Summer School Procedures Manual Chapter 06: Preparing Course Information for Publication


Summer School Procedures Manual Chapter 06: Preparing Course Information for Publication

6. Preparing Course Information for Publication

Summer School provides summer course information on our at Unit Summer School administrators submit course listings for the website in early November.  The schedule information goes to the University Registrar and appears in ConnectCarolina.

A. Creating Course Descriptions

  1. In early October, Summer School will send each unit its course offerings from the previous year. Summer School Administrators should update course descriptions for the unit's planned offerings using this format:
    1. the official course number and title in bold.
    2. cross-listings as shown in the Graduate or Undergraduate Catalogs (see item E.2 below).
    3. the number of semester hours credit in parentheses.
    4. whether online (01W) or Maymester (01M) in all capital letters.
    5. indicate in italics prerequisites and/or corequisites and reserve capacities such as "majors only" (such restrictions should be used only if necessary because they reduce enrollment possibilities).
    6. the course description as approved for the Graduate and Undergraduate Catalog. After this description include any information specific to the summer course.
    7. in italics any special instructions; i.e., note beginning or ending dates or locations off-campus. Identify late afternoon or night classes (3 or 4 days per week) separate from, or in addition to, the regular day schedule. Use standard phrases such as "day and late afternoon sections"; "late afternoon section only"; "day and night sections"; "night section only." Also, for lab, field, or other courses with non-regular schedules, specify the number of class meetings per week, such as "one afternoon lab per week."  Special instructions for online courses should also include information about mode and any helpful details about synchronous sessions.
    8. a sentence about any special features of this course, fees, notes about the instructor, and link to a course or instructor flyer or web page.
  2. Maymester courses are part of First Session, and course descriptions should be incorporated with those listings.

B. Submitting Course Descriptions

  1. Course descriptions are due annually in early November. Once the descriptions are updated and completed, send them electronically to Summer School.
  2. After schools and departments have submitted their copy, Summer School compiles and edits them. The course descriptions become available to students in mid-December on the Summer School website.
  3. After Summer School posts the new course list and the course schedule deadline of the University Registrar occurs, no changes in course offerings are allowed without special justification and approval from Summer School. Summer School Administrators should review the departmental offerings in ConnectCarolina for accuracy. The course schedule set up in ConnectCarolina must match the course offerings submitted to Summer School for the website.

C. Making Changes

  1. Try to avoid changes after mid-December.
  2. Plan carefully. Deletions can cause serious problems to students who plan ahead and adjust spring or fall schedules to complement the summer opportunities. Also, a student planning to take a listed course needed for a degree requirement might make summer housing or employment decisions based on the course schedule.

D. University Registrar Schedule Preparation

  1. Departmental registrars enter summer courses into ConnectCarolina using instructions and deadlines provided by the University Registrar. This list must match the list of the courses submitted to Summer School. Thesis, dissertation, independent studies, and research/study sections should be entered into Connect Carolina, even if they are not paid by Summer School. It is recommended that such sections be created at the request of individual faculty rather than creating sections that might not be used.
  2. At the time of course set-up, departments select the course instruction mode after consultation with the instructor.  Changes to instruction mode are not allowed after registration opens in mid-March.  Note:  Summer School does not approve instruction modes or mode changes.  
  3. Take advantage of the "Notes" tab. Use this for special instructions or requirements for your courses. Be sure courses are identified correctly, especially online or hybrid courses.  Encourage instructors to use the "Course Features" tool as well.  
  4. Be sure no courses are set up in Session A. All courses should be in First or Second Session.
  5. Reserve capacity is a way to limit or restrict your course and should be used only if necessary. Reserve capacity might reduce enrollment by not allowing registration by summer visitors and UNC students who are changing classification levels at the end of the spring semester or who want to take a non-major course they were unable to get into in fall or spring.
  6. Follow ConnectCarolina instructions for cross-listings so that all courses are cross-listed correctly.
  7. Course subtitles for Special Topics courses should be entered under "Free Format Topic". In "Notes," indicate the Special Topics subtitle and indicate that the course description can be found on Summer School's website.  Units should follow their school or college's guidelines for special topics courses.

E. Proofing Copy

  1. Departments are responsible for the accuracy and consistency of the information provided about their courses. Proofing copy is important. Send any changes to Summer School.
  2. Cross-listed course offerings should be made known to the cross-listed department. If the other department(s) does not want students to register under their course code, the cross-listing reference should be omitted.

F. Canceling a Course AFTER "Extended Schedule Maintenance" Closes

Canceling a course after the University Registrar's posted closing for "Scheduled Maintenance" must be approved by Summer School before any paperwork is forwarded to Summer School. The Summer School Administrator should email to discuss why the course is being cancelled. Follow these procedures after obtaining approval:

  1. The department or school must still inform Summer School in writing via email of the course cancellation. Summer School will remove the course description from its website.
  2. All section change requests are made online. Forms for all schedule requests can be found on the Registrar's website under Scheduling.
  3. The department or school must prepare a change nomination form canceling the instructor and send it to Summer School. The unit should also notify their HR representative of the change.  If a ConnectCarolina payroll action has been processed for the instructor, the unit must retract or cancel the action to prevent payment.
  4. Summer School will notify the instructor in writing of the contract termination.  The unit should notify the instructor in writing of the course cancellation.

G. Adding a course or section AFTER "Extended Schedule Maintenance" closes

Adding a course after the University Registrar's posted closing for "Scheduled Maintenance" must have approval of Summer School before any paperwork is forwarded to Summer School. The Summer School Administrator should email to discuss why the course or section is being added. Follow these procedures after obtaining approval:

  1. The department or school must still inform Summer School by email of the course or section addition and initiate the online scheduling form to add the course or section (see item F.2). Summer School will need a course description for its website if this course is not already listed. A description is not needed if a new section of any existing course is being added.
  2. The department or school must prepare a nomination form adding the instructor and send it to Summer School.
  3. Summer School will prepare and send a contract for the instructor of the additional course or section.
  4. The unit will notify their HR representative to pay additional instructors.
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