Data Network Policy


University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Data Network Policy



The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ( the "University" or "UNC-Chapel Hill") assigned Information Technology Services (ITS) to manage campus networks. ITS ensures that the University's network is reliable and trustworthy. ITS ensures the network supports the University mission of teaching, research, and public service. ITS manages network traffic and activities. The University's network must follow U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules and other laws. The University's network must not disrupt other networks we connect with and must provide good service for everyone who uses it. 

The UNC-Chapel Hill Communications Network connects local area networks on and off-campus. The network itself then connects to Internet backbone service providers and Internet2. Departmental technical liaisons know that their local systems are a part of the Internet. What appears on a local network can be sent across the world and has the potential to do damage along the way. This Policy and the accompanying UNC-Chapel Hill Data Networking Standard provide structure and guidance for operating University networks.  

Wireless communications for data and voice are an important part of the technology plan for the University. Thoughtful management makes these communications reliable and secure. This Policy along with the UNC-Chapel Hill Wireless Standard provide a structure for managing the wireless spectrum on the UNC-Chapel Hill campus.  


Every person or University unit using devices or services that connect to a University network.  


Policy Statement

You may only use University network resources in ways that follow the UNC-Chapel Hill Data Network Standard, UNC-Chapel Hill Acceptable Use Policy, the UNC-Chapel Hill Wireless Standard, and with the following requirements: 

Technical Liaisons

Any unit connected to UNC-Chapel Hill's Communications Network needs to have a technical liaison registered with ITS.  

Domain Names and Domain Name Service (DNS)

ITS manages University domain names and operates University DNS. ITS provides guidance for units using domain names and how to include their domain names in University DNS.  

Domains with a "" ending are important to the UNC online identity. ITS is careful when granting [name] domain names.  


The ITS Networking IP Services group only registers globally unique and routable IPv6 addresses in campus DNS. Use of IPV6 addresses on University networks must follow the UNC-Chapel Hill Data Network Standard.  

Technical System Policy-Based Networking

ITS manages all "policy-based" methods to make network services trustworthy, consistent, reliable, and fair.  This management shares bandwidth to users and applications and sets limits on speed and delays to make the most use of the network resources we all share. Only ITS operates these controls (e.g. policy servers, bandwidth brokers, and Quality of Service (QoS) controllers), on behalf of the campus. No one outside of ITS may do policy-controlling on the network. All policy-based services, including QoS applications, must be registered with ITS. 

Unregistered policy-based systems on the network will be disconnected. 

Network Design and Operation

As with any large public utility, like electricity and telephone services, the University data network infrastructure needs to be planned, managed, and maintained. The University's technology goals are met through coordinated planning. The UNC-Chapel Hill Data Network Standard sets the requirements for central network management and applies to all units of the University.  

Device Management

To make University networks trustworthy and perform well, ITS must manage network devices and systems to the wall-plate in all UNC-Chapel Hill locations. All data network electronics must be managed by ITS. This includes all routers and all 802.11 WiFi wireless access points and switches.  


To keep the data network trustworthy, everyone at the University and related units operating on campus must follow the campus wireless agreements set by ITS and follow the UNC-Chapel Hill Wireless Standard unless an approved exception exists. 


Exceptions to applying this standard may be made by the following people and need to be documented: 

  • Vice Chancellor for Information Technology (Chief Information Officer) 
  • Head of ITS Communications 

Related Requirements

External Regulations and Consequences

Penalties for violating the Data Network Policy may include restricted access or loss of access to the UNC-Chapel Hill Network, termination and/or expulsion from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and in some cases, civil, and/or criminal liability. 

University Policies, Standards, and Procedures

Related resources and guidance:

Contact Information

Policy Contacts

ITS Policy Office

  • Phone: 919-962-HELP/4357
  • Email:
  • Web:

ITS Communications Technology

  • Phone: 919-962-HELP/4357
  • Web:

Important Dates

  • Effective Date and title of Approver: May 2, 2017, Chief Information Officer
  • Revision and Review Dates, Change notes, title of Reviewer or Approver: Supersedes previous Data Network Infrastructure Policy dated 5/29/2014.
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This standard provides structure for effective operation of data networks for the University in accordance with the UNC-Chapel Hill Data Network Policy. This document represents minimum requirements related to all forms of data networking at the University.
The Wireless Standard provides a structure for managing the shared resource of wireless communications spectrum on the UNC-Chapel Hill campus. The UNC-Chapel Hill technology infrastructure is provided to support University operations and its mission of education, service, and research.