Procedure Statement
All positions, EHRA, SHRA, and Student/Temporary, if applicable, are budgeted by a chartfield string that includes business unit, fund, source account and department ID. Each position is identified by the Office of Human Resources (OHR) with a Full-Time Equivalent (FTE). The FTE is an indicator of the amount of effort this position is assigned (1.0 FTE equals full-time). The budget for permanent positions/appointments and temporary positions are managed in Commitment Control.
Forms and Instructions
For EHRA Personnel
Budgets are established for EHRA personnel in accounts 511100 (non-teach) and 513100 (teaching/instructional).
New Employment Actions
Permanent funding is needed for new employment actions. New employments can be full-time (1.0 FTE) or less. In either case, this requires confirming that funding is available in the combo code (chartfield string) that will be used. If the funds are not available in the combo code (chartfield string), a budget revision will need to be completed for permanent funding (current and future year) and in some instances a temporary revision to fund the current year.
Salary Increase/Decrease
Permanent funding is needed for salary increases. If increases are implemented during the fiscal year (out-of-cycle increases), the same budgeting process will need to take place as with a new employment action. In cases of a decrease in salary due to reduction in effort, there will be a budget balance that will then be available for other funding needs.
Salary Source Changes
Budgeting for salary source changes are basically managed as salary increases and decreases. The budget balance available in the combo code (chartfield string) needs to be confirmed.
For SHRA Personnel
New Employment Actions
Permanent funding is required for new positions. Funding is managed in Commitment Control. In cases that budget is not available, a budget revision will need to be generated for budget. Once funding is in Commitment Control, the action can be generated in an electronic Personnel Action Request (ePAR). Depending on when the employment was effective, a temporary funding action, in addition to the permanent funding action, may need to be generated.
Salary Increases/Decreases
Permanent and temporary funding is required for a salary increase of a position. As with new employment actions, funding is managed within the Commitment Control system. Depending on when the increase was effective, a temporary funding action, in addition to the permanent funding action, may need to be generated. Salary decreases that are generated may be due to reduced effort (1.0 FTE to part-time 0.75 FTE); in these cases budget may become available.
Salary Source Changes
Any budget changes require permanent and temporary funding to be available.
Temporary employees are usually graduate students (teaching, research or graduate assistants), postdoctoral fellows, and adjuncts or part time instructors. Temporary employees are funded with account 511170 for research/non-teaching responsibilities; and for teaching responsibilities are paid from 513120 (adjunct or part-time instructors) or 513170 (teaching assistants).
Temporary employees are normally students (student assistants) 514510 and temporaries (514120). In order to employ temporaries, permanent budget is not required; however, there should be budget balance available in the funding lines before actions are generated.
Related Policies
- Finance Policy 905 - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Policy on Position Control
- October 1, 2014: Removed FTE information and revised system names.
- March 1, 2013
- May 8, 2012