Office of Sponsored Programs - 300.10, Procedure 1 - Completing JIT Requirements for NIH Proposals


Office of Sponsored Programs - 300.10, Procedure 1 - Completing JIT Requirements for NIH Proposals

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The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) approves Just-in-Time (JIT) Requirements for National Institutes of Health (NIH) awards through eRA Commons.* The Principal Investigator (PI) first supplies the information in eRA Commons and in Research Administration Management System and eSubmission (RAMSeS), then notifies OSP, who then reviews and approves the information before submitting the approval to NIH and updates University records.

* The School of Medicine Sponsored Programs Office (SOMSPO) approves JIT requirements for proposal and award management administered by the School of Medicine (SOM).


I. Principal Investigators

  • In response to the request for JIT information, log on to eRA Commons and click the "Status" tab to locate the proposal in question.
  • Select the JIT link, provide the required information, and select "Save."
  • To notify OSP that the information is ready for approval, log on to RAMSeS, locate the proposal from the list of "Submitted" proposals, and select the "Approved" link; a pop-up box will appear, from the box, select "Just in Time Received."
  • The request is electronically sent to OSP for final approval.

II. Office of Sponsored Programs

  • Reviews JIT information in eRA Commons and either approves or refuses the request in eRA Commons.
  • Updates the status in RAMSeS to "Just in Time."

Contact Information

For questions regarding this procedure and its related operating standard, please contact

For questions regarding Pre-Award management or Post-Award administration, please contact the assigned Sponsored Projects Specialist (SPS).

For invoicing, reporting and other financial matters, please contact the assigned Sponsored Projects Accountant.
OSP Staff assignments may be found in RAMSeS or on the OSP website.


History Table
Date Description
07/01/2022 Revised to reflect new office name.
05/15/2018 Revised to coincide with the release of the new OSP Website.

The operating standards in the Office of Sponsored Programs Operating Standards & Procedures Manual supersede any OSP operating standards, procedures and appendices previously included in the University Business Manual, a publication of UNC Chapel Hill’s Division of Finance.

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