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1501.7 - Procedure on Travel Expenses and Reimbursements

This procedure outlines reconciliation and post-payment of applicable travel expenses for pre-approved University business travel. ... finance-policy-and-procedures-manual ... Management Budget Manual - Section 5: Travel Policies University Policies, Standards, and Procedures Finance Policy 1501 - Policy on Business Travel Finance Form 1252.3.1f - Missing Receipt

Policy on Compliance with NCAA Policy on Campus Sexual Violence

, the University’s policy is to comply with the NCAA Board of Governors Policy on Campus Sexual Violence to the extent allowed by applicable law. ... equal-opportunity-and-compliance ... Procedures Procedure for Compliance with NCAA Policy on Campus Sexual Violence Policy on Prohibited Discrimination, Harassment and Related Misconduct Policy on Prohibited Sexual Harassment

Adams School of Dentistry: Procedure for Asset Management

The purpose of this Procedure is to set forth the roles and responsibilities of UNC Adams School of Dentistry personnel with respect to capital asset management, such as annual equipment inventory, disposal and trade-in, and internal relocation. ... unit-procedure ... Finance Policy 604 - Policy on University-Owned Surplus Property B. Unit Policies, Standards, and Procedures None IV. Contact Information Title and Phone Contact Table Title Phone Director, Support Services (919) 537-3487

Background Check Procedure

The University strives to create a welcoming and safe environment for all individuals. Consistent with this goal, the University will not employ individuals or appoint unpaid affiliates with prior ... university-procedure ... and Disposition Schedule University Policies, Standards, and Procedures Policy on Background Checks for Faculty and Non-Faculty Employees, Student Employees, and Affiliates Recruitment

Policy on Name Changes

University offices and processes, it is important to standardize the process. This Policy will define the name change procedures to ensure consistent practices across campus. ... university-policy ... University offices and processes, it is important to standardize the process. This Policy will define the name change procedures to ensure consistent practices across campus. Definitions

Procedure on Acquiring Insurance for Rental Vehicles

Employees that rent vehicles for official University business do not need to acquire or purchase additional automobile insurance. Rather, the University's existing automobile insurance policy automatically provides both liability and physical damage insurance for these vehicles. ... university-procedure ... Enterprise Rent a Car Triangle Rent a Car University Policies, Standards, and Procedures Policy on Insurance for University Vehicles Policy on Insurance for Rental Vehicles Policy on

1505.2 - Procedure for Using a Travel & Expense Card

This Procedure states the scope of what the Travel & Expense Card (T&E) can be used for to comply with state auditing rules. It details examples of allowable and non-allowable uses of the T&E Card and defines the oversight of card use. ... finance-policy-and-procedures-manual ... compliance with Finance Policy 1501 - Policy on Business Travel and follow the relevant travel procedures in Finance Procedures 1501.1 - 1501.7 (available in the 1501 Policy under "Related Requirements

Summer School Procedures Manual Chapter 01: Introduction

The UNC Summer School Procedures Manual is designed to help summer Administrators and unit managers develop Summer School programs. The Manual provides information about the planning calendar ... university-procedure ... Title Summer School Procedures Manual Chapter 01: Introduction 1. Introduction The UNC Summer School Procedures Manual is designed to help summer administrators and managers develop Summer

Employee Fitness for Duty Procedure

without posing a Direct Threat to themselves or others. These Procedures and associated Policy describe the circumstances in which the University may evaluate an Employee’s Fitness for Duty, provide the procedures for those evaluations, and safeguard Employee privacy related to those evaluations. ... university-procedure ... . Employees are Fit for Duty when they are able to perform their Essential Job Functions without posing a Direct Threat to themselves or others. These Procedures and associated Policy describe the circumstances

Carolina Union: Digital Advertising Policy

This policy describes the University's digital signage options. This includes fees for the Carolina Union to run ads and for the Carolina Union staff to help design ads. The document also describes ... university-policy ... ) if available). University Policies, Standards, and Procedures (if applicable) University Standards and Procedures are separate but may be linked from the Policy. Nomenclature of matching

711.1 - Procedure on Returning Merchandise to Vendors

Returns of materials or equipment acquired with a purchase order require authorization from the vendor and documentation in the purchase order system to receive credit for the return. Returns of ... finance-policy-and-procedures-manual ... Procedures Finance Policy 711 - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Policy on Return of Merchandise to Vendors Contact Information Questions about Purchasing Contact: ePro

Information Security Policy

This policy defines a framework for the Information Security Program. It gives direction for policies, standards, and procedures that relate to security. These documents tell us how to include information security in all the ways we work at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. ... university-policy ... this policy may also carry the risk of civil or criminal penalties. University Policies, Standards, and Procedures Information Security Controls Standard Vulnerability Management Standard for

1501.5 - Procedure on Per Diem Rates

This procedure ensures compliance with State of North Carolina travel regulations as defined by the legislature and communicates current rates as set by the NC Office of State Budget and Management ... finance-policy-and-procedures-manual ... U.S. Department of Defense Per Diem Rates U.S. Department of State Foreign Per Diem Rates University Policies, Standards, and Procedures Finance Policy 1501 - Policy on Business Travel

1117.1 - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Procedure on Completing Tax Withholding Forms as a Foreign National Employee

This procedure provides information for foreign national employees who are completing tax withholding forms, whether they are visiting Teachers/Researchers (visiting scholars) or Students (graduate student research and teaching assistants as well as other student employees). ... finance-policy-and-procedures-manual ... Withholding Related Requirements External Regulations and Consequences Other forms, instructions, and publications provided by the IRS. University Policies, Standards, and Procedures

108.1 - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Procedure on Accountable Plan - Reimbursements

reimbursement is not counted as income. This reimbursement process is referred to as an “Accountable Plan”. This Procedure explains the process for seeking Accountable Plan Reimbursements. ... finance-policy-and-procedures-manual ... - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Policy on IRS Accountable Plan Related Requirements University Policies, Standards, and Procedures 1501 – University of North Carolina at Chapel