The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has an Alert Carolina System (ACS), which is activated using a strategy that is based on redundancy, using multiple methods to communicate with students, faculty and staff, as well as visitors, local residents, parents and the news media.
This Standard provides a structure for the classification and handling of information developed under and in support of the University's Emergency Management Policy. This Standard is intended to apply specific and stringent handling and information control procedures and practices for Emergency Management Information, aligned with the University’s Information Classification Standard.
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the University is prepared for and can effectively respond to and recover from a Disaster or Emergency through the appropriate use of University and community resources. This preparation and effective response will mitigate the immediate and long-term effects on the University’s constituents, operations, and mission.
Campus departments must develop a written plan of action for mitigating the effects of unexpected events which may disrupt their normal business operations. These continuity plans also known as UNC-CH Tar Heel Mission Ready should be flexible, updated on a regular basis, maintained in readiness, and be easily retrievable when needed.
This document outlines goals for the Emergency use of designated facilities owned by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Emergencies affecting the University and the surrounding community may require the use of campus facilities to support response and recovery efforts. Emergencies may develop rapidly and require a coordinated response from many actors across campus. Accordingly, it is essential to create Emergency response plans before any Emergency.