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- Knowledge Base
- Research
- Office of Sponsored Programs
Prepaid cards allow business to be conducted more efficiently and effectively in specific situations. It is necessary to determine the acceptable circumstances to use this process and the methods by which they must be managed.
- Knowledge Base
- Research
- Office of Sponsored Programs
This procedure details the steps to request and reconcile prepaid cards related to a sponsored project.
- Knowledge Base
- Research
- Office of Sponsored Programs
To manage administrative approval rights and data access concerning research activities maintained in Research Administration Management System and eSubmission (RAMSeS), the Office of Information Systems (ORIS) created a portal named "Backbone." Each University department, center, and institute has one or more designated Role Manager(s) responsible for creating, assigning, and managing administrative roles for their unit.
- Knowledge Base
- Research
- Office of Sponsored Programs
Research Administration Management System and eSubmission (RAMSeS) is used to create and manage the official University record for each sponsored project in a consistent, efficient manner. Each record contains both financial and compliance information necessary for proposal submission as well as award management once an award is funded.
- Knowledge Base
- Research
- Office of Sponsored Programs
This operating standard recognizes the roles of lead administrators at the onset of proposed sponsored research and balances the responsibilities of the Principal Investigator (PI), deans, directors, and department heads.
- Knowledge Base
- Research
- Office of Sponsored Programs
This operating standard establishes the overall responsibility of Department Administrators (DAs) in monitoring sponsored research projects and related components of those projects.
- Knowledge Base
- Research
- Office of Sponsored Programs
This operating standard establishes the overall responsibility of Principal Investigators (PIs) in undertaking sponsored research projects and related components of those projects.
- Knowledge Base
- Research
- Office of Sponsored Programs
For any employee who does not meet the PI eligibility criteria in OSP operating standard 200.03 - Principal Investigator (PI) Eligibility, a request to waive the PI eligibility operating standard must be submitted and approved by the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP).
- Knowledge Base
- Research
- Office of Sponsored Programs
Since sponsored research is at the core of the University’s mission, it is essential that highly qualified individuals are designated to serve in the role of Principal Investigator (PI) in a manner consistent with the Board of Governor’s policy regarding the appropriateness of University Research, and aligned with the University’s policy on ethics in research.
- Knowledge Base
- Research
- Office of Sponsored Programs
This operating standard establishes the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) as the institutional authorized signatory to enter into legal commitments regarding sponsored research support on behalf of the University.
- Knowledge Base
- Research
- Office of Sponsored Programs
The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) at UNC-Chapel Hill provides control of the administrative and financial aspects of sponsored research and maintains consistency with the University's mission to acquire and disseminate knowledge. OSP is established in adherence with the UNC System Office policies governing sponsored research (Chapter 500).