This Policy prohibits all forms of Discrimination and Harassment based on Protected Status; Sexual Assault and Sexual Exploitation, Stalking and Interpersonal Violence, which need not be based on an individual’s Protected Status; Complicity for knowingly assisting in an act that violates this Policy; Retaliation against an individual because of their good faith participation in the reporting, investigation, or adjudication of violations of this Policy; and other associated conduct.
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is committed to providing a welcoming and inclusive environment for all members of our community. As part of this commitment, the University provides reasonable accommodations for Disability, Pregnancy and Related Medical Conditions, and sincerely-held Religious Beliefs and Practices consistent with federal and state law.
This Procedure implements the University's Policy on Accommodations.
This policy provides guidelines that will assist in the development of work/life balance initiatives to support the wellness and health of employees. This policy is in compliance with The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (H.R. 3590) which was signed into law on March 23, 2010. Research has shown that lactation support is beneficial to the working, nursing parent and child as well as to employers by decreasing medical expenses; reducing absenteeism; and increasing employee retention.
The University is committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members of our community. The University values safety, diversity, education, and equity and is firmly committed to maintaining a campus environment free from Sexual Harassment. This Policy is grounded in Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 (“Title IX”) and its implementing regulations.
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is committed to promoting a safe and healthy campus environment that is free from violence. This procedure sets forth steps for reporting, responding, and resolving reports of Workplace Violence.
This Policy applies to Procedures for Addressing Misconduct Involving a Carolina Community Academy Student as a Reporting or Responding Party.
These Procedures set out the processes for addressing reports under the Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy.
This document sets forth procedures for the reporting and resolution of complaints of Discrimination, Harassment, and related misconduct including Sex-Based Harassment, Sexual Assault, Interpersonal Violence, Stalking, Complicity, and Retaliation involving a student as the Responding Party.
This document sets forth procedures for the reporting and resolution of complaints of Discrimination, Harassment and related misconduct including Sex-Based Harassment, Sexual Assault, Interpersonal Violence, Stalking, Complicity, and Retaliation involving a University employee as the Responding Party.
This document sets forth procedures for reporting and responding to Discrimination, Harassment (including Sexual or Gender-Based Harassment and Sexual Violence), Interpersonal Violence, Stalking, Complicity, and Retaliation (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Prohibited Conduct”) involving a Visitor, Program Participant, Contractor, or other Third Party as the Responding Party.
No person, on the basis of protected status, shall be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to unlawful discrimination, harassment, or retaliation under any University program or activity, including with respect to employment terms and conditions. Such a policy ensures that only relevant factors are considered and that equitable and consistent standards of conduct and performance are applied.
The University is committed to promoting a safe and healthy campus environment that is free from violence. Violent acts, whether on-duty or off-duty, affect individual and community physical and mental well-being, employees’ ability to perform their jobs, and students' ability to learn. The purpose of this policy is to establish preventative measures, hold perpetrators of violence accountable, and support individuals affected by Workplace Violence.