8. Faculty
UNC-Chapel Hill faculty can be nominated to teach within the guidelines outlined below. Non-UNC-Chapel Hill faculty must be appointed as visiting faculty, following the appropriate procedures for the respective units, Academic Personnel, and HR. Special attention should be given to academic credentials that might be required by a particular school or college. Summer School staff does not check those credentials. Each unit is responsible for nominating appropriate faculty to teach and for following the correct policies and procedures including the Policy on Qualifications of Course Instructors. Only personnel with a faculty appointment (or a current graduate student) can be hired to teach in Summer School.
A. Responsibilities
- The responsibilities of faculty members employed for a session of Summer School begin on the first day of classes. A signed contract should be returned to the Summer School office at least two weeks before the first day of classes. Faculty members must be present for final examinations and remain accessible to students until the grades are submitted within 72 hours after the final exam. Any questions regarding final exams should be directed to the unit Summer School administrator or Summer School.
- Units should secure a commitment from an instructor before sending the nomination form. Release from agreement is made in exceptional circumstances, and the Summer School should be notified as soon as possible. Units can then transfer the teaching assignment to a qualified substitute instructor.
- Faculty members should hold office hours, provide syllabi, and perform other teaching-related duties in summer just as in the academic year. Faculty should consult their unit's Summer School Administrator for any questions regarding how many office hours, etc., are appropriate in summer.
B. Teaching Load
- Units should schedule an instructor to teach no more than 2 courses. Teaching one typical three-credit-hour course is expected to take 15-20 hours per week time (7.5 hours in class, plus preparing, grading, and meeting with students during office hours, etc.). In case of a special need in staffing, a faculty member may be able to teach more than 7 credit hoursand Administrators should consult Summer School and Human Resources before scheduling. In March, Summer School administrators should review all course offerings for summer to assess faculty teaching load.
- Summer School faculty can be paid to teach only two courses across both sessions. A request for a compensation overload above 1/3 of the nine-month salary must be approved by the Provost. Overloads for summer teaching must be submitted in a timely manner. Summer School does not sign overload forms.
- A faculty member can add an independent study or a directed readings course in summer in accordance with the respective unit's, College's, or Dean's guidelines for those courses. Faculty members are expected to file grades for those courses in ConnectCarolina at the end of each session.
- Only one instructor should be assigned as supervisor/instructor for multiple lab sections of the same course. Units may assign teaching assistants for laboratory or recitation sections at a rate of approximately 1 TA per every 14 enrolled students. Units may assign instructional assistants for other courses based on enrollment and/or unique instructional needs. Administrators should contact Summer School with such requests.
- A professor may be paid for directing seminars, internships, problems courses, or directed readings only if the usual course requirements regarding minimum contact hours, regular meeting hours, and minimum enrollment are met. Otherwise, these type courses and the direction of theses and dissertations (993 and 994) are not considered in the teaching load determinations; these are regarded as overall faculty responsibilities. However, faculty should remember that grades need to be submitted on time via ConnectCarolina for these courses each session
- As teaching a Maymester course is considered full-time employment, instructors teaching a Maymester course may not also teach a first session course.
C. Calculating the Stipend
1. UNC-Chapel Hill Faculty (Including faculty from Health Affairs)
- The stipend for a UNC-Chapel Hill faculty member teaching in Summer School is based on the individual's nine-month base salary as of Jan. 1. This does not include stipends received for administration, such as department chairs, deans, or directors, or advising, one-time teaching, research prizes or other awards.
Calculating the stipend is a two-step process. First, divide the base salary by nine (9) to get the summer base salary. The base can be found in Infoporte under the HR tab. Second, multiply this summer base salary by the appropriate number depending on the number of credit hours for the course. The following table illustrates the calculation for some common summer teaching assignments.
1 credit hour base salary ÷9÷3
2 credit hours base salary ÷9x2÷3
3 credit hours base salary ÷9
4 credit hours base salary ÷9x4÷3
5 credit hours base salary ÷9x5÷3
6 credit hours base salary ÷9x2
7 credit hours base salary ÷9x7÷3
8 credit hours base salary ÷9x8÷3
- Regardless of the salary determined by the formula, no regularly appointed full-time UNC-Chapel Hill faculty member may be paid more than $12,000 for a three-credit-hour course or $16,000 for a four-credit-hour course.
- Regardless of the salary determined by the formula, no regularly appointed full-time UNC-Chapel Hill faculty member may be paid less than $2,900 per credit hour or $8,700 for a three-credit class. The minimum for a four-credit class is $11,600.
- Faculty in the Summer Bridge program receive a summer salary equivalent to a four-credit hour assignment. They receive the entire amount in Second Session.
- Short sessions such as Maymester are scheduled in each regular session. The classes meet for three hours or longer per day, depending on the nature of the activity, and may offer three semester hours of credit. An instructor teaching a short session course is paid at the same rate as in a regular 5 ½-week session.
2. Visiting, Retired, Part-time, and Health Affairs Faculty
- Individual units hire visiting or retired faculty. Salaries should not exceed the salary paid to comparable UNC-Chapel Hill faculty, considering rank, experience, and accomplishments. Units should follow appropriate HR policies for UNC-Chapel Hill regarding job posting requirements.
- Pay part-time faculty according to the usual formula with a minimum salary of $2,900 per credit hour.
- Faculty with appointments in Health Affairs can teach during the summer. The stipend is based on the individual's nine-month base salary. Health Affairs faculty should not be appointed as visitors.
- Visiting faculty who hold visas will need work authorization for the entirety of the session. Maymester faculty will need work authorization for the entirety of First Session.
3. 12-Month Faculty and Overloads
- If a full-time, 12-month instructor is nominated to teach, the requesting unit may receive reimbursement in non-personnel money. Alternatively, units may request an overload. Overload requests for 12-month faculty must follow university and school-approved procedures. Summer School does not approve or sign overload requests. Overload approvals must be secured prior to nominating an individual to teach in Summer School.
Should an overload request be approved, the stipend paid is based on 9/12 of the annual salary to get a nine-month equivalent. Then, the calculation formula in Item C.1.a. above is used. Overload pay cannot exceed 20% of the 12-month base salary in a fiscal year (July 1-June 30).
- Units with 12-month faculty may request a funding swap for the equivalent summer salary at the discretion of Summer School. Requests should be made in writing by March 1.
4. Dual Employment
Dual employment is a state-wide policy that applies when one state agency needs the services of an employee of another state agency on a part-time basis. Approval of the borrowing school and the home agency is required. Dual employment should be used for emergency and one-time service requirements. Should an employee from another state institution be nominated for Summer School, all necessary approvals must be obtained in advance of the nomination being made to Summer School. This includes a "Dual Employment Request," a "CP-30," and a "Dual Employment Payment Request."
5. Phased Retirement
- Faculty on phased retirement earn half of their base fall/spring salary for half a workload during fall/spring. If they were on the optional retirement plan, they can also teach and be paid in the summer term. If they were on the State retirement system, they have a final compensation on which their retirement benefits are calculated. To the extent that this is higher than the base for their half-time salary, extra earnings for teaching in the summer are allowable. They lose retirement benefits if their total earnings in a calendar year exceed 50% of their retirement-based salary.
6. Post-Doctoral Scholars
- Any post-doctoral scholar assigned as a summer course instructor must have an academic appointment processed for the summer term.
- The stipend for a post-doctoral scholar depends on whether the appointee is on a 9-month or a 12-month contract and follows the pattern for the respective situation. The minimum is $2,900 per credit hour.
7. EHRA Non-Faculty
- EHRA non-faculty assigned to teach courses during Summer School must have a secondary faculty appointment. In order to be the instructor of record and award grades, the instructor must meet all credentials of a fixed-term faculty appointment and in accordance with the Policy on Qualifications of Course Instructors, and be approved in advance of the nomination to Summer School.
- The stipend for an EHRA non-faculty depends on whether the appointee is on a 9-month or a 12-month contract and follows the pattern for the respective situation. Regardless, summer pay for 12-month instructors cannot exceed 20% of the base salary during a fiscal year (July 1-June 30) and is subject to the summer school faculty minimum stipend.
D. Instructor Nomination and Teaching Assignment Form
- Summer School uses nomination forms to prepare contract letters, which are on file in the Summer School office to comply with HR requirements. Accuracy in salary, faculty name and titles, and course assignment on nomination forms is critical.
- Nomination forms are provided in electronic form to each unit in the early spring. Download the forms and type in the information. The forms can be returned electronically to summer_school@unc.edu.
The due dates for the nomination forms are given in the Summer School Procedures Manual Chapter 04 (Planning Calendar).
- Incomplete nomination forms will be returned. As noted above: Accuracy in salary, faculty name and titles, and course assignments is critical.
- Indicate the school/department, CB#, address, department number, session, and a person to contact for further information.
- Give the full title if known, name, email and PID of the person being nominated.
- When nominating visiting faculty, give the full mailing address and zip code and email address (use additional paper, if necessary).
- List ranks using codes defined on the bottom of the form.
- For entries on the Instructor Nomination form, list the annual base salary of record as of January1 (Item C.1.a. above). For entries on the "Other Instructor" form, note the rationale for determining salary following guidelines in Section C above.
- List the course(s) assigned with the correct section numbers, specifically if 01M for Maymester and specify the applicable credit hours.
- When a faculty assignment is changed, Summer School must be notified. Use a change form to provide only the new or changed information. Do not copy and overwrite the previously submitted form. Such notification is required to maintain accurate records of employment for payroll purposes. We cannot accept changes by phone. Additionally, units must notify their HR reps of any changes in personnel or pay. Please see Chapter 13: Forms for examples of change forms.
E. Stipend
- Faculty are paid once at the end of the session by direct deposit. Maymester faculty will be paid at the end of First Session on the same day as the monthly payroll, typically June 30. Payment will be made to the individual teaching. No payments will be made to a second or third party. Payment will be made after the session that the faculty teaches as long as a signed contract letter is on file in Summer School.
- Unit managers prepare all payroll actions by logging into ConnectCarolina using their Onyen and password. UNC-Chapel Hill faculty will need three actions processed in ConnectCarolina for teaching in Summer School: Add/Update Position, an appointment to a Summer School position, and a lump sum payment. The Add/Update position may be processed at any time in prep for the appointment. The appointment to a Summer School position may be processed anytime in the spring after nomination forms are complete. All appointments should be initiated no later than April. (Note that for faculty teaching in both sessions, only one appointment action is necessary. Use the first session beginning date and the second session end date.) The lump sum payment action may be initiated beginning on the effective date of the summer position. These lump sum payment actions will need prompt attention as all approvals will need to be completed by the midpoint of the session. Processing could take more than three weeks from the date of submission. Payroll actions not completed in First Session cannot be carried to Second Session because it operates in the next fiscal year.
- From the HR Workcenter, select the ePAR home page and then click on the "Start a new ePAR" link. Click on “Add/Update Position” link.
- Select ‘Add a New Position’ to create a new position as Summer School Faculty. If a Summer School position already exists in your department, you can use the Copy Position feature to minimize data entry to create new position(s). For faculty positions and appointments, there is a 1:1 relationship – so each summer school faculty appointment needs a unique position number, which is addition to their other UNC-Chapel Hill faculty position(s) and appointment(s). [Note: If there is already a vacant Summer School Faculty position to use, then choose ‘Change an Existing Position’ to make any needed updates to the description or other data, such as Reports To information.]
- Using ‘Add a New Position’, click Next.
Position Data
- Effective Date: Using an effective date of April 1 or earlier will ensure the position is available for any needed updates prior to initiating the Hire ePAR.
- Department: Enter the Academic Department number that will offer Summer School courses.
- Reports To: Enter the Position number for the manager/supervisor
- Job Family: Select EHRA
- Job Function: Select Faculty
- Job Code: Select “600042 Summer School Faculty” [Note: this job code is needed for the Lump Sum Payment, which is a separate Summer School Payroll in ConnectCarolina. It does not provide academic rank information.]
- Employee Group: Select Faculty
- Regular/Temporary: Temporary will default in, do not update
- Standard Hours: hours will default in but will self-adjust when you update the FTE - see information and table below
- FTE: Enter 0 FTE for full-time UNC-Chapel Hill Faculty, or other full-time employees (such as EHRA NF, Post-docs)
- Note: FTE will be entered on this page for part-time and visiting faculty. Select the appropriate FTE according to credit hours taught from the table below.
- Max Head Count: 1 is the default and it is not editable
- Select Next
FTE Status
Credit Hrs Taught
Hrs/Wk Effort EQUIV
Corresponding FTE
% of FT
Position Summary Page
- Position Summary: Teaching in Summer School (other details can be added as needed).
- Primary Purpose of Organizational Unit: Description of the organizational unit, if one is in the system, it will auto-populate.
- Minimum Education and Experience Requirements: Enter applicable information.
- Preferred Qualifications, Competencies, & Experience: Enter applicable information.
- Special Physical/Mental Requirements: optional field, enter applicable information.
- Select Next
UNC-Chapel Hill Position Attributes
- Position Budget Amount: optional field, defaults as $0.
- Position Location: if on campus, North Carolina.
- Position Country: United States will default in.
- Position State: North Carolina will default in.
- Immunization Review Required: Mark the checkbox to designate positions that have employees entering facilities where patient care is provided, whether in a patient care area or in an administration wing. This box will flag the position for the Immunization Review program per UNC-Chapel Hill Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) guidelines.
- Bloodborne Pathogen: Mark the checkbox to designate positions with potential exposures to blood or bodily fluids. This box will flag the position for EHS bloodborne pathogen training and surveillance.
- Recruiting System: the flag will default to selected.
- Campus Security Authority: complete the CSA section. For more information, refer to the CSA microlearning on CCInfo. For additional questions, contact jennscott@unc.edu.
- Position Action Reason: Reason Code: New Position [This is the default is you are creating a new position. Use other Reasons only if you are updating an existing position.]
- Comments: Enter comments that maybe helpful for the approvers. Once the ePAR is approved, then you will use the position number created/updated on the hire ePAR.
- Click Submit.
- Once the Position ePAR is approved, then you will use the position number created/updated on the hire ePAR. From the HR Workcenter, select the ePAR home page and then click on the “Start a new ePAR” link. Click on the "Hire an Employee" link.
- The "Step 0 of 5: Candidate Search" page appears. Enter either Employee ID for the Faculty member, Teaching Fellow/Graduate Teaching Student, or Postdoctoral Research Associate approved to instruct Summer School, and click the 'Search' button. Select the employee from the returned listing by clicking on the arrow next to their name.
- The "Step 1 of 5: Job Information" page appears. Enter the following information into the fields indicated:
- Effective Date: One week prior to the date of the Summer School session: 5/7/25 for Maymester and First Session; 6/16/25 for Second Session. (If an instructor needs earlier access, feel free to choose an earlier effective date. This is a flexible date.)
- Job Family: Select "EHRA." [EPA]
- Employee Group: select "Faculty." Additional fields will appear on the page based on this selection.
- Position Number: Enter the position number created/updated from previous section.
- Department, Location Code, and Job Code all default in from the position
- Expected Job End Date: This should be the fourth day after the last day of exams: 6/25/25 for Maymester and First Session; 8/2/25 for second session. This allows for all grades to be entered before the position end date.
- Regular/Temporary, Std Hrs, FTE, and Reports To default in from the position.
- TSERS Re-employed Retiree?: check this box only if the employee is a TSERS Re-employed Retiree.
- I certify no posting or waiver was required for this action: check this box for a current UNC-Chapel Hill employee who is approved to instruct Summer School in addition to their primary job. For an employee recruited from outside of UNC-Chapel Hill to instruct Summer School, do not check this box – enter the Vacancy ID of the recruitment in the Vacancy ID field below (this would have also been entered on the Hire action for their primary job—see item 4 below).
- Vacancy ID (if Posting/Waiver box not checked above): For an employee recruited from outside of UNC-Chapel Hill to instruct Summer School, enter the Vacancy ID of the recruitment (same as that entered for the primary job).
- Edit Existing Job: Do not check this box because the employee is not leaving any other UNC-Chapel Hill job to accept this job.
- Non-Compensation Job: Indicate 'Yes' in this field because the compensation for Summer School instruction is paid by Lump Sum Payment separately and not indicated with a Comp Rate and Funding Sources on the job record. By selecting 'Yes' you are allowed to bypass the Compensation Rate and Funding Sources page in the Hire form.
- Under the 'Employee Details' section verify the Job Code states "Summer School Faculty." If it does not, you will need to click the "Home" link to cancel this action and repeat steps 3.a. and 3.b. above to select the Summer School Faculty job.
- The "Step 2 of 5: Job Info UNC" page appears. Enter the following information into the fields indicated:
- UNC-Chapel Hill Long Title: Defaults from the Job Code entered on Step 1 above.
- Primary Faculty: Select "Secondary."
- Faculty Service Period: Select same value as on Primary Faculty Job for existing UNC-Chapel Hill employee; for an employee hired specifically to teach Summer Session, indicate "Summer."
- Click the 'Next' button at the bottom of the page. The "Step 4 of 5: Finalize Form" page appears (you skipped the Step 3 of 5: Compensation page because this will be paid by Lump Sum Payment). Enter the following information into the fields indicated:
- Action Reason Code: Select "EAD - EHRA [EPA] Additional Appointment" (Note: 'Action' field value will have defaulted to "Hire" based on use of Hire ePAR form, but you must select the corresponding "Action Reason Code").
- Background Check and I-9: Check the box to indicate that a pre-employment background check (where applicable) and Form I-9 have been completed for the employee (these would have been processed at the time of hire for their primary job).
- File Attachments: Do not use.
- Comments: Type course and section to be taught.
- Click the "Submit" button.
- The "Step 5 of 5: Form Finalized" page appears.
No data entry is made on this page.
The page displays the ePAR workflow approval routing stops for Level 1 (optional - department level), Level 2 (dean's office/division level) and Level 3 (central HR, OSR/Budget, Summer School, etc.) for reference.
Click on the "View This Form" link to generate a summary page of this Hire action for reference/printing.
Click on "Close This Form" link to close the form.
Click on "Go To Worklist" to access your Worklist directly from this form.
- After the Summer School hire action has been approved and the effective date has been reached, units will process a lump sum payment action using the Summer School position. Be sure to have your Chartfield handy. This was provided in your personnel allocation sent in September.
- From the "ePAR - Personnel Action Request Home Page," click on the "Start a new ePAR" link. From the "Create a New ePAR" page, -click on the "Lump Sum Payment" link.
- The "Lump Sum Add Lookup Search" page appears. Enter either Employee ID for the Faculty member, Teaching Fellow/Graduate Teaching Student, or Postdoctoral Research Associate approved to instruct Summer School, and click the 'Search' button. A listing of jobs held by the employee is returned.
IMPORTANT: Select the "Summer School Faculty" job from the returned listing. You may have to click on each job listed to identify the "Summer School Faculty" job. (You do this by clicking on the small blue and white "i" next to the arrow.) The Lump Sum Payment to pay for Summer School instruction MUST be processed against the Summer School Job in order to be paid within the correct Payroll Calendar.
- The "Step 1 of 2: Submit Lump Sum Request" page appears. Enter the following information into the fields indicated:
- Under the 'Employee Details' section verify the Job Code states "Summer School Faculty." If it does not, you will need to click the "Home" link to cancel this action and repeat steps 3.a. and 3.b. above to select the Summer School Faculty job.
- Effective Date: Note important change: The beginning date of the payment month: June 1 for Maymester and First Session; July 1 for Second Session. Summer payroll will now process along with the monthly payroll.
- Payment Type: Select "Summer School" (Note: there is also a "Summer Salary" option - do not select this. Select "Summer School.").
- Payment Amount: Enter the dollar amount to be paid for Summer School instruction.
- Originating Department: Enter department number
- Work Period Start Date: The beginning date of the Summer School session: 5/14/25 for Maymester and First Session; 6/23/25 for Second Session.
- Work Period End Date: The ending date of the Summer School Session: 6/21/25 for Maymester and First Session; 7/29/25 for Second Session.
- Justification: Free-text field for you to record which course will be taught.
- Payment Amount: Enter the dollar amount to be paid.
- Combination Code or Chartfield String: Enter the UNC-Chapel Hill Summer School designated Combination Code or Chartfield. The Chartfield was provided in your personnel allocation. Use account 513120.
- Add File Attachment: Do not use unless you needed an overload. In that case, attach the signed overload form.
- Comments: Additional free-text field.
- Click the "Submit" button.
- The "Step 2 of 2: Submit Lump Sum Request" page appears.
No data entry is made on this page.
The page displays the ePAR workflow approval routing stops for Level 1 (optional - department level), Level 2 (dean's office/division level) and Level 3 (central HR, OSR/Budget, Summer School, etc.) for reference.
Click on the "View This Form" link to generate a summary page of this action for reference/printing.
Click on "Close This Form" link to close the form.
Click on "Go To Worklist" to access your Worklist directly from this form.
- For Visiting Faculty external to UNC, units should follow appropriate Academic Personnel Office procedures and policies and HR policies including the Policy on Qualifications of Course Instructors, creating positions, posting requirements, background checks, I-9's and compensation.
- State and Federal income taxes are deducted from stipends as required by the IRS (Circular E). Retirement payments are deducted from stipends of eligible faculty members who are participating in UNC-Chapel Hill plans. Social Security tax is also withheld as required by law.