School of Medicine Nephropathology Laboratory: Occupational Injuries and Workplace Safety
Employee incident reporting is a critical element of UNC Health Care’s Hospital Epidemiology, Occupational Health, and Environmental Health and Safety/Workers’ Compensation Program. The purpose of completing incident reports is to document the nature and cause of the incidents. Monitoring incidents allows steps to be taken to develop methods for reducing and eliminating occupational accidents, illnesses, and exposures. It is essential that a good accident prevention program be in place to provide a safe and healthful work environment at UNC Health Care.
Nephropathology employees must follow the occupational injury and workplace safety requirements established by the UNC-Chapel Hill Office of Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS). Please see the EHS "Environment, Health and Safety Manual," particularly the following pages, for more detailed information:
Created: 8/9/12 LHR
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