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The University has designated an Emergency Coordinator(s) for all of its occupied buildings. This document describes what each Emergency Coordinator is responsible for before, during, and after an emergency.
Requests for Fire Department assistance should be made by telephoning “911,” the number to be used for all emergencies. In the event a fire occurs on any property, the owner or occupant shall immediately report such fire to the fire department. Once the fire has been extinguished, the incident must be reported to the Environment, Health and Safety office, Fire Marshal and the Materials Support Department. Even minor fires that may not require emergency assistance must be reported.
How you react in the event of fire depends on how well you have prepared for a fire emergency. Therefore, departments should ensure that all employees are familiar with the procedure to follow in the event of an emergency as outlined in the University’s Emergency Plan.
The University Emergency Plan was established to outline an organizational structure and to assign responsibilities for coping with emergencies affecting the health and safety of people, facilities, or the environment.
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the University is prepared for and can effectively respond to and recover from a Disaster or Emergency through the appropriate use of University and community resources. This preparation and effective response will mitigate the immediate and long-term effects on the University’s constituents, operations, and mission.
This document outlines goals for the Emergency use of designated facilities owned by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Emergencies affecting the University and the surrounding community may require the use of campus facilities to support response and recovery efforts. Emergencies may develop rapidly and require a coordinated response from many actors across campus. Accordingly, it is essential to create Emergency response plans before any Emergency.
This Standard provides a structure for the classification and handling of information developed under and in support of the University's Emergency Management Policy. This Standard is intended to apply specific and stringent handling and information control procedures and practices for Emergency Management Information, aligned with the University’s Information Classification Standard.