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Adam School of Dentistry: Policy on Peer-to-Peer Clinical Encounters
This Policy describes requirements and expectations for peer-to-peer encounters as a component of clinical training. ... care, clinical compliance, malpractice coverage, proper handling of incident reports/claims, and correct instrument flow.
B. Scope
This Policy applies to all Adams School of Dentistry (ASOD) DDS
Adams School of Dentistry: Controlled Substances Policy for Students and Residents
Procedures for identifying and addressing issues associated with Controlled Substances or other Impairments for Students and Residents of Adams School of Dentistry. ... Unit Policy
Adams School of Dentistry: Controlled Substances Policy for Students and Residents
Our purpose is to identify and address problems associated
Adams School of Dentistry: Policy on Evaluating DDS Student Performance
Unit Policy
Adams School of Dentistry: Policy on Evaluating DDS Student Performance
Each DDS student's academic and patient care performance must be reviewed throughout the
Adams School of Dentistry: Policy on Opioid Prescribing for Acute Pain
of harm. The UNC Adams School of Dentistry believes that a fundamental component of good dental practice includes the appropriate evaluation and management of pain. ... Title
Adams School of Dentistry: Policy on Opioid Prescribing for Acute Pain
Unit Policy
I. Introduction
The misuse and abuse of opioid pain relievers has reached epidemic
Adams School of Dentistry: Extended Leave of Absence Policy-DDS
The purpose of this Policy is to set establish how leaves of absence by DDS students will be managed. ... leave-of-absence ... Unit Policy
Adams School of Dentistry: Extended Leave of Absence Policy-DDS
I. Extended Leave of Absence
A. Definition
An Extended Leave of Absence refers to any absence
Adams School of Dentistry: Policy and Procedure Following Death of Personnel
This document outlines expectations for UNC Adams School of Dentistry officials when handling the passing of a student, resident, staff, or faculty member. ... Title
Adams School of Dentistry: Policy and Procedure Following Death of Personnel
I. Introduction
A. Purpose
This document outlines expectations for UNC-Chapel Hill Adams School of
Adams School of Dentistry: Policy and Procedure on Public Information Displays
The purpose of this document is to set forth a consistent and aesthetic means of communicating to visitors the locations, dates, and times of special events, continuing education courses, etc. ... events, continuing education courses, etc.
B. Scope
This Policy applies to all UNC Adams School of Dentistry departments, units, and personnel, as well as visitors from external departments and
Adams School of Dentistry: Policy on Nondiscrimination in Health Programs and Activities
This Policy establishes the UNC Adams School of Dentistry’s commitment to non-discrimination in the delivery of patient care in accordance with Section 1557 of the Patient Protection and Affordable ... Title
Adams School of Dentistry: Policy on Nondiscrimination in Health Programs and Activities
I. Introduction
A. Purpose
This Policy establishes the UNC Adams School of Dentistry’s
Adams School of Dentistry: Policy on Design and Sale of Items for Fundraising
The purpose of this Policy is to establish expectations for students when designing and selling merchandise to raise funds for extracurricular activities. This Policy applies to all Adams School of Dentistry students and residents. ... Title
Adams School of Dentistry: Policy on Design and Sale of Items for Fundraising
Unit Policy
The purpose of this policy is to establish the expectations for
Adams School of Dentistry: Policy on Timely Signing of Clinical Assessment Forms
This document describes the Adams School of Dentistry's policy on timely signature of Assessment of Clinical Experience (ACE) forms by attendings. ... Introduction
The UNC-Chapel Hill Adams School of Dentistry ("ASOD") must ensure that learner clinical experiences are assessed and documented in a timely manner. The goal of the
Adams School of Dentistry: Infection Control Manual - Chapter 15: Resources
Chapter 15 of the Adams School of Dentistry's (ASOD) Infection Control Manual lists additional resources about infection control. ... Infection Control in Dental Health-Care Settings. MMWR 2003; 52(No. RR-17).
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Summary of Infection Prevention Practices in Dental Settings: Basic Expectations for
Adams School of Dentistry: Basic Life Support (BLS) Certification Policy
Policy provides guidance and requirements for maintaining a BLS/CPR certification. UNC Adams School of Dentistry (ASOD) personnel that are involved in professional contact with patients, clients ... Title
Adams School of Dentistry: Basic Life Support (BLS) Certification Policy
UNC Adams School of Dentistry (ASOD) personnel that are involved in professional
Adams School of Dentistry: Policy on Use of Recorded Lectures and Copyrighted Materials
Adams School of Dentistry Students and Residents (referred to collectively as "Students" for purposes of this Policy). ... Title
Adams School of Dentistry: Policy on Use of Recorded Lectures and Copyrighted Materials
Unit Policy
I. Introduction
A. Purpose
The purpose of this Policy is to outline
Adams School of Dentistry: Infection Control Manual - Chapter 01: Introduction
Chapter 1 of the Adams School of Dentistry's Infection Control Manual explains the manual's purpose, to whom the manual applies, definitions of key terms, general policy provisions, and responsibilities of employees and students to perform safe and ethical care. ... . Aseptic techniques and procedures must be practiced and performed for every patient encounter.
Adams School of Dentistry (ASOD) is committed to providing a safe and healthy learning
Adams School of Dentistry: DDS ACT Curriculum Grading System Policy
This document describes the grading structure of and standards for courses in the DDS program within the Advocate-Clinician-Thinker (ACT) curriculum. ... Unit Policy
Adams School of Dentistry: Policy on DDS ACT Curriculum Grading System
The UNC-Chapel Hill Adams School of Dentistry (ASOD) uses a Pass-Fail grading system