Summer School Procedures Manual Chapter 00: Table of Contents


This document provides an overview of the structure of the Summer School Procedures Manual.



Summer School Procedures Manual Chapter 00: Table of Contents

Procedures Manual and Forms

1. Introduction

  1. Summer School Staff and Administrative Board

2. The Program

3. Summer Calendar

4. Planning Calendar

5. Planning Course Offerings

  1. Planning

  2. Budget Considerations

  3. Class Times and Contact Hours

6. Preparing Course Information for Publication

  1. Creating Course Descriptions

  2. Submitting Course Descriptions

  3. Making Changes

  4. University Registrar Schedule Preparation

  5. Proofing Copy

  6. Canceling A Course AFTER Extended Maintenance Closes

  7. Adding A Course/Section AFTER Extended Maintenance Closes

7. Summer School Administrators

  1. Administrative Responsibilities

  2. Guidelines for Scheduling

  3. Stipend

  4. Calculating the Stipend

  5. Administrative Payment Schedule

  6. Payroll Dates for Summer Administrators

  7. Timeline for Summer School Administrators

8. Faculty

  1. Responsibilities

  2. Teaching Load

  3. Calculating the Stipend

  4. Instructor Nomination and Teaching Assignment Form

  5. Stipend

9. Teaching and Graduate Assistants

  1. Guidelines and Teaching Load

  2. Calculating the Stipend

  3. Completing the Nomination Form

  4. Stipend

10. Non-Personnel Budget Funds

11. Student Academic Information

  1. Admissions

  2. Advising

  3. Course Load

  4. Class Attendance

  5. Auditing

  6. Drop-Add and Withdrawals

12. Marketing Your Summer Courses

  1. Making Summer School Successful

  2. Promoting Your Courses

13. Forms

  1. Summer Administrator Form

  2. Instructor Nomination Form

  3. Other Instructor Nomination Form

  4. Change Form



Article ID: 132165
Thu 4/8/21 9:25 PM
Tue 9/3/24 2:15 PM
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The Summer School
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09/15/2025 12:00 AM
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08/30/2024 12:00 AM
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09/16/2022 12:00 AM
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09/16/2022 12:00 AM
Date on which the original version of this document was first made official.
10/09/2018 12:00 AM