1505.4 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Procedure on Travel & Expense (T&E) Card Refresher Training

University Procedure


Finance Procedure 1505.4 - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Procedure on Travel & Expense (T&E) Card Refresher Training



Every two years after completion of the Initial Travel & Expense (T&E) Card Accountholder training, T&E Card accountholders must complete mandatory online refresher training. The training covers applicable restrictions, policies and reconciliation procedures. Accountholders are also required to pass an associated quiz.


Applies to all University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ("UNC-Chapel Hill" or "University") T&E Card accountholders.


To maintain a University Travel and Expense (T&E) Card, accountholders must complete the required online T&E Card refresher training and quiz (achieving as passing score of 85%) bi-annually.  Refresher training will be automatically assigned to active T&E Card accountholders via Carolina Talent.

Accountholders will receive an email notification from Carolina Talent upon assignment of the training. They have 90 days to complete both the training and quiz.  Reminder notifications will be sent at:

  • 45 days remaining
  • 10 days remaining

If training is not complete within 90 days, the T&E Card account will be temporarily suspended. A past-due email will be sent to the accountholder and their manager to notify them of the temporary suspension. While their T&E Card is suspended, accountholders will not be permitted to submit for out of pocket reimbursement of T&E Card eligible purchases. 

Related Requirements

External Regulations

University Policies, Standards, and Procedures

Contact Information

Primary Contact

Office: Travel Card Office

Email: travelcard@unc.edu

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