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- Knowledge Base
- Research
- Office of Sponsored Programs
Salary caps, generally seen with Public Health Service funding, limit the amount of funding the agency will provide for an individual’s salary. The current NIH salary cap amount is reviewed annually. When an individual’s projected salary exceeds an agency-mandated salary cap, the administrating University department is responsible for funding the difference.
- Knowledge Base
- Research
- Office of Sponsored Programs
Salary calculations can be based on a percentage of effort (Percent Effort Model) or the number of months of effort (Person-Months Model) dedicated to the sponsored project. Guidelines for both are listed below. Summer salary, normally considered three (3) months, is added compensation to nine month employees, therefore, it is calculated separately. Some sponsors limit the effort allowed for summer salaries. Thus, it is very important to read the sponsor guidelines carefully.
- Knowledge Base
- Human Resources and Equal Opportunity and Compliance
- Human Resources
Leave Without Pay may be granted to an employee for various reasons, including family and medical leave, extended educational purposes, vacation, illness, workers’ compensation, military service, or personal reasons. At the end of the approved leave, the employee is reinstated to his/her prior position, or one of like seniority, status, and pay.
- Knowledge Base
- School of Nursing
School of Nursing salary goals are derived from benchmarks with peer schools of nursing. The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) publishes an annual report on faculty salaries based on a yearly survey of all schools of nursing with baccalaureate and higher degree programs. Faculty salary data are reported for regions of the country and types of institution, and by faculty rank, credentials, and tenure vs. fixed term track status.
- Knowledge Base
- Human Resources and Equal Opportunity and Compliance
- Human Resources
This policy establishes specific procedures for supplemental pay, in the form of either overload or a salary supplement, for EHRA employees. Salary supplements and overload are intended to address temporary increases in responsibility or significant and substantial duties performed under unusual circumstances outside of normal work hours.
- Knowledge Base
- Finance and Operations
- Budget and Data Analysis
All positions, EHRA, SHRA, and Student/Temporary, if applicable, are budgeted by a chartfield string that includes business unit, fund, source account and department ID.