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- Knowledge Base
- School of Nursing
Concern over "who owns what" has promoted the faculty to consider the copyright and transmission of intellectual property in the School of Nursing. Using the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's Copyright Policy the Faculty Executive Committee has developed a policy for the sharing of intellectual property in the School of Nursing.
- Knowledge Base
- School of Nursing
The executive committee's work focuses on curriculum and policies related to admissions and student progression. The work of the committee is directed by the elected chair and is done collaboratively with the program director. Decisions made by the committee are recorded in the minutes and, as such, provide direction to the executive committee chair and program director for their implementation.
- Knowledge Base
- School of Nursing
Assistive devices, such as PDAs, camera phones, calculators, translators, or other electronic devices, are not allowed into an examination session for use by students unless faculty have approved use of these devices for all students prior to the examination. One exception to this is the use of assistive devices that have been approved by Disability Services.
- Knowledge Base
- School of Nursing
The Faculty Recognition Award, given in even numbered years, recognizes a faculty member who goes "above and beyond" the call of duty and who shows extraordinary and consistent dedication to the School. This award acknowledges a faculty member who makes a unique contribution to the School of Nursing in one or more of the following ways...
- Knowledge Base
- School of Nursing
Evaluation of teaching including peer observation occurs at critical points in the faculty member's career. Peer observation must occur at times of review for promotion and multi-year reappointment. These peer observations are required by the University and are summative in nature.
- Knowledge Base
- School of Nursing
The School of Nursing seeks to maintain and, when possible, increase the number of tenured and tenure-track faculty members. The School also seeks to maintain and, when possible, increase the percentage of fixed-term clinical track faculty who are excellent teachers and possess a relevant doctoral degree. In advancing both goals, the SON supports a practice that allows faculty members to transfer once in either direction between appointments on fixed-term clinical and tenure tracks.
- Knowledge Base
- School of Nursing
Student research, while conducted under the guidance of one or more faculty members, generally belongs to the student, which includes publication rights. Exceptions to this ownership include the student's research being based on data: (1) provided by one or more faculty (or non-faculty data providers), or (2) collected while working on a faculty member's research project.
- Knowledge Base
- School of Nursing
The academic performance and progression of each student enrolled in the School of Nursing is regularly monitored to assure timely progression to degree. The purpose of this review is to make certain each student is making satisfactory progress in her/his program of study based upon stated criteria established by the School of Nursing and the University. This review also provides an opportunity for students who are having difficulties to obtain the help and support they need.
- Knowledge Base
- School of Nursing
It is School of Nursing policy that students have an opportunity to evaluate all courses and learning opportunities. Student course evaluations provide essential information on the quality of instructional and curricular offerings to faculty, course coordinators, program executive committees, program directors and School of Nursing administrators.
- Knowledge Base
- School of Nursing
The general use of social media by SON faculty, staff and students is not affected by the following policy, rather its use related to confidential information about the School (including the faculty, staff and students), patients or SON-clinical affiliates (agencies with which the SON has entered a contractual relationship to provide clinical experience opportunities for students) is notably restricted.
- Knowledge Base
- School of Nursing
The decision to close a course to enrollment is dependent on balancing many factors including faculty workloads, budgetary considerations, required course as opposed to elective courses, frequency of course offerings as reflected in the approved course map, and efficient student progression, among other factors.
- Knowledge Base
- School of Nursing
Procedures for Academic Program Planning & Implementation identifies the steps in the School of Nursing program planning and implementation process. The Course Map is a long term plan identifying proposed course offerings by program and semester and serves as a guide for the development of more detailed documents: the Course Schedule, the Course and Clinical Rotation Schedule (CCRS) and the Faculty Responsibility Sheet (FRS).
- Knowledge Base
- School of Nursing
The UNC Health Care System (HCS) requires that all members of the workforce be trained on policies and procedures related to protecting the privacy and security of PHI. Because many of our faculty supervise students, practice, or conduct clinical research at UNC HCS or at other health care facilities that have similar training requirements, all SON faculty and students are required to complete HIPAA Online Training annually.
- Knowledge Base
- School of Nursing
Employment at the University is contingent upon faculty meeting and maintaining essential compliance requirements. In addition, the many clinical agencies with whom UNC School of Nursing (SON) faculty engage as part of their teaching, research, or service mission(s) have policies that must be adhered to as per contractual agreement. These clinical site requirements are in addition to University employment-related policies.