School of Medicine, Department of Health Sciences: Policy and Procedure on Clinical External Professional Activities for Pay

Unit Policy


School of Medicine, Department of Health Sciences: Policy and Procedure on Clinical External Professional Activities for Pay



The purpose of this Policy is to describe how faculty in the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (“UNC-Chapel Hill,” “University”) School of Medicine’s Department of Health Sciences (DHS) can engage in clinical external professional activities for pay (CEPAP), and to outline applicable parameters. This Policy is not intended to create an entitlement to perform clinical external professional activities. 

The intent is that this Policy be consistent with School of Medicine and UNC-Chapel Hill policies and procedures that govern other faculty professional endeavors involving external professional activities for pay (EPAP).  


This Policy applies to all DHS faculty.


  • Clinical External Professional Activity for Pay (CEPAP): An activity which uses a DHS faculty member’s clinical expertise or skills. Such activities include activities which will generally be considered ‘moonlighting’. 
  • Intra-UNC Health System CEPAP: An activity which meets the definition of a CEPAP under this Policy and is provided to an entity which at the time of the activity is affiliated with the University of North Carolina (UNC) Health Care System.
  • CEPAP-Other: An activity which meets the definition of a CEPAP and at the time of its conduct does not involve service to an entity which is recognized as an affiliate of the UNC Health Care System.


Policy Statement

DHS faculty are allowed to engage in CEPAP if: 

  • The Division/Program Director gives permission, and 
  • The Faculty member complies with EPAP procedures.


  • Intra-UNC Health System CEPAP: CEPAPs involving an entity affiliated with UNC Health Care System are eligible for compensation as an Extra Duty Payment. Upon approval by the Associate Chair for Administration in DHS, intra-UNC Health System CEPAP compensation may also be given directly to a faculty member who is approved to engage in an intra-UNC Health System CEPAP.  
  • CEPAP-Other Compensation: CEPAPs involving entities outside the UNC Health Care System are not eligible for compensation as an Extra Duty Payment.   


  • Intra-UNC Health System CEPAP: Decisions regarding insurance coverage under the UNC Liability Insurance Trust Fund (UNC LITF) Insurance program will be made on a case-by-case basis after consultation with the UNC Health System.  
  • CEPAP-Other: Insurance coverage under the UNC Liability Insurance Trust Fund (UNC LITF) is not available for CEPAP-Other. DHS faculty members approved to engage in a CEPAP-Other are responsible for their own insurance coverage.  

Procedure for Requesting CEPAP

CEPAP requests are as follows:

1. Faculty and Division/Program Director Initial Meeting

DHS faculty member initiates discussion with their Division or Program Director about specific plans to engage in CEPAP, including: 

  • Location of the clinical activity,
  • When the activity would take place in terms of days and hours during the day,
  • Duration of the activity during the fiscal year July 1 to June 30,
  • Whether the proposed activity would involve use of any University resources, and
  • Whether the proposed activity would prevent the DHS faculty member from fulfilling any of their usual responsibilities for the Division or Program.

2. Faculty and Division/Program Director Follow-up Meeting (if applicable)

A follow-up meeting is not mandatory but may be requested by the Division or Program Manager. If a follow-up meeting is requested, the DHS faculty member and their Division or Program Director will have a follow-up discussion on whether the faculty member has been meeting all of their University work responsibilities, expectations, and progress toward promotion/tenure and how the CEPAP could affect these responsibilities and expectations.

This meeting should include metrics related to whether the DHS faculty member is meeting their annual review goals in applicable areas such as net clinical revenue, teaching (e.g., learner and peer reviews), patient satisfaction, and professional service expectations.

DHS faculty member and Director discuss whether the proposed CEPAP impermissibly interferes with the faculty member’s clinical practice efforts or other aspects of the Division/Program’s clinical efforts (e.g., reduction in revenues, drawing potential patients away from clinics, etc.). Discussion includes a review of current departmental clinical practice as well as any future planned clinical activities.

3. Formalize Division/Program Director Decision

DHS faculty member submits request through DHS Division/Program Director evaluates information provided and determines whether submission of a CEPAP would align with DHS goals. After review, DHS Division/Program Director may approve, disapprove, or request additional information.

4. School of Medicine/University Review

Request proceeds through EPAP process in accordance with University EPAP and related policies.

Related Requirements

University Policies, Standards, and Procedures

Contact Information

Primary Contact 

Other Contacts 

  • Subject: Questions about CEPAP Procedure 
  • Name: Valerie Tan 
  • Title: Associate Chair for Administration 
  • Email: