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Summary of Total State Service, Retirement System, Miscellaneous Payroll Deductions, Vacation and Sick Leave, Vacation Leave in Excess of 240 Hours, Employee/Dependent Health Insurance, etc., and Longevity Pay.
Leave Without Pay may be granted to an employee for various reasons, including family and medical leave, extended educational purposes, vacation, illness, workers’ compensation, military service, or personal reasons. At the end of the approved leave, the employee is reinstated to his/her prior position, or one of like seniority, status, and pay.
Voluntary Shared Leave allows one employee to assist another employee in the case of a prolonged medical condition that exhausts the employee’s available leave and would otherwise force the employee to be placed in leave without pay status, resulting in a loss of income and benefits.
Accruals & Payouts for Certain Leave/Paid time off Programs, Leave/PTO Payouts & Transfers for SHRA Terminations, and External Regulations and Consequences
A permanent SHRA employee (including probationary, trainee, or time-limited appointments) regularly scheduled to work 20 hours or more each work week is eligible for vacation leave under the guidelines of this policy.
This document describes sick leave guidelines for EHRA Non-Faculty and permanent SHRA employee with (including probationary, trainee, or time-limited appointments) regularly scheduled to work at least 20 hours per week. This document discusses eligibility, leave earnings, leave charges, and recordkeeping.