
This policy is to ensure the purchases of goods and services are not for the personal benefit of any employee at the University.
This policy establishes responsibility for internal controls over University purchases after the purchase has been made and delivered.
The University requires written equipment specifications because they are the key legal documents in settling any dispute concerning the quality of the product or service received and must be as complete as possible.
The State of North Carolina requires competitive bidding for all items not available on State Term Contracts that exceed the Small Purchase Benchmark as defined in Finance Policy 1251. The policy clarifies the dollar thresholds for the bid types and provides direction on supporting documentation required to facilitate the purchase.
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill recognizes there are instances when it is necessary to procure a single-source purchase to meet current needs. This policy ensures the substantiation of such needs while adhering to state laws regulating fair bidding competition.
This Procedure explains how to request a Waiver of competition to purchase product(s) and/or services(s) without competition when competition is otherwise required. This generally means that the product/service is unique and that the vendor is the only one from whom the product/service can be provided or that the brand specified is the only brand that will meet the requirements.
This policy is to ensure compliance with North Carolina purchasing regulations when purchasing goods or services available by term contract.
This policy is to clarify the different types of services and the procurement policy for each.
This policy is intended to show the variety of maintenance contracts and/or service agreements and the appropriate application of each.
The University seeks to maximize the return on investment for equipment no longer useful to the University but eligible for trade-in on new equipment in compliance with the State Surplus Property Agency General Provisions policy per NC Administrative Code 01 NCAC 43A .0303.
Equipment trade-ins require documentation and approval from the State Surplus Property Agency.
This policy ensures compliance in making contract modifications through individuals with delegated authority to sign contracts on behalf of the University.
The University's electronic purchasing system cannot track an order unless there is a purchase order number assigned to it. Zero-dollar purchase orders allow an item to be tracked, even when it is acquired at no cost to the University.
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill enacts this policy in accordance with North Carolina purchasing guidelines. Extraordinary purchasing procedures may be used to accommodate emergency or "pressing need" conditions as defined here.
Purchasing from the University storerooms is the preferred method of purchase due to significant cost savings to the University. Products are sold at reduced market prices through established, pre-negotiated contracts.
The reason for this policy is to provide flexibility of mitigating risk associated with key procurements that require satisfactory delivery and installation by the vendor.
This policy provides for efficient ways to procure small dollar items where the financial risks to the University are low and the State of North Carolina does not require competition.
This policy is to ensure compliance with the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's Small Order Policy and offer an efficient means of acquiring goods and services quickly at a lower cost.
This policy is to ensure the proper acquisition process is applied to the purchase of decorative items.
The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance as to the type expenses that qualify as business expenses under the various fund sources received by the University, the documentation requirements for business expenses, and when business expenses might be taxable.
This policy is to clarify the regulations related to radioactive materials to ensure the safety of the University community.
The policy is to clarify the University's obligation to maintain membership in professional organizations.
This policy is to ensure compliance with State of North Carolina contracts for all furniture purchases.
This policy is to clarify the process of purchasing equipment that produces radiation to ensure the safety of the University community.
This policy is intended to minimize the risk when acquiring unpurchased equipment to be evaluated for potential use.
This policy conveys the requirements for the purchase of used equipment to ensure compliance with State of North Carolina procurement rules.
This policy conveys the requirements for the rental or lease of equipment.
This policy conveys the requirements for obtaining repair or replacement of equipment whether or not a warranty exists.
This policy clarifies the channels of acquisition for equipment that is added to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's database for financial reporting.
This procedure provides the guidelines related to gifts/donations of capital equipment to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
This procedure provides basic guidance related to the purchasing and trading-in of capital equipment.
This Procedure provides the guidelines to be followed in transferring capital equipment to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
This Procedure provides guidance on fabricated equipment of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, when it qualifies for capitalization, and the appropriate preparation of purchase orders when acquiring components of a fabricated piece of equipment that may qualify as capital equipment.
The purpose of this procedure is to set criteria that determine if a lease may meet the requirements of a University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Capital Lease and if the equipment should be recorded as a capital asset.