Facilities Use Standard



Together with the University's Facilities Use Policy, the University has established this Standard to establish requirements for the use of its Facilities in order to:

  1. focus on its mission;
  2. provide a safe environment; and
  3. preserve the aesthetics of the campus.


I. University Facilities Covered by this Standard; Supplemental Unit-specific Facilities Use Policies

  1. The use of all Facilities is subject to this policy; University units may implement and maintain unit-specific policies so long as those policies supplement and do not conflict with this policy. Leased spaces may be subject to additional rules imposed by their individual lease.
  2. University units are permitted to locally administer the scheduling of the Facilities that have been administratively assigned to them, or which they occupy under a lease. All such University units must administer the scheduling of their Facilities in a manner that does not conflict with this policy. The following is a non-exhaustive list of University units that have opted to locally administer the scheduling of their Facilities:
    1. Classrooms, seminar rooms, auditoria, and other instructional Facilities that are not assigned to a unit for its exclusive use are scheduled by the Office of the University Registrar, Scheduling and Training Section for use in the instructional programs of the University. To the extent such Facilities are made available for purposes other than the instructional programs of the University, the use of such Facilities is subject to this policy and shall be scheduled through the Carolina Union, consistent with this policy.
    2. Faculty, staff, and student Facilities, including the Carolina Union and Student Academic Services Building, are administratively assigned to respective University academic or administrative units. To the extent such Facilities are made available beyond the unit to which they are assigned, the use of such Facilities is subject to this policy and shall be scheduled through the Carolina Union, consistent with this policy.
    3. Facilities of the Schools of Business, Dentistry, Government, Journalism and Media, Law, Medicine, Nursing, Public Health, Pharmacy (except for certain classrooms scheduled pursuant to Section I.A.), and Social Work are scheduled by the administration of the respective school. Similarly, Facilities of the Ackland Art Museum, Athletics Department, Campus Recreation, Frank Porter Graham Child Development Center, Friday Center for Continuing Education, Playmakers Theatre, Paul Green Theatre, James M. Johnston Center for Undergraduate Excellence, Libraries, Morehead Planetarium and Science Center, FedEx Global Education Center, Sonja Haynes Stone Center for Black Culture and History, and lounges of all administrative units, and laboratories are scheduled by the head of the unit to which they have been administratively assigned.
    4. The scheduling of the Kenan Center and the Rizzo Center is administered by the School of Business.
    5. The scheduling of Memorial Hall and Gerrard Hall is administered by the Office of the Executive and Artistic Director of Carolina Performing Arts.
    6. The scheduling of the North Carolina Botanical Garden, Forest Theatre, Battle Park and Coker Arboretum is administered by the Director of the North Carolina Botanical Garden.
    7. The scheduling of residence halls is administered by the Director of Housing and Residential Education.
    8. Use of the former Horace Williams Airport is administered by Finance and Operations. Inquiries to use this space should be directed the Director of Administrative Services for the Facilities Services Division.


I. Scheduling Standards and Priorities

A. General Standards

All groups that wish to use a University Facility must adhere to the following standards:

  1. Have the use approved by the appropriate University official;
  2. Present that approval along with a request for scheduling to the office responsible under this policy for scheduling that particular Facility;
  3. The scheduling office must render its decision within 10 business days after it receives a request. If tent/canopy permits are required, approval of such permits may take up to 30 days;
  4. If a request is received less than 10 business days in advance of the time for which the Facility is requested, the request may be honored at the discretion of the administrative head of the office responsible for scheduling.

B. Priority

In recognition of the University's primary obligation to University-sponsored groups in the use of available and appropriate Facilities, the following rules shall pertain with respect to priorities in reservation of space when the same Facility is requested for use at the same time by different groups, except as provided elsewhere in this policy:

  1. With respect to the use of Facilities that are principally assigned to an academic unit, that unit shall have priority over all other groups, unless a use has already been scheduled pursuant to this policy.
  2. Except as provided in subsection 4 below, the first request received by the office shall have priority over all later requests.
  3. University-sponsored groups and University-affiliated groups shall have priority over non-affiliated groups.
  4. If a scheduling office receives a request for a space reservation from a non-affiliated group more than 30 days in advance of the requested date, the scheduling office may deem such request as having been received 30 days (or shorter) in advance of the requested date regardless of when it is actually received.
  5. If conflicts remain after these priorities are applied, selection shall be by lot.

II. Additional Guidelines for the Use of Exterior Space

A. General Principle

Subject to restrictions on the use of Facilities prescribed elsewhere in this policy, the University permits assemblies and gatherings of University-sponsored, University-affiliated and non-affiliated groups:

  1. without prior approval in Y-Court, the Carolina Union "Pit" and in the Major Open Spaces designated in Exhibit A of this Standard [please see the PDFs attached to this page], and
  2. with prior approval, in any other exterior location.

Any use of such spaces that is scheduled pursuant to this policy shall have priority over any unscheduled use.

B. Administrative Approval

With the exceptions noted hereafter, the use of outdoor space pursuant to this policy must have the written approval of the Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities Services or delegate. The exceptions are as follows:

  1. Prior approval is not required for unscheduled use of Y-Court, the Carolina Union "Pit", or Major Open Spaces, subject to the restrictions in Section II.D.
  2. Use of outdoor space by University academic units for University instructional or research activities does not require prior approval.
  3. Use of outdoor space for distribution of non-commercial written materials is governed by Section IV of this policy.
  4. Use of outdoor space for road run races such as 5Ks must be reserved through the Carolina Union for date approval. Confirmation of races is subject to Carolina Union and Public Safety approval. Road run races are subject to the current road race guidelines located on Reserve Carolina.

C. Scheduling

  1. Scheduling use of campus exterior space other than the Carolina Union "Pit" and the Rams Head Patio shall be handled by the Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities Services or delegate. Scheduling use of the "Pit" shall be handled by the Carolina Union's Event Services Office. Scheduling use of the Rams Head Patio shall be handled by Carolina Dining Services.
  2. A scheduled use shall have priority over any unscheduled use, even when scheduling is not required by this policy.
  3. An unscheduled use by a University academic unit for University instructional or research activities shall have priority over any other unscheduled use.
  4. Scheduled users will receive a permit indicating the location and other specifics of the event approved by the Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities Services or delegate (such as the hours of approved use and approval for any temporary Structures, electrical power and/or sound amplification). The permit must be brought to the event location and available for inspection upon request throughout the duration of the event.
  5. Reservations for any of the Major Open Spaces shall be made on a first-come, first-served basis with the following restrictions:
    1. To provide for equitable allocation of locations and times available for reservation, units that are not University-sponsored are limited to no more than three (3) Major Open Space reservations per semester and one (1) per summer session, subject to subsection 5.b below. For purposes of this rule, a single event reservation that extends for longer than one (1) day will count as multiple days.
    2. If a Major Open Space location remains unreserved seven (7) days prior to a desired reservation date, a unit that has reached its quota of reservation days may make a reservation in excess of the limit stated in subsection 5.a above.
    3. Units requesting reservations of Major Open Space locations cannot be "wait listed" for space.

D. Criteria

Because the use of exterior Facilities presents the possibility of disturbance to normal University activities and damage to University property, the criteria governing the use of exterior space shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

  1. No permanent Structures may be erected in exterior spaces unless approved by the Chancellor's Buildings and Grounds Committee.
  2. No temporary Structures whatsoever shall be erected or placed on lawn space beneath the drip lines of trees. Temporary Structures are permitted in Y-Court, the Carolina Union "Pit," the Rams Head Patio, and in Major Open Spaces to the extent their use is approved by the applicable University official in connection with the scheduling process. No temporary Structures that have a potential safety risk, as determined by the Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities Services or delegate, including without limitation, stages and canopy tents, may be constructed or placed in these spaces unless (a) the construction itself is undertaken by a University administrative unit, and (b) such construction has been approved by the Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities Services or delegate. Tents and canopies must comply with Environment, Health and Safety guidelines and may require a permit from the State of North Carolina. Temporary Structures shall not be constructed or placed at the activity location earlier than the day of the scheduled activity, unless approval for earlier construction or placement is granted by the Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities Services or delegate. All temporary Structures must be removed promptly upon the conclusion of the scheduled activity. Structures may be left overnight for a maximum of eight days, depending on the actual need of the event, not logistical convenience, if approved by the Carolina Union for display in the Pit area. Overnight structures located in the Pit area may not be inhabited by any person or animal during the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.
  3. Any group wishing to hold an activity or event in a Major Open Space in which the number of attendees is expected to be 200 or more persons over the course of such activity or event must pay for temporary fencing to be erected to protect the areas from the tree trunks to the drip lines of the trees, unless otherwise agreed by the Director of University Grounds Services. Arrangements for such fencing shall be made through the office of the Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities Services. The distance from the tree trunks to the fencing must be increased by a factor of 1.3 if the Director of University Grounds Services determines such measures are necessary to mitigate the risk of soil compaction due to rainfall coupled with expected foot traffic or other soil-compacting forces.
  4. No activities may be held which render a space unsatisfactory for use in its normal or primary function or which interfere with an activity previously scheduled according to this policy or with normal or scheduled University activities.
  5. All uses of amplifying and public-address systems on campus must conform to all applicable laws and ordinances. Amplified sound is permitted outdoors on Fridays between 5pm-10pm, Saturdays from 8am-10pm, and Sundays from 8am-7pm. Unless otherwise permitted by this section, amplified events are prohibited outdoors during class hours. All outdoor events are subject to the noise provision of the Town of Chapel Hill Code of Ordinances (Chapter 11, Article III). Public-address and amplifying systems may be used in the Pit, the Plaza, and SASB Courtyard subject to the Carolina Union Guidelines. Public-address and amplifying systems may not be used in the Rams Head Patio unless authorized by Carolina Dining Services. Public-address and amplifying systems may not be used in other exterior spaces unless authorized by the Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities Services or delegate.
  6. Users, including sponsoring organizations, are responsible and accountable for the cleanliness and order of all open spaces following their use, including the proper disposal of trash and recycling and the arrangement of additional services as needed. Users will be billed for cleanup that they do not adequately complete themselves.
  7. No banners, signs, or other materials may be affixed in any way to any trees.
  8. Any vehicles, including golf carts, necessary in the set-up or conduct of an event shall not traverse the grassy or treed portions of any Major Open Space. Such vehicles must be operated solely on the brick walkways and other surrounding hardscape.
  9. All activities or events must be conducted in such a manner that campus pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular traffic are not unreasonably impeded and that members of the University community who are not participating in the activity or event may proceed with their normal activities.

III. Additional Guidelines for the Use of Interior Space

A. Use by University-Sponsored Groups

1. Administrative Approval

Subject to the restrictions on use described elsewhere in this policy, Facilities not otherwise assigned as provided in the Scope of Applicability above normally may be used by University-sponsored groups for University activities without rental charge with the approval of the Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities Services or delegate.

2. Scheduling

Requests from a University-sponsored group for scheduling a use consistent with this policy shall be made to the particular office designated by this policy as responsible for scheduling the Facility. Absent such designation, the request shall be made to the Carolina Union.

B. Use by University-Affiliated Groups

1. Administrative Approval

Subject to the restrictions on use described elsewhere in this policy, the use of Facilities may be extended to University-affiliated groups. Such groups shall be responsible for extra costs and any damage incident to their use of the Facilities and, if the Facility is being used for the financial benefit of the organization or its designee, for any rental charges that may be assessed. University-affiliated groups have full responsibility and are accountable for the events or activities held in Facilities under their sponsorship. Use of space in facilities not otherwise assigned as provided in the Scope of Applicability, above, must be approved in writing by the Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities Services or delegate.

2. Scheduling

Requests from University-affiliated groups for scheduling a use consistent with this policy shall be made to the particular office designated by this policy as responsible for scheduling the Facility and shall be accompanied by any requisite written administrative approvals. Absent such designation, the request shall be made to the Carolina Union.

C. Use by Non-Affiliated Groups

1. Administrative Approval

Subject to the restrictions on use described elsewhere in this Standard, the use of Facilities may be extended to non-affiliated groups, which shall be responsible for any expense resulting from any damage arising from the use of the Facility, and for user costs and charges, which may include the cost of University services rendered. Such groups have full responsibility and are accountable for the events or activities held in Facilities under their sponsorship. Requests for the use of space by such groups must be approved in writing by the Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities Services or delegate.

2. Scheduling

Requests from non-affiliated groups for scheduling a use consistent with this policy shall be made to the particular office designated by this policy as responsible for scheduling the Facility and shall be accompanied by any requisite written administrative approvals. Absent such designation, the request shall be made to the Carolina Union.

D. Audiovisual and Computing Equipment in General Purpose Classrooms

Please contact the Classroom Hotline (919-962-6702, hotline@unc.edu) for questions and needs associated with the use, security, maintenance, user support, and lifecycle of audiovisual and computing equipment permanently installed in general purpose classrooms (classrooms scheduled by the Office of the University Registrar, Scheduling and Training Section). The use of the equipment shall be subject to this policy and all conditions imposed by the Classroom Hotline. Installation of equipment not owned by the Classroom Hotline must be pre-approved by the Classroom Hotline and shall be subject to all conditions imposed by the Classroom Hotline. For a current list and configuration of all general-purpose classrooms outfitted as multimedia classrooms, please see the Classroom Hotline website and follow links to "classrooms."

IV. Pamphlets, Written Materials, Publications, and Advertisements

A. Hand Distribution

  1. Any individual or group, whether affiliated with the University or not, may distribute at any open, uncovered, exterior campus space, the use of which is not otherwise restricted or scheduled under this policy, without registration or advance approval, any written materials on the condition that such materials are designed for informational and not for commercial purposes. Donations may be accepted in connection with such distribution.
  2. Publications of University-affiliated groups may be distributed or sold at any open, uncovered, exterior campus space, the use of which is not otherwise restricted or scheduled under this policy, without registration or advance approval. Newspaper and magazine vending is covered by policies administered by the Director of Grounds Services, Division of Facilities Services.
  3. Distribution at any location other than those specified above may be authorized by the administrative official who is responsible under this policy for the use and scheduling of the Facility in question.

B. The Use of Surfaces, Bulletin Boards, and Spaces

  1. No banner, flag, sign, notice, advertisement, or document of any kind shall be attached to, nor shall any markings be made on, any building exterior, exterior wall, exterior door, window (including both interior and exterior faces), lamppost, tree, monument, or other exterior surface, except for the following:
    1. The "Cube" and general-purpose bulletin boards and other spaces are provided at several locations on campus. These spaces may be used for information purposes, for materials associated with student election campaigns, and for solicitation of charitable contributions and fundraising events as provided in Section V and Section VI. They may not be used for commercial purposes, except by University students, faculty, and staff for offering personal items such as textbooks or bicycles for sale or for advertising individual services of students, faculty, and staff such as baby-sitting or term paper typing for compensation. All notices are subject to removal at approximately one-week intervals, excepting student election campaign materials, which must be removed within 96 hours following the day of the election. The Carolina Union "Cube" is only to be used for painted messages. No handbills, posters, or flyers may be attached to it at any time.
    2. Student election campaign materials, so long as they are posted in ways that do not damage surfaces or impede pedestrian or vehicle passage or access.
    3. University-sponsored Signage.
  2. Chalking: Chalking is allowed on campus under the following conditions:
    1. Chalk may only be used on exposed exterior walkways.
    2. Only non-permanent sidewalk chalk may be used. No paint, spray/adhesive chalks, markers, or inks are allowed.
    3. Chalking on campus must be consistent with the University's Department of Environment, Health and Safety's "UNC Outdoor Chalk Art Environmental Requirements."
    4. The University will clear chalk from exposed exterior walkways on a weekly basis.
  3. All University units must manage interiors of windows. Display of signs and other messaging on, in or from external-facing window interiors is prohibited, except as permitted in (a) through (c) above. Each unit is responsible for compliance with this policy and must regulate the use of interior surfaces in Facilities assigned for their use.
  4. In addition to being subject to those consequences associated with violations of this policy, persons responsible for damage to walls or other surfaces resulting from violation of these posting rules shall pay the costs of repair and may be subjected to criminal penalties under N.C. Gen. Stat. § 14-132 (Injuries to Public Buildings and Facilities).

V. Solicitations of Charitable Contributions

  1. For purposes of this section, charitable groups are those groups, contributions to which are tax-deductible under Section 170(b)(1)(A) of the Internal Revenue Code or student organizations officially recognized by The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
  2. Affiliated groups and non-affiliated groups meeting the definition of Section V.A., above, may solicit charitable contributions without prior approval in the Major Open Spaces, Y-Court, and the Carolina Union "Pit" subject to the restrictions set out in Section II of this Standard.
  3. Charitable solicitation which involves in whole or in part the sale of goods, services, subscriptions, admission tickets, or the like, shall be governed by Section VI, in addition to other provisions of this Standard. A token symbolizing that a contribution has been made shall not be considered as "goods" for purposes of the preceding sentence.
  4. University sponsored groups are prohibited from holding "benefit" events to benefit a non-University entity. University-affiliated groups are prohibited from holding such events except as expressly permitted in Section V and Section VI.

VI. Use of University Facilities for Commercial Promotions and Sales; Fundraising Events

  1. Activities authorized by the University administration involving the sale of goods or services (such as Student Stores) and activities conducted in Facilities under written lease from the University are exempt from this section of the policy.
  2. Except as provided herein, all individual employees and non-affiliated individuals and groups are prohibited from engaging in "commercial exchanges," which are defined as canvassing, selling, offering for sale, soliciting, or promoting the sale of any goods or services on University premises.
  3. Upon written approval by the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs or delegate, University-affiliated student groups may conduct activities that constitute commercial exchanges, and upon written approval by the Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities Services or delegate, University-affiliated employee groups may conduct activities that constitute commercial exchanges. The permit referenced in Section VI.C.8. shall be evidence of that written approval.
    1. The appropriate Vice Chancellor or delegate shall approve an activity constituting commercial exchanges only if:
      1. All of the requirements of this policy are met;
      2. The proposed activity is not in violation of University policy, State or Federal law;
      3. The activity will not disrupt the University's educational atmosphere;
      4. There are no overriding safety or security reasons to restrict the activity; and
      5. The primary purpose of such sales shall be to raise money for the benefit of the University-affiliated group or for the benefit of a charitable group (as defined in Section V.A.) sponsored by the University-affiliated group. If the money is being raised for the benefit of the University-affiliated group, all monies raised must be transferred to the group for group use, not to individuals for personal use.
    2. If an activity is not approved, the group may appeal the decision in accordance with Section IV of the Facilities Use Policy.
    3. Any commercial exchanges shall be conducted only by members of the affiliated group.
    4. Materials used by the University-affiliated group in commercial exchanges may acknowledge the assistance or contribution of a non-affiliated group, but no sales or sales promotion shall be conducted in such a manner as to establish on or extend to the campus a commercial enterprise as determined in the sole discretion of the appropriate Vice Chancellor, or delegate.
    5. Commercial exchanges shall be limited to the Carolina Union "Pit," Carolina Union reservable spaces during confirmed reservation times, and to the areas designated for such activities in the professional schools. Exceptions for additional locations for commercial exchanges may be granted by the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs or the Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities Services. Ticket sales may be handled through the Union Desk or Union Box Office in the sole discretion of the Director of the Carolina Union.
    6. The number of groups that may be scheduled in the Pit for such activity on any given day shall be governed by space and equipment availability as determined in the discretion of the Director of the Carolina Union, giving due consideration to pedestrian traffic, access to adjacent Facilities, and to other purposes for which the area is used. The number of groups that may be scheduled, on any given day, in the physical areas designated for such activities in the Professional Schools shall be determined in the discretion of the Dean of the Professional School in question, giving due consideration to pedestrian traffic, access to adjacent Facilities, and to other purposes for which the area is used.
    7. Each group shall limit its commercial exchanges in the Carolina Union Pit to a maximum of ten (10) days during the fall semester, ten (10) days during the spring semester, and two (2) days during each summer session. Unused days in any given term may not be transferred to another term or another group. Commercial exchanges during any part of a day shall constitute a full day of commercial exchanges. The Director of the Carolina Union, at their discretion, may waive the number limitation for specific organizations who demonstrate a viable need for additional dates due to size of the organization and/or number of performances held by the organization.
    8. Any groups conducting commercial exchanges in exterior spaces on campus must prominently display a valid permit issued by the appropriate authorizing unit and signed by the authorizing Vice Chancellor, delegate, or facility administrator in the case of Professional Schools.
    9. Groups working with television or radio stations for live promotions of group activities or events should consult with University News Services in advance for guidance with respect to conducting such events. Such events must also comply with Section II.D.5 of this Standard (public-address systems and amplification).
    10. All merchandise offered for sale bearing UNC-Chapel Hill trademarks must be purchased from licensed manufacturers and the UNC-Chapel Hill Trademark Licensing Office must approve the design(s) incorporating the trademark(s) in advance. A list of local licensed manufacturers and instructions for trademark use are on the University's Trandemarks and Licensing website.
    11. If the commercial exchange involves promotion or ticket sales for a Major Event hosted by a student group, the student group is also subject to the Major Events Policy. [See Section I.A.1. in the Facilities Use Policy for more information.]
  4. For-profit business or commercial enterprises cannot be operated from residence hall rooms. Any exceptions must be requested, and granted, in writing, through Carolina Housing.
  5. Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit the governing body of a residence hall from authorizing and conducting the sale of refreshments in connection with residence hall program activities, such as a special social or athletic event, for the purpose of providing refreshments at cost.
  6. Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit affiliated student groups from selling group-identifying merchandise, or tickets to events sponsored and carried out by such groups:
    1. in any space other than the Carolina Union "Pit," if that space is subject to the administrative jurisdiction of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and such selling and space have been approved by the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, or delegate, for such purpose (for example, Residence Hall T-shirts in Residence Halls); or
    2. in the case of affiliated professional student groups, in the physical areas designated for such activities in the Professional Schools, provided such selling has been approved by the Dean of the Professional School, or delegate.
  7. Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit a University-affiliated group from holding the following admission events to benefit itself or a charitable group (as defined in Section V.A.):
    1. An event where the group itself provides the principal performance;
    2. A dance or similar social;
    3. A speaker or similar educational program; or
    4. An event in which the group shows a film or video. A group may show only one such film or video event per academic year and one during either session of Summer School but not both.

      The University-affiliated group is responsible for procuring any necessary licenses for any event authorized pursuant to this section and for procuring approval of the use of the particular Facility proposed for the event according to the other provisions of this policy.
  8. University-affiliated groups and non-affiliated groups may not offer any goods or services for sale on consignment, rent, or lease. The only exceptions to this policy are for:
    1. the APO Book Exchange;
    2. rental of student equipment by Student Government; and
    3. offering of student-related services by Student Government.
  9. Nothing in this section shall be deemed to interfere with a student's individual right to invite anyone into his or her residence hall living quarters for the purposes of that student considering or purchasing the invitee's goods or services.
  10. Specifically authorized under this policy, with no requirement to obtain permission, is any canvassing, selling, or soliciting (not inconsistent with any provisions of law or with the University's policies and purposes) wherein representatives of educational-supply firms (including, but not limited to, publishers of academic books, manufacturers of laboratory, educational or office equipment, and suppliers of the Student Stores) contact members of the University faculty or staff as a routine and necessary part of the University's normal activities.


"Facilities" is defined as all buildings, structures, open space and other real property, and other physical facilities, interior and exterior, owned or leased by the University.

"Major Event" is defined as an event hosted or sponsored by a student group whose expected attendance is 500 or more, if the event is to be held outside, or 1,000 or more, if the event is to be held in an indoor Facility.

"Non-affiliated group" is defined as any group other than a University-sponsored or University-affiliated group.

"Professional Schools" are defined as: Kenan-Flagler Business School, Adams School of Dentistry, School of Education, School of Information and Library Science, Hussman School of Journalism and Media, School of Law, School of Medicine, School of Nursing, School of Pharmacy, School of Public Health, School of Government, and School of Social Work.

"Structure" is defined as statues, plaques, memorials, and monuments; props, signage and displays; furniture, such as chairs, desks, tables, and cabinets; shelters, such as tents, boxes, shanties and other enclosures; cages, stages and theaters; inflatables; floral displays; and other similar physical structures. The term "Structure" does not include signs held by hand, bicycles, baby carriages, baby strollers, wheelchairs or other devices used by persons with disabilities.

"University-affiliated group" is defined as:

  1. a student group given official University recognition under the University's recognition policy; or
  2. a group, other than a University-recognized or -sponsored group that has been (a) established by the Chancellor, or (b) established by administrative officials, faculty, staff or students to whom the Chancellor has delegated authority to do so.

"University-sponsored group" is defined as a University administrative unit exercising delegated administrative authority, in its activities. [See the attached Statement Regarding University Sponsored Groups to identify those student organizations that, in certain limited situations, may function as University-sponsored groups.]

"University-sponsored Signage" is defined as a banner or other sign that has been approved by a vice chancellor, a dean, or the University's Department of Facilities Services to be attached, erected, affixed or otherwise located on the exterior of a University facility or in a University open space. Any temporary outdoor signage must be approved through the Temporary Outdoor Signage Request Form, as applicable.

Related Requirements

External Regulations

  1. North Carolina Fire Prevention Code
  2. N.C. Gen. Stat. § 14-132
  3. N.C. Gen. Stat. § 14-309.15(b)
  4. Section 170(b)(1)(A) of the Internal Revenue Code
  5. Town of Chapel Hill - Code of Ordinances: Chapter 11, Article III: Noise

University Policies, Standards, and Procedures

  1. Facilities Use Policy
  2. Policy on Demonstrative Events
  3. Policy on Freedom of Speech and Expression
  4. Freedom of Speech and Expression Standard
  5. Major Events Policy
  6. Temporary Outdoor Signage Request Form

Contact Information

Policy Contacts

Name: Robyn Narvesen
Title: Director of Administrative Services
Unit: Facilities Services Division
Email: robyn.narvesen@facilities.unc.edu
Phone: 919-962-0761

Name: Wendy Halsey
Title: Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities Services
Email: wendy.halsey@unc.edu

Other Contacts

Legal questions

Kristen Lewis
Title: Assistant University Counsel
Unit: Office of University Counsel
Email: kslewis@email.unc.edu
Phone: 919-843-8742

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