Search19 Results

The University of North Carolina is the legal owner of all student and post-doctoral fellow research data obtained to meet degree requirements or as part of a grant to the University. University Policy requires that faculty maintain custodianship of student research data and that students be able to have copies of their data.
The SON holds Commencement ceremonies annually in May. The following conditions are required for student participation in the May commencement are outlined in this policy.
The Academic Affairs Policy Council has developed a set of guiding principles for faculty roles and responsibilities as academic advisors. Academic advising is viewed as an inherent part of the faculty role and all faculty have a responsibility to serve as academic advisors based on the balance of their academic assignments.
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Nursing believes that professionalism begins with appearance and attire. The SON Uniform Policy is formulated to ensure high standards of dress and appearance that represent our university to area hospitals and community settings. The values of asepsis, client safety, and client sensitivity are also incorporated into the policy.
Assistive devices, such as PDAs, camera phones, calculators, translators, or other electronic devices, are not allowed into an examination session for use by students unless faculty have approved use of these devices for all students prior to the examination. One exception to this is the use of assistive devices that have been approved by Disability Services.
The School of Nursing at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is committed to equality of educational opportunity and does not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, national origin, age, religion, creed, disability, veteran status, citizenship status, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. The School welcomes individuals from diverse cultural, economic, geographic, and academic backgrounds to apply to our undergraduate and graduate programs of study.
The School of Nursing requires all affiliated students* to undergo a Criminal History Check. The Criminal History Check (CHC) shall be performed: 1) at the initiation of this policy, 2) following admission acceptance but prior to program matriculation, and 3) upon program re-entry subsequent to a leave of absence, program withdrawal or program separation greater than thirty consecutive days.
To describe support for writing and management of National Research Service Awards (NRSAs). To clarify distribution of the institutional allowance allocation on NRSA (F31) awards. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) intends that the "allowance defray expenses for the individual fellow such as research supplies, equipment, travel to scientific meetings, and health insurance and to otherwise offset, insofar as possible, appropriate administrative costs of training.
In the event of adverse weather conditions, the policies and procedures of the University are the main guide for the School of Nursing. Unless closed by the Chancellor or his designee, the University is always open.
Student research, while conducted under the guidance of one or more faculty members, generally belongs to the student, which includes publication rights. Exceptions to this ownership include the student's research being based on data: (1) provided by one or more faculty (or non-faculty data providers), or (2) collected while working on a faculty member's research project.
Consistent with its mission and philosophy, the School of Nursing at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is committed to providing educational opportunities to students with disabilities.
The general use of social media by SON faculty, staff and students is not affected by the following policy, rather its use related to confidential information about the School (including the faculty, staff and students), patients or SON-clinical affiliates (agencies with which the SON has entered a contractual relationship to provide clinical experience opportunities for students) is notably restricted.
The School of Nursing is committed to the conduct of research as a core component of its mission. As part of this commitment, the School will facilitate, within identified parameters, the potential participation of School of Nursing students as subjects in research projects of faculty and students in academic units at UNC-CH as well as entities beyond this campus. Participation by students as subjects in a research project is always voluntary.
The School of Nursing at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNCSON) supports the requests of graduate students from other institutions to practice teach in the undergraduate or graduate programs whenever possible. Priority for placement is given to students enrolled in the UNCSON.
The Dean's Student Advisory Council serves a communication link among students at all levels and the Administration of the School of Nursing through an active exchange of ideas and information. Each meeting will address specific agenda items developed by students and administrators relevant to any aspect of student life and learning at the University. The goal is to promote continual improvement in academic programs and the learning environment in the School of Nursing.