Environment, Health and Safety Manual - Chapter 03.05: Injury, Illness, and Near Miss: Lost-Time Injuries and Illnesses


Environment, Health and Safety Manual - Chapter 03.05: Injury, Illness, and Near Miss: Lost-Time Injuries and Illnesses

Total State Service

The employee’s Total State Service and employment anniversary dates are not affected while on Workers’ Compensation Leave.

Retirement System

Retirement System membership continues but service credit does not. The employee may file an application to buy back his/her retirement service credits after he/she returns to work from Workers’ Compensation Leave with the State Retirement System.

Miscellaneous Payroll Deductions

Payroll deductions are not made from Workers’ Compensation weekly benefits with the exception of court-ordered child support. For Credit Union loan payments, homeowners and automobile insurance, United Way, etc., the employee should arrange for continuation of payment through the company or carrier.

Vacation and Sick Leave

Employees continue to earn Vacation and Sick Leave while drawing Workers’ Compensation payments.

Vacation Leave in Excess of 240 Hours

Since the employee is on workers’ compensation leave and is not able to schedule vacation time off; the accumulation may in some cases exceed the 240 hours maximum. During Workers’ Compensation Leave the accumulated excess vacation time may be carried forward to the next calendar year. The excess may be used after returning to permanent duty or carried on the leave account until the end of the calendar year at which time any excess vacation shall be converted to sick leave. If the employee separates during the period that excess vacation is allowed, the excess leave to be paid in a lump sum may not exceed the amount accumulated during the first twelve months of workers’ compensation leave.

Employee/Dependent Health Insurance, etc.

Payment of the University’s contributions for health insurance is continued while an employee is on Workers’ Compensation Leave. Employees are to contact the Office of Human Resources, Benefits Department (919-962-3071) to make arrangements to continue by personal check the employee’s premium to other insurance coverages such as dependent, dental, life, accident and disability, etc.

Longevity Pay

Employees who are eligible for longevity pay shall receive their annual payments while on workers’ compensation leave.

Contact Information

Policy Contact

Environment, Health and Safety
1120 Estes Drive
Campus Box #1650
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-1650
Phone: 919-962-5507

Back to Chapter 03.04 - Workers' Compensation Benefits

Proceed to Chapter 03.06 - Return to Work Program

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