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1115 - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Policy on Leave Payout
1100---payroll-and-benefits ... Carolina at Chapel Hill employees who are terminating their positions.
All University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill employees receiving compensation through Payroll Services.
1123 - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Policy on Taxation of Employees’ Gifts, Prizes and Awards
Payroll Services to be included on the employee's Form W-2. Payroll Services records the taxable amount once received, so the recipient will generally see the amount on the subsequent paycheck
709.1 - Procedure for Completing Tax Withholding Forms as a Non-Resident Alien Performing Services in the United States
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Finance Procedure 709.1 - Procedure for Completing Tax Withholding Forms as a Nonresident Alien Performing Services in the United States
709 - Policy on Federal and State Tax Withholding Requirements for Payments to Non-Resident Aliens Performing Services in the United States
rate unless a tax exemption is claimed based on a U.S. tax treaty with the non-resident alien's country of residence. Guidance on forms and information necessary to claim treaty exemption is found in
1111 - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Policy on Student Employee FICA Exemption
1100---payroll-and-benefits ... compensation through Payroll Services.
Policy Statement
Under the Social Security Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA), as described by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the
Summer School Procedures Manual Chapter 04: Planning Calendar
nomination forms to departmental administrators and managers.
January 10
Administrators go to and "courses" to check their course descriptions for summer courses; any changes
1269 - Mobile Device Stipend Policy
department must submit a Remedy ticket with the new combo code or Chartfield string.
Related Data
Payroll Mobile Device Stipend Forms Deadlines - See Biweekly and Monthly Payroll deadlines
Additional Employment for SHRA Employees Procedure
Completes an Additional Employment Request Form for SHRA Employees (“Request Form”),
Submits the form to the Office of Human Resources (OHR) Employment & Staffing unit, and
Obtains required approvals
"All Risk” Coverage Exclusions - Computers and Miscellaneous Equipment
Computers and Miscellaneous Equipment Form - The State Property Insurance Fund will not pay for a loss which is due to the eleven exclusions listed on this form. ... campus-safety-and-risk-management-forms ... To share this form with stakeholders, copy and paste the link from the address bar at the top of your web browser. Do NOT link directly to the attachment.
Form Description
Computers and
Procedure for Paying Graduate Student Health Insurance Program (GSHIP) Insurance Premium
for the calendar months of August and September will be used to prorate the first premium.
Cost Allocation Process
The cost allocation process will use data from the GradStar System and the HR/Payroll
Policy on Social Security Number Changes
) for official University purposes.
Individual demographic data (e.g., name, SSN) is a critical component for multiple University processes including but not limited to payroll, IT systems access
Summer School Procedures Manual Chapter 09: Teaching and Graduate Assistants
payroll actions can be approved. The same forms are required under these circumstances as for any other visiting appointment.
An international graduate student who completes a terminal degree in May
405.1 - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Procedure on Adding and Withdrawing Endowment Funds
to be withdrawn.
An Account Adjustment Request Form to move withdrawn amount to the appropriate accounts(s).
Forms and Instructions
Finance Form 209.1.1f - Account Adjustment Request Form
UNC Police: General Order 02-02R8 - General Management
UNC-CH Police Department Annual Security and Fire Safety Report
UNC-CH Police Department Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) Reports
UNC-CH Police Department Monthly Crime Analysis
Departmental Recognition Policy
SHRA monetary awards may be submitted only using the ConnectCarolina Lump Sum Payment form. If the awarded employee is on payroll outside of awarding department, the awarding department