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Adams School of Dentistry: Standard on Inclement Weather for Students, Staff, and Faculty
This document provides guidance to the Adams School of Dentistry community if adverse weather (e.g., snow, ice) occurs. ... continuity-of-operations ... Title
Adams School of Dentistry: Standard on Inclement Weather for Students, Staff, and Faculty
This Standard describes how Adams School of Dentistry (ASOD) students
Adams School of Dentistry: Policy on Licensure and Intern Permitting for ADE Students
The purpose of this Policy is to ensure the qualifications of those enrolled in Advanced Dental Education (ADE) comply with applicable law and meet unit expectations. This policy applies to all ADE students and trainees. ... Title
Adams School of Dentistry: Policy on Licensure and Intern Permitting for ADE Students
Unit Policy
The purpose of this Policy is to ensure the qualifications
Adams School of Dentistry: Policy on DDS and DH Student Programs Compliance
Adams School of Dentistry policy and procedure related to DDS and DH student compliance requirements, expectations, and consequences for Non-Compliance. ... Title
Adams School of Dentistry: Policy on DDS and DH Student Programs Compliance
Purpose and Scope of Applicability
To define mandatory health, safety, and legal elements of
Adams School of Dentistry: Advanced Dental Education - Comprehensive Leave and PTO Standards
The purpose of this policy is to outline the types of leave that Adams School of Dentistry (ASOD), Advanced Dental Education (ADE) residents are eligible to take. Because each ADE resident must meet ... I. Introduction
The purpose of this policy is to outline the types of leave that Adams School of Dentistry (ASOD), Advanced Dental Education (ADE) residents are eligible to take
Adams School of Dentistry: Policy on Complaints Directed At CODA-Accredited Educational Programs
Students, faculty, constituent dental societies, state boards of dentistry, and other interested parties may submit an appropriate, signed complaint to the Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA ... Title
Adams School of Dentistry: Policy on Complaints Directed At CODA-Accredited Educational Programs
Students, faculty, constituent dental societies, state boards of dentistry, and
Adams School of Dentistry: Infection Control Manual - Chapter 05: Hand Hygiene
Chapter 5 of the Adams School of Dentistry's Infection Control Manual explains appropriate handwashing protocols for routine clinical procedures, between routine clinical procedures, and for surgical procedures. ... Appropriate hand hygiene is the simplest and most effective way to break the chain of infection. Utilizing the appropriate method of handwashing however depends on the type of procedure and the
Adams School of Dentistry: Infection Control Manual - Chapter 03: Incident Reporting
Chapter 3 of the Adams School of Dentistry's Infection Control Manual explains how to document and report various incidents. ... Policies on reporting incidents are listed on UNC ASOD’s policy website, with links to specific policies, documentation area, and a summarized outline of BBP exposures below.
Relevant Policies
Adams School of Dentistry: Policy Regarding Patient Care Activities By Pregnant Students
Significant and robust scientific data indicate that the risks of in utero birth defects are zero for dental exposures used for patients. It follows that the risk is also zero for radiographic ... Title
Adams School of Dentistry: Policy Regarding Patient Care Activities By Pregnant Students
Unit Policy
Pregnant Students and Radiation Risks
Significant and robust
Adams School of Dentistry: Infection Control Manual - Chapter 06: Clinical Attire & Hygiene
Chapter 6 of the Adams School of Dentistry's (ASOD) Infection Control Manual explains ASOD's requirements for clinical attire and hygiene, including personal hygiene, hair/facial hair, personal adornment, jewelry, and hands/fingernails. ... are to be discarded in the nearest biohazard trashcan
Reusable gowns are to be discarded in approved, identified receptacles
All Adams School of Dentistry (ASOD) personnel that work primarily in
Adams School of Dentistry: Infection Control Manual - Chapter 07: Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Chapter 7 of the Adams School of Dentistry's (ASOD) Infection Control Manual explains the ASOD's requirements for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). This includes types of approved PPE, PPE per ... : Dental X-rays
Types of Approved PPE
Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is required both legally and by establish policies for all clinical and/or laboratory work. Listed below are the
Adams School of Dentistry: Infection Control Manual - Chapter 10: Operatory Infection Control Procedures
Chapter 10 of the Adams School of Dentistry's (ASOD) Infection Control Manual explains the ASOD's operatory infection control procedures, including armamentarium availability in operatories, cleaning ... Operatory Standard
At the beginning and end of the clinical day, each operatory is considered contaminated. It is the policy of the Adams School of Dentistry (ASOD) that every operatory will
Adams School of Dentistry: Infection Control Manual - Chapter 14: Simulation Clinics & Extracted Teeth
Chapter 14 of the Adams School of Dentistry's (ASOD) Infection Control Manual explains the ASOD's infection control procedures for simulation clinics, including the use of extracted teeth. ... Simulation clinics allow students a hands-on learning environment that is designed to establish technical dental treatment skill competencies. At the conclusion of the simulation experience, students
Adams School of Dentistry: Infection Control Manual - Chapter 13: Radiology Infection Control Policies
Chapter 13 of the Adams School of Dentistry's (ASOD) Infection Control Manual explains the ASOD's radiology infection control policies, including radiology Personal Protective Equipment; initial ... /Faculty Only
Care of PSP receptors require special care and should only be completed by appropriately trained Adams School of Dentistry (ASOD) Staff or Faculty.
Put on full PPE, if not already
Adams School of Dentistry: Infection Control Manual - Chapter 08: Engineering Controls & Work Practices
Chapter 8 of the Adams School of Dentistry's (ASOD) Infection Control Manual explains the ASOD's requirements for single-use/disposable items, regulated waste materials, general guidance on proper handling of needles, needle recapping procedures, and sharps disposal procedures. ... use on one (1) patient during a single procedure. Single-Use items are not intended and are not permitted to be reprocessed and used on another patient by any Adams School of Dentistry (ASOD
Adams School of Dentistry: Infection Control Manual - Chapter 12: Equipment, Impressions, & Laboratory Considerations
Chapter 12 of the Adams School of Dentistry's (ASOD) Infection Control Manual explains the ASOD's requirements for using and disinfecting digital impression scanners, intraoral cameras, and ... software, a virtual model of the hard and soft tissues is replicated. Follow manufacturer guidelines on use, disinfection, setup, and storage requirements to ensure appropriate aseptic techniques are