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The associated department(s) must verify student eligibility before enrolling the graduate student in the Graduate Health Insurance Program (GSHIP).
This Procedure strives to promote an educational campus environment that encourages healthy choices and behaviors, fosters academic and personal success, supports Student retention, and promotes the safety and well-being of all members of the University community. The adjudication and response to Student and/or Student Organization violations serves as an extension of the vision above.
The School of Nursing at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNCSON) supports the requests of graduate students from other institutions to practice teach in the undergraduate or graduate programs whenever possible. Priority for placement is given to students enrolled in the UNCSON.
This procedure describes the online enrollment process, and required student and department information needed to enroll eligible students in the Graduate Student Health Insurance plan.
GradStar is a ConnectCarolina Student Administration application designed to collect and report all non-service fellowships, tuition, and fee awards given to a student in support of their attendance at the University.
These procedures apply only to University student accounts receivable.
This procedure describes methods of payments to graduate students.
Student Eligibility to Use University Career Services
Student Agreement for Use of University Career Services
Students are expected to accept an offer only after careful consideration and to honor professional commitments.
During the performance of clinical practice/research activities, students may interact with clients/research participants with tuberculosis (TB), hepatitis B (HBV), HIV/AIDS, and other infections. This contact may expose the student to infectious agents and may result in the student transmitting an infectious disease to other students, faculty, clients, family members, and research participants.
The Dean's Student Advisory Council serves a communication link among students at all levels and the Administration of the School of Nursing through an active exchange of ideas and information. Each meeting will address specific agenda items developed by students and administrators relevant to any aspect of student life and learning at the University. The goal is to promote continual improvement in academic programs and the learning environment in the School of Nursing.
Procedures for identifying and addressing issues associated with Controlled Substances or other Impairments for Students and Residents of Adams School of Dentistry.
Adams School of Dentistry policy and procedure related to DDS and DH student compliance requirements, expectations, and consequences for Non-Compliance.
The purpose of this document is to provide specific standards for decorations in office and common spaces in UNC Student Affairs.