Summer School Procedures Manual Chapter 07: Summer School Administrators
7. Summer School Administrators
A. Administrative Responsibilities
- The Summer School Administrator is typically an associate chair or the director of undergraduate studies. Summer School prefers that the Administrator should be a faculty member. In special circumstances, an EHRA non-faculty staff member might be appointed. SHRA employees cannot be the Administrator. A faculty member who is on leave cannot be the Summer Administrator. Any exceptions would require extenuating circumstances and Summer School approval. In August, each school or department should nominate a summer school administrator and notify Summer School in writing of the nomination (see Summer School Procedures Manual Chapter 13).
- In units where the Administrator is not the department Chair, the Administrator should be in continual contact with the Chair and the unit’s curricular leadership (i.e., associate chair and director of undergraduate studies), particularly in the fall, as decisions are made regarding courses and instructors.
- The Summer School Administrator agrees to devote attention during October and early November to the review of the previous summer's courses and to the planning, scheduling, and initial staffing of the upcoming summer's offerings. The Summer School Administrator should also ensure that all courses are set up by the departmental registrar with the University Registrar by November 15. In the spring semester, the Administrator finalizes the instructor assignments; ensures faculty are aware of the dates and expectations for teaching their assigned course(s); assists the unit Human Resources facilitator in preparing nomination forms for payroll; oversees any changes in course offerings, such as the addition of sections to accommodate waitlists; and ensures faculty are up-to-date on all required and relevant trainings and policies.
- During the summer, Administrators should remain in contact with faculty regarding key dates and deadlines. Administrators should also report any staffing or curricular concerns to the appropriate unit leadership and to Summer School.
- The Administrator is also responsible for contacting Summer School if an instructor expects to be or is absent from class for more than one day. Make arrangements to cover any missed classes well in advance of the summer session, if possible. If an instructor or Administrator recruits a UNC-CH instructor or graduate student to serve as a substitute, Summer School will pay the substitute on a contractual basis. Any decisions in regard to substitutes require discussion with Summer School.
- After four weeks of open registration for any session (mid-April), the Administrator should contact Summer School regarding any class having fewer than 10 students. Negotiation and discussion among the Summer School Administrator, Summer School, the instructor and the department chair may result in the course being cancelled. Should a course be cancelled, the teaching stipend will be cancelled. The Summer School Administrator should recognize potentially low-enrollment classes at the time of scheduling in the fall and have an understanding with the instructor about the possible reassignment or cancellation of the course and instructor stipend.
- If the Administrator notes a course is closed and has a waitlist(s), the unit may consider opening another section at the same time, if another instructor is available, to divide the enrollment and allow more students into the course. That action can be taken after discussion with Summer School and department or school leadership.
- On any days during the summer session that the Administrator is not in residence, each unit must have a designated person available to serve as the Administrator's proxy. Administrators also must not be on leave in the academic year. Any exceptions must be approved by the department chair or dean and Summer School. The Administrator is consulted on any problems in registration, adjustments in classes, and change of employment or payment for instructors during the first week of a session.
- Summer School Administrators should check with their department chair or school dean about summer course evaluations, following the same process as during the academic year. The Office of Institutional Research and Assessment conducts course evaluations in summer. Other evaluations are at the discretion of individual units. Summer School does not initiate course evaluations or collect results.
B. Guidelines for Scheduling
- In October and early November, Administrators should determine the best courses to serve student need and then find faculty to teach them.
- Summer School administrators should observe which courses worked well in past summers, which courses were canceled, and which were closed in fall or spring terms of previous years or have had waitlists. Consult the department Chair and/or Summer School regarding questions about course offerings (summer_school@unc.edu).
- Summer School administrators should collaborate closely with the unit’s curricular leadership to determine what courses might be needed to majors and/or minors.
C. Stipend
- The Administrator stipend is not transferable to another faculty member. Only the person hired by Summer School as the Summer School administrator will be paid. SHRA employees cannot serve or receive pay as the Summer School administrator.
- Any person holding a 12-month appointment, such as a dean, associate dean, or assistant dean, may not receive additional payment for providing administrative services for Summer School, unless an overload request is approved by the Provost. Note: Summer School does not initiate or sign overload forms. Overload approvals must be obtained prior to a 12-month faculty being nominated. A 9-month employee receives a summer stipend within the allowable University guidelines and Summer School pay rate.
- Payment of an Administrator is based on fulfilling all duties. Failure to do so could result in a reduced stipend.
- In determining the teaching load supervised, do not include dissertation sections or a course taught by a faculty member arranged by a different unit or funded from another source. include only those courses for which the Administrator arranged the scheduling and staffing and which Summer School is paying for.
- To provide oversight of teaching assignments, whenever a Summer School Administrator is also a unit chair or dean and is to teach in summer, approval for that teaching must come from the next highest supervisor. For example, if a department chair is the Summer School Administrator and also teaching, the teaching assignment must have written approval of the senior associate dean for the respective division. A senior associate dean in a professional school would have the dean's approval. The approval is to be in writing and submitted with the nomination form.
- Summer School Administrators receive salary payment in Second Session after all responsibilities have been completed. An Administrator can be paid in First Session only if the unit offers no courses in Second Session. To be paid, the Administrator's stipend must be included on the Instructor Nomination Form submitted in February. (Separate from the form appointing the Administrator in August.) It must be accommodated within the personnel allocation to the school or department for the session in which it is paid.
D. Calculating the Stipend
- A Summer School administrator is not required to teach a summer course and will receive in Second Session the additional pay for the responsibilities associated with administering the summer program.
- Summer pay, in addition to pay earned from other contracts, grants and administrative duties, should not exceed one-third of the individual's 9-month faculty salary, unless an overload request is approved by the Provost.
E. Administrative Payment Schedule
The stipend for the Summer School Administrator is based on the number of courses on record over both sessions as of February 28. (See Item C.3 above.) Use the tables below to calculate the Administrator stipend.
Example #1: Using Economics as an example, six 3-credit hour courses are offered over both sessions. Refer to the table below.
A 3-credit course carries a .50 teaching load.
The sample below shows the total teaching load over both sessions to be 3. Table 2 shows the Administrator stipend would be $1,600.
First Session |
Second Session |
Econ 101-1 (3 hrs) |
= |
.50 |
Econ 450-1 (3 hrs) |
= |
.50 |
Econ 101-2 (3 hrs) |
= |
.50 |
Econ 460-1 (3 hrs) |
= |
.50 |
Econ 310-1 (3 hrs) |
= |
.50 |
Econ 460-2 (3 hrs) |
= |
.50 |
1.50 |
1.50 |
Example #2: Using Physics and Astronomy as an example, two 1-credit hour courses, six 3-credit hour courses, and three 4-credit hour courses are offered over both sessions. Refer to Table 1 below.
A 1-credit course carries a .25 teaching load, 3-credits a .50 teaching load, and 4-credits a .75 teaching load.
The sample below shows the total teaching load over both sessions to be 5.75. Table 2 shows the Administrator stipend would be $2,400 for 5.75 hours rounded up to an even 6 hours.
First Session* |
Second Session* |
Astr 101-1 (3 hrs) |
= |
.50 |
Astr 102-1 (3 hrs) |
= |
.50 |
Phys 104-1 (3 hrs) |
= |
.50 |
Astr 102L (1 hrs) |
= |
.25 |
Phys 104L (1 hrs) |
= |
.25 |
Phys 105-1 (3 hrs) |
= |
.50 |
Phys 116-1 (4 hrs) |
= |
.75 |
Phys 117-1 (4 hrs) |
= |
.75 |
Phys 105-1 (3 hrs) |
= |
.50 |
Phys 117-2 (4 hrs) |
= |
.75 |
Phys 460-1 (3 hrs) |
= |
.50 |
2.50 |
3.25 |
*(Courses and credit hours may be fictitious)
Table 1 – Teaching Load Computation
Semester Hour Credit Per Course |
Teaching Load |
1.0 - 1.5 |
.25 |
2.0 - 3.0 |
.50 |
4.0 |
.75 |
5.0 - 6.0 |
1.00 |
Table 2 - Payment schedule per Teaching Load Unit (rounded up):
Teaching Load |
Administrator Stipend |
*1 |
$ 700 |
2 |
$ 1,200 |
3 |
$ 1,600 |
4 |
$ 2,000 |
5-6 |
$ 2,400 |
7-9 |
$ 2,700 |
10-12 |
$ 3,000 |
13-15 |
$ 3,300 |
16-18 |
$ 3,600 |
19 or more |
$ 3,900 |
*If the total teaching load is 1 course in one session only, the stipend is $400.
F. Payroll Method and Dates for Summer School Administrators
The payroll method and dates for Administrator stipends are the same as for faculty salaries. See the Planning Calendar in Summer School Procedures Manual Chapter 04.
G. Timeline for Summer School Administrators Summer 2025
Fall 2024
Date |
Description |
August |
Departments/Schools name new Administrators; name sent to Summer School. |
September 20 |
Administrators/Managers lunch and business meeting. |
September 27 |
Administrators/Managers receive allocations. |
October 1 |
Administrators develop course lineup for summer 2025 based on course performance in summer 2023 and 2024, student needs, faculty availability to teach, new courses/programs.
Administrators share information with departmental registrars so course updating can begin in ConnectCarolina (CC closes at 4 p.m. November 15).
Course descriptions sent to managers for updating, either by manager, Administrator or other individual designated with that responsibility. |
November 15 |
Deadline for updated course descriptions to be sent to Summer School by managers or Administrators (depending on individual units' structure for completing Summer School tasks). |
December 2 |
ConnectCarolina reopens for a brief period to allow changes in instructor information, enrollments, footnotes, etc., for summer courses. |
December 5 |
All schedule changes after this date must be approved by Summer School.
Summer School gives non-personnel allocations to schools and the College. |
Spring 2025
Date |
Description |
January 6 |
Administrators and unit registrar check course listings on Summer School web site at summer.unc.edu with courses set up in ConnectCarolina. Unit registrar changes any "staff" to instructor name prior to nomination forms sent Feb. 1. Send any other changes/corrections via online scheduling form to Summer School. |
January |
Administrator confers with department chair/dean/faculty teaching about equipment and other needs for summer courses after receiving nonpersonnel allocation from their dean's office.
Administrator confirms with faculty who have committed to teach that they are still available. |
February 1 |
Administrator ensures departmental HR manager has a list of faculty teaching in summer, including graduate students, and respective course numbers for nomination forms; Administrator must ensure nomination form is completed for Administrator's stipend to be paid in Second Session. Only send forms if information is current and correct. |
February-March |
Administrator works with instructors to publicize course offerings (see marketing section of Procedures Manual).
Administrator develops listserv of faculty teaching, including graduate students, for forwarding essential messages; notifies any visiting faculty or part-time instructors about completing FERPA training if needed; notifies all instructors about policies if more than one class is missed and also shares the University's resources at safe.unc.edu for interpersonal violence, awareness, and prevention.
March |
Administrator and/or HR manager verify work eligibility for foreign instructors or TAs. |
Mid-April |
Administrator checks First Session enrollments for respective unit courses; contacts Summer School as well as instructor about low-enrolled courses (see marketing section for ideas); contacts Summer School if additional sections are needed. |
April 15 |
Administrator determines if any TAs who have been nominated to teach and who are expected to graduate have been cleared for graduation; if so, Administrator notifies HR manager so that nomination form can be changed and appropriate steps taken to change instructor status and stipend.
Administrator confers with graduate studies director to ensure all graduate students nominated to teach are eligible academically to continue in fall and thus eligible to teach in summer. |
May 7 |
Deadline for Administrator and Summer School to confer on and determine any course cancelations for First Session and Maymester. |
May 14 |
First day of First Session and Maymester; Administrator manages any course changes, etc.; ensures payroll actions are begun in ConnectCarolina. |
June 1-14 |
Administrator monitors low-enrolled Second Session courses. |
June 16 |
Deadline for Administrator and Summer School to confer on and determine any course cancellations for Second Session. |
June 23 |
First day of Second Session; Administrator manages any course changes etc.; ensure payroll actions are begun in ConnectCarolina. |