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The following Guidelines apply to UNC-Chapel Hill School of Nursing (SON) faculty members who wish to enroll or are enrolled in a degree or certificate program, either at UNC-Chapel Hill or at another institution. Faculty members are required to consult with their division head before enrolling in a degree or certificate program.
The purpose of this document is to provide guidance to faculty regarding expectation for clinical teaching and supervision.
Laurel Archer Copp, former Dean of the UNC-Chapel Hill School of Nursing, has endowed a fund to support an award to stimulate the scholarly writing of nursing faculty. Scholarly writing, for the purpose of this award, is defined as the creative use of words to achieve insight or impact on patient care, teaching, research or service.
The Dean's Student Advisory Council serves a communication link among students at all levels and the Administration of the School of Nursing through an active exchange of ideas and information. Each meeting will address specific agenda items developed by students and administrators relevant to any aspect of student life and learning at the University. The goal is to promote continual improvement in academic programs and the learning environment in the School of Nursing.
This Standard is intended to assist all UNC School of Nursing faculty and staff who travel to meet the mission of North Carolina Area Health Education Centers (NC AHEC). The policy provides general guidelines on appropriate travel and other services needed when traveling to meet the shared mission of the School of Nursing and NC AHEC.
The executive committee's work focuses on curriculum and policies related to admissions and student progression. The work of the committee is directed by the elected chair and is done collaboratively with the program director. Decisions made by the committee are recorded in the minutes and, as such, provide direction to the executive committee chair and program director for their implementation.
Student research, while conducted under the guidance of one or more faculty members, generally belongs to the student, which includes publication rights. Exceptions to this ownership include the student's research being based on data: (1) provided by one or more faculty (or non-faculty data providers), or (2) collected while working on a faculty member's research project.
The Faculty Recognition Award, given in even numbered years, recognizes a faculty member who goes "above and beyond" the call of duty and who shows extraordinary and consistent dedication to the School. This award acknowledges a faculty member who makes a unique contribution to the School of Nursing in one or more of the following ways...
Evaluation of teaching including peer observation occurs at critical points in the faculty member's career. Peer observation must occur at times of review for promotion and multi-year reappointment. These peer observations are required by the University and are summative in nature.
The School of Nursing seeks to maintain and, when possible, increase the number of tenured and tenure-track faculty members. The School also seeks to maintain and, when possible, increase the percentage of fixed-term clinical track faculty who are excellent teachers and possess a relevant doctoral degree. In advancing both goals, the SON supports a practice that allows faculty members to transfer once in either direction between appointments on fixed-term clinical and tenure tracks.
These small grants are provided to faculty conducting early stages of research or research in a transitional phase to accrued data necessary to support applications for external funding.
The Carrington Travel and Leave Committee awards funds to UNC School of Nursing faculty members to support professional development activities and associated travel. Everyone with a fixed term or tenure track appointment to the UNCSON faculty is eligible to receive awards for activities related to their professional development.
The purpose of this document is to clarify the principles and guidelines that inform priorities for hiring of all faculty in the School of Nursing. Actual procedures are driven by current HR and EEO requirements and are not covered in this document.
The overall purpose of the Staff of the Year (SOY) Award Program is to encourage a high level of job performance and to publicly recognize employees who perform at a high level. Specifically, the criteria for the award will be based on performance others consider exemplary, and for being a team player who contributes to the general success of the School of Nursing (SON).
Consistent with its mission and philosophy, the School of Nursing at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is committed to providing educational opportunities to students with disabilities.