Environment, Health and Safety Manual - Chapter 04.01: Fire Safety - Emergency Planning and Evacuation
It is the responsibility of every department and work unit to establish emergency plans in the event of fire, chemical spill, or personal injury.
Employees are responsible for following the procedures outlined in the UNC Environment, Health and Safety Employee’s Handbook.
Work Unit
Develop site-specific emergency plans for workplaces in the event of an emergency and/or evacuation alarm. Laboratory units are to incorporate the emergency plans in their Laboratory Safety Plan.
Develop department-specific emergency plan or use the generic emergency plan provided by the Environment, Health and Safety Office in Appendix A. Locations with building-specific plans are listed in Appendix B. The procedure for Protecting the Physically Impaired during an Evacuation Notice is listed in Appendix C. The Departmental Emergency Coordinators responsibilities are described in the University Emergency Plan in Appendix D.
UNC Police
Carry out responsibilities described in the University Emergency Plan (Appendix D). Public Marshals serve as first responder to emergency calls reported to UNC Police (911).
Environment, Health and Safety Office
Carry out responsibilities described in the University Emergency Plan (Appendix D). Respond to small chemical spills as outlined in the Environment, Health and Safety Office Emergency Response Procedures and Hazardous Materials Facility Contingency Plan. Report to Incident Commander for emergencies reported to University Police or Orange County Emergency Center. Provide first responder support to the Chapel Hill Fire Department and Orange County HazMat Team in the event of an incident involving hazardous materials.
Locations With Building-Specific Evacuation Procedures
- Abernathy Hall
- Ackland Art Museum
- Alumni Center
- Battle Hall
- Boshamer Stadium
- Carmichael Auditorium
- Carolina Inn
- Carr Building
- Cogeneration Facility
- Coker Hall
- Cone Kenfield Indoor Tennis
- Davis Library
- Dean E. Smith Center
- Fetzer Gymnasium
- Fordham Hall
- F. P. G. Student Union
- F. P. G. Child Development
- Friday Center
- Giles Horney Building
- Hamilton Hall
- Horace Williams Airport
- Housing Dept. (ALL Dorms)
- Kenan Center
- Kenan Lab
- Kenan Stadium
- Knapp Building
- Koury Natatorium
- Manning Hall
- Memorial Hall
- Morehead Lab
- Morehead Planetarium
- Paul Green Theatre
- Peabody Hall
- Pettigrew Hall
- Phillips Hall
- Playmakers Theatre
- Security Services Building
- Sitterson Hall
- Steele Building
- Student Athletic Dev. Ctr.
- Student Recreation Center
- Sitterson Hall
- Vance Hall
- Van Hecke‐Wettach
- Venable Hall
- Wilson Hall
- Wilson Library
- Woollen Gymnasium
Health Affairs
- Ambulatory Care Center
- Aycock Family Medicine
- Baity Environmental Research
- Beard Hall
- Brain Development Center
- Brauer Hall
- Brinkhous‐Bullitt
- Burnett‐Womack
- Carolina Living and Learning Ctr.
- Carrington Hall
- Craige Parking Deck
- Dental Office Bldg.
- Dental Science Research
- Fearrington Medical Center
- Hand Rehabilitation Center
- Health Affairs Parking Deck
- Health Sciences Library
- Mary Ellen Jones Bldg.
- McGavran Greenberg
- Medical Research Bldg. B
- Medical Science Research
- Rosenau Hall
- Student Health Services
- Thurston Bowles
Protecting the Physically Impaired During an Evacuation Notice
People with disabilities frequently have additional needs and challenges when considering how to handle an emergency situation. In addition to the other information found on this website, more information can be found on the Carolina Ready and Accessibility Resources and Opportunity and Compliance Office websites. Below are general guidelines based upon best practices for evacuations for people with disabilities. It is imperative to know the layout of the buildings you frequent and any special emergency features.
When an evacuation is required, REMAIN CALM and DO NOT USE THE ELEVATORS. Evacuations generally have two options, horizontal or vertical evacuation.
Horizontal Evacuation: Some buildings may be connected to other buildings via ramps, tunnels, or bridges. Utilizing these features would be a safe an acceptable evacuation method.
Vertical Evacuation: This typically uses stairwells to transverse to an area to access the outside. This may not be an option depending upon the individual’s mobility needs.
If you are unable to evacuate via the two options, then: Shelter-in-Place or go to an Area of Refuge.
NOTE: There are very few buildings on campus with designated Areas of Refuge within the building’s construction. This is not the preferred option but can be utilized in the event of an emergency. We urge individuals who would like to utilize this option to also notify 911 communications via cell phone.
Area of Refuge: These are areas fabricated in stairwells during building construction. They contain an area to fit a manual wheelchair and a two way walkie-talkie style communication system linked to the fire alarm control room. Call 911 from your cell phone and provide them with your location and name.
Shelter-In-Place: If the danger is not imminent, remain in a room with an exterior window and a solid or fire-resistant door. The majority of buildings on campus are equipped with sprinkler systems. This provides another layer of protection between you and the fire emergency. Call 911 communications and provide them with your name and location. Communications will remain in contact with you and relay your information and location to emergency responders. This is the preferred option when other options are not available.
If you need assistance in planning for an evacuation, please call the Fire Safety Officer.
UNC-Chapel Hill Emergency Plan
The University Emergency Plan was established to outline an organizational structure and to assign responsibilities for coping with emergencies affecting the health and safety of people, facilities, or the environment.
Contact Information
Policy Contact
Environment, Health and Safety
1120 Estes Drive
Campus Box #1650
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-1650
Phone: 919-962-5507
Back to Chapter 03.08 - Travel Immunization Program
Proceed to Chapter 04.02 - Fire Emergency Procedure