EHRA Non-Faculty Leave Transfer or Payout Policy


EHRA Non-Faculty Leave Transfer or Payout Policy



The following summarizes guidelines for payout or transfer of leave balances for EHRA non-faculty positions when terminating employment, changing positions at UNC-Chapel Hill or in moving to or from UNC-Chapel Hill to another State agency or campus of the UNC System.

In a situation when an employee is eligible to either be paid out or transfer leave when moving between positions at UNC-Chapel Hill, the decision on which option to exercise is the employees alone and may not be required to be one or the other by the "losing" or "gaining" department.

An employee may elect either a payout of all eligible types of leave balances or a transfer, but not a combination of options. Therefore, an employee may not choose, for example, to payout annual leave but transfer bonus leave or to transfer a portion of available annual leave or bonus leave and payout the rest of this type of leave balance.

Scope of Applicability

This Policy applies to EHRA non-faculty employees.


Policy Statement

Maximum Payout or Transfer Amounts

Bonus leave when eligible for payout by UNC-Chapel Hill or for transfer into another position at UNC-Chapel Hill is paid out or transferred in full. Bonus leave is not subject to maximum payout or transfer limits.

Annual (vacation) leave, when eligible for payout and when payout is chosen, is subject to a maximum payout limit of up to:

  • one day for each month worked less the total number of annual leave days taken during the employment period when the individual has been employed a total of 24 months or less by one or more local or state government agencies, or;
  • 240 hours for individuals employed more than 24 months by one or more local or state government agencies, or;
  • 240 hours for individuals in EHRA non-faculty Tier I appointments regardless of months of service.

If the leave payout is for a less than full-time employee, the above limits are pro-rated based on the employee's FTE percentage.

When the employee is eligible for and chooses transfer of leave to another leave earning position at UNC-Chapel Hill, the eligible leave balance may transfer in full without the above noted limitations.

The below guidelines note the circumstances under which an employee is eligible to choose leave transfer and/or payout.

Unused annual leave in excess of 240 hours is converted to sick leave at the end of every calendar year only and not forfeited due to transfer to another position at UNC-Chapel Hill. However, excess annual leave unable to be transferred and/or paid out may be donated to the Voluntary Shared Leave program.

Termination/Separation From UNC-Chapel Hill

Employees both leaving the University and employment with the State of North Carolina are due payout of available annual and bonus leave up to permitted maximums. Payout of leave is the default option; however, the employee may negotiate with the Department Head the use of some or all available leave balances in determining the final termination date. Any such arrangement is subject to mutual agreement between the employee and the Department Head. If the employee and Department Head are unable to reach a mutual agreement, the Department Head may set the final termination date regardless of whether the employee has available accrued personal (annual, bonus or sick) leave unless the department has been informed by the Office of Human Resources during the termination prescreening process that the discontinuation may not proceed.

Movement From EHRA Non-Faculty Position To Another EHRA Non-Faculty Position

Employee may elect either transfer or payout of available annual and bonus leave up to permitted maximums.

Movement From EHRA Non-Faculty Permanent Position To An EHRA Non-Faculty Temporary Position

When an employee moves from a permanent EHRA non-faculty position in which they are eligible for leave to a temporary EHRA non-faculty position in which they are no longer eligible to earn leave, the leave must be paid out.

Movement From EHRA Non-Faculty To 12-Month Faculty Position

Employee may elect either transfer or payout of available annual and bonus leave up to permitted maximums.

Movement From EHRA Non-Faculty To 9-Month Faculty Position

Nine-month faculty positions are non-leave earning and not eligible to accrue or use annual or bonus leave. Therefore, any leave balances must be paid out to the employee up to the permitted maximums prior to movement into the new position. No leave transfer option is available.

Movement To/From EHRA Non-Faculty Position To/From SHRA Position

Employee may elect either transfer or payout of available annual and bonus leave up to permitted maximums when moving from an EHRA non-faculty position to a different SHRA position or from SHRA position to a different EHRA non-faculty position.

An exception is when an existing SHRA position occupied by the employee is reclassified to EHRA non-faculty status without a competitive recruitment, in which case leave balances transfer but no payout option is available.

Note: SHRA employees transferring to an EHRA non-faculty position are eligible for annual leave accrual of 24 days per year except for Tier I Senior Academic and Administrative Officer (SAAO) positions which earn 26 days per year. SHRA employees moving to an EHRA position who have a higher SHRA annual leave accrual rate do not take this higher rate with them into their new EHRA position. No exceptions to this policy are permitted as EHRA non-faculty leave accrual rates are established pursuant to EHRA non-faculty employment policies approved by the Board of Trustees.

Movement from UNC-Chapel Hill to another NC State Agency or UNC System Campus

Employee may elect payout of available annual and bonus leave up to permitted maximums. If the State agency or UNC System campus receiving the employee has a policy accepting leave from another State agency, the employee may optionally elect to transfer such leave without payout from UNC-Chapel Hill subject to the new agencies policies and limits on such transfers.

If the new agency accepts only a portion of available leave, the employee may be paid out by UNC-Chapel Hill for the portion of eligible leave not accepted and then transfer the rest to the new agency. The receiving agency or UNC Campus can obtain a certification of an employee's leave balance that was not paid out on termination from UNC-Chapel Hill by contacting Human Resources Records & Data Management at 919-962-2894.

Movement from another NC State Agency or UNC Campus to UNC-Chapel Hill

Annual leave does not transfer to UNC-Chapel Hill from other State agencies or UNC campuses and should be paid out by such agency or campus in accordance with their specific policies.

Bonus leave will be transferred with the employee who transfers to another State agency eligible for bonus leave. Bonus leave balance will be paid in addition to regular vacation leave if the employee leaves state government or changes to a non-leave earning status.

Note that each State agency or UNC campus may have different policies with regard to the acceptance of annual leave from other agencies. The acceptance of annual leave from UNC-Chapel Hill by another agency or UNC System campus does not indicate reciprocal status with regard to annual leave acceptance by UNC-Chapel Hill.



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Office of Human Resources

104 Airport Drive, CB #1045

Chapel Hill, NC 27599
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Article ID: 131738
Thu 4/8/21 9:15 PM
Tue 10/31/23 1:19 PM
Responsible Unit
School, Department, or other organizational unit issuing this document.
Office of Human Resources
Issuing Officer
Name of the document Issuing Officer. This is the individual whose organizational authority covers the policy scope and who is primarily responsible for the policy.
Issuing Officer Title
Title of the person who is primarily responsible for issuing this policy.
Associate Vice Chancellor, Human Resources
Next Review
Date on which the next document review is due.
01/14/2022 12:00 AM
Last Review
Date on which the most recent document review was completed.
01/14/2021 3:25 PM
Last Revised
Date on which the most recent changes to this document were approved.
01/14/2021 3:25 PM
Effective Date
If the date on which this document became/becomes enforceable differs from the Origination or Last Revision, this attribute reflects the date on which it is/was enforcable.
01/14/2021 3:25 PM
Date on which the original version of this document was first made official.
12/04/2017 12:00 AM