Articles (11)

1112.1 - Procedure for Verifying Student Eligibility for the Graduate Student Health Insurance Program (GSHIP)

The associated department(s) must verify student eligibility before enrolling the graduate student in the Graduate Health Insurance Program (GSHIP).

1112.2 - Procedure for Enrolling in the Graduate Student Health Insurance Program (GSHIP)

This procedure describes the online enrollment process, and required student and department information needed to enroll eligible students in the Graduate Student Health Insurance plan.

1112.3 - Procedure for Paying Graduate Students

This procedure describes methods of payments to graduate students.

Faculty Workload Policy

This policy has three main goals: (1) To meet the needs of our students and other stakeholders; (2) To facilitate transparency and accountability about our performance to the public, and (3) To establish clear and equitable expectations and guidelines about the distribution of work among faculty members.

Policies and Procedures Governing Centers and Institutes

These policies and procedures are intended to facilitate the establishment and operation of appropriate centers and institutes at UNC-Chapel Hill, to prevent the creation of units that unnecessarily duplicate the mission and programs of existing units, and to describe UNC-Chapel Hill administrators’ responsibility, authority, and accountability for the leadership and management of centers and institutes.

Policy on External Professional Activities of Faculty and Other Professional Staff

This Policy is promulgated for the purpose of implementing the Board of Governors’ (BOG) Policy on Conflicts of Interest and Commitment Affecting Faculty and Non-Faculty EHRA Employees.

Policy on Gender-Inclusive Language

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members of our community. Consistent with that commitment, gender-inclusive terms (chair; first-year student; upper-level student, etc.) should be used on University documents, websites and policies.

Policy on Gifts Affecting the Curriculum

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill adopted guidelines in 2006 on donations and curriculum development. The purpose of these guidelines is to promote early consultation with faculty about potential donations that have a material effect on the curriculum. Donations affecting the curriculum may originate within the university development office or within academic units. In most cases, faculty members will be unified in their desire to accept a proposed donation affecting the curriculum

Policy on Graduate Student Health Insurance Program (GSHIP)

This policy provides eligibility criteria and other provisions of the Graduate Health Insurance Plan (GSHIP).

Policy on Postdoctoral Health Insurance

The University provides individual health insurance coverage to eligible temporary, full-time postdoctoral appointments under a major medical policy underwritten by Blue Cross/Blue Shield of North Carolina and managed by Hill, Chesson and Woody.

Procedure for Paying Graduate Student Health Insurance Program (GSHIP) Insurance Premium

This procedure describes the GSHIP insurance premium payment process and subsequent distribution of charges to the departments.